The most of the missions were conducted on that "Secretly We're still the French"-area:…

First game of the series beaten; time to move to second-one one day with @OpenXcom too!
It is a true modern Xcom-game with smart streamlining.…
I have no played through the 2012-iteration of "Xcom Enemy Unknown / Within".
In addition to previous things I've said, I can freely say it simply got worse the further I got into the game...
Back to the "Terror From The Deep"-run!
This time right into the "Throat / Cucumber of the Sea", which you non-Finns are familiar under name "Kvarken"

Also there is no "mutual surprise" with doors,
I.E. operating doors and lifts / elevators can trigger reaction / overwatch-shot.
In "Xenonauts" that is.
The current version of OpenXcom is 2019 January 30th 0421.
One new majour feature I noticed is the "line of sight block"-indicator which flashes the objects that are blocking the shots on line-of-sight.
But in addition I am wanting to to do rest of the run on live.
I'd still post screenshots with flavour-text in journal-style like so far I've done.
But I'd say video showing me save-scumming adds some flavour.