Your brain can hold at four chunks in working memory. Five if you’re lucky.
The brain didn’t evolve for Information Age. Four wont cut it anymore.
Our minds become fractured simply by existing in the West.
But unless you live in a monastery, I don’t think that’s possible anymore.
A to-do list is a representation of your intuition.
Much like how a piece of paper lets you solve a math problem or explore an idea.
They put down a desire and hope to achieve it.
No, no.
You sit down and think about why you want that. You clarify that task. You take a minute or three and think about the most physical next step.
Mindfulness accomplishes the same thing.
It’s a mindfulness system that makes your intentions explicit.
Why do you think it’s so popular now? Especially in Silicon Valley?
People are torn by all these competing interests in their life, especially the ambitious types.
Meditation offers a respite.
You should have a plan because:
1. Brain didn’t evolve to handle all this information. Anxiety happens as a result of unresolved tasks.
2. Meditation isn’t enough to rewrite the biological layer that feels anxiety for competing desires.
It helps but you still need a plan.
Mindfulness is step 1.
“Why am I doing this?”
Good luck rebelling against evolution.
At best you’ll be able to do it for like an hour a day, unless you got some kind of brain abnormality.
Then congratulations. You’re the Buddha now.