Refers to S.R. Bommai case where despite finality of the satisfaction of President to proclaim an emergency or President rule...
Similar reference to Kihoto Hollohan case where final is distinguished as beyond appeal..but not beyond review.
Refers to Rajarampal v Speaker judgment.
CJI discussing something with DYC J and Sikri J.
Refers to "other purposes" in the objects of the Act.
DYC J asks if the entire Act goes or only whether those provisions that could not have been a money bill will have to be struck down.
Cites how in Australian constitution, there is a severability provision which is absent here in india. DYC J is not so sure.
PC says this is primarily a UIDAI creation Bill and in its entirety cannot be a money bill.
PC concludes. Has made an impact.
He says the Act violates 14, 21 and Privacy. He says he will address the Bench on whether Union has discharged the burden of reasonableness. Also says he will address how S 59 is not a validation clause.
He will now elaborate on Section 59.
KVV says how the entire Act was drafted before Puttaswamy and therefore there was no attempt at balancing privacy interests.