Reading from page numbered 261 in…
CJI cautions A-G that this does not apply in this case as it is narrowly deals with offenders. A-G says he wants to read the portion relating to retention of DNA. CJI allows him to continue reading.

Sikri J laughingly says Bank frauds has got nothing to do with this.
A-G responds by citing benamis multiple identity based frauds
Sikri J says inequality is increasing. No question of India having bridging inequalities.
Some debate on Trickle down economics (A-G refers to Gurucharan Das) and Sikri J referring to Prof Amartya Sen
How far can the state cast a net?
A-G responds taking the example of Kashmir and says they shutdown internet to ensure stone throwers don't communicate with each other and assemble.
Pls follow @SFLCin for the second half proceedings. @gautambhatia88 and myself are unable to be here for the second half.