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May 21st 2023
1. @JoeBiden's comment about how #Russia should be concerned about the #F16s, is spot-on and consistent with my view that, when #Ukraine controls its skies the Russia forces will forced to withdraw. I report on the #Syrian war to defeat #ISIS. With US air power, light militia
2. forces were able to defeat a force of over 70,000 crazed ISIS terrorists. #SDF are brave, disciplined and willing to fight but until they had US air support they were unable to gain traction and had their backs against the wall in #Kobane.
3. I closely observed the way they were able to advance and that informs me on how the battle in Ukraine will change. First, the trench war will be over. Any Russian trench complex will become an easy target for massive US JDAMS that Russian forces won't survive. When Ukraine
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May 4th 2022
(1/6) In the new RDG organisation, The Black Horse Squadron will be the #AntiTank squadron.

The clue is in the name, but how will they be equipped, trained and employed? Read on…

@TheIronFist @3rdUKDivision @BritishArmy @RoyalArmdCorps
#Future #Soldier
(2/6) The Black Horse Squadron's main weapon will be the FGM 148 #Javelin - you've probably heard of it.

With optical and #thermal sights, It can lock onto and destroy #tanks up to 4km away, either in direct or ‘Top Attack’ mode.

(Read on)

@armySWS1 @LockheedMartin
(3/6) They will also have the NLAW and LASM for closer quarters or in complex terrain.

With a range of 20-800m, NLAW can also #target the sides or top of enemy #tanks.

LASM is an unguided rocket, effective against lightly armoured vehicles or structures up to 200m.

(Read on)
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May 2nd 2022
(1/6) Question: As we reduce from 4 to 3 Sabre (#fighting) Squadrons as directed by the 2021 Integrated Review, how should we best organise them in an #Armoured #Cavalry Regiment?

Answer: We need a radical change. (read on)
@3rdUKDivision @TheIronFist @DefenceHQ #Future #Soldier
(2/6) Question: In an evolving battlefield with cheap, ubiquitous #Drones, camera systems and real-time satellite imagery, does the traditional UK doctrine of '#Recce by #stealth' still have value?

Answer: Yes, but we need to be more prepared to fight for information. (read on)
(3/6) Question: What does an Armoured Cavalry #Battlegroup need to reconnoitre ahead of the Brigade Combat Team against a modern foe?

Answer: Mission depending, it'll need Amoured Recce, #Armour, #Infantry, Anti-Tk, and a variety of #surveillance and other capabilities (read on)
Read 6 tweets
Jan 6th 2019
06/01/2019 - 78 years ago today, the longest-serving #UnitedStates #President, #Franklin D. #Roosevelt (#FDR) addressed the 77th #Congress with his "#Four #Freedoms" speech with the intent to shift #US #foreign #policy from that of #neutrality to #interventionist.
#FDR promoted the idea that the people of the world, in all nations, shared entitlement to four freedoms: that of the freedom of speech and expression, the freedom of worship, the freedom from want and the freedom from fear.
#FDR is arguably one of the most 'successful' #US Presidents. Some would argue that on the basis of his numerous social policies such as 'the New Deal'. Others, however, would argue that his role during the second world war was more prevalent to his success & everlasting legacy.
Read 39 tweets

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