michaelran.eth Profile picture
I hodl BTC/DOGE/XLM, and no longer collect JPGs. former CTO of @trlab_, engineer at @stellarorg and @facebook.
Aug 28, 2022 8 tweets 5 min read
With #x2y2 reducing royalty to 0%, what shall we do to support the #NFT creators? Well, blacklisting a specific platform/exchange doesn't seems like a scalable solution, which could be easily overturned. Thus, developer of #Azuki introduced a purely centralized solution, it... 2/ It basically says: "force the #NFT to be listed on @opensea only, and forbid all other exchanges". What an irony! If this is what #Web3 looks like in the future, I would rather go and work in Burger King (as you can tell from my pfp).
Aug 26, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
#BAYC floor pump to 75Eth today. Is the liquidation risk on @BendDAO mitigated? Short answer: Yes, at least until Sep 6th.

Today, the most "risky" Ape is at 1.15 health factor, which is pretty healthy. The floor would have to dip below 70E for it to be liquidated. However, with the new changes on @BendDAO, threshold would change to 80% on Sep 6th. What does it mean? My calculation as such:

On Sep 6th, if floor price of #BAYC stays strong at 75Eth, nothing will happen!

If floor drops to 73Eth, Ape #7819, #7473, #8435 and #9667 will be...
Aug 24, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
1/ When China talks about Metaverse, it's VR Glasses, it's Wearable hardware, and Virtual Gaming etc. But when US talks about Metaverse, it's decentralization, DID/privacy, and data sovereignty, transparency, and traceability. This discrepancy clearly shows the different path... 2/ different paths that US/China took in terms of #Web3. We must understand this macro-level trend, because this difference affects every Web3 entrepreneur. Here's my hold prediction of what the #Metaverse looks like in 10 years: China continues to be world factory, building...
Aug 23, 2022 14 tweets 6 min read
1/ 关于 #BendDAO 清算,我们到底该不该恐慌?网上各种蹭流量的自媒体声音并不统一,所以我花了一点时间整理了我的想法。先说结论:最大的风险就是未来的24小时 #BAYC 能够挺过难关。过了明天,风险化解的一大半。之后的8月30日又会有新的危机。以下详述: 2/ 截止今天,#BendDAO 只接受7款蓝筹JPG的抵押借贷,分别是:#bayc#punk#mayc#doodles#spacedoodle#clonex 以及 #azuki。项目已经跑了4个月了。本以为,Azuki价格腰斩只是个例,没想到流动性枯竭,现在谁也跑不了。