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Ever thought of your NFTs becoming mini financial hubs? It’s now possible.

Since the launch of EIP-6551 (aka Token Bound Accounts), every #Ethereum-based #NFT in existence, from #CryptoKitties to #BoredApes, can now act as a wallet.

A Breakdown thread🧵 on EIP-6551 👇

These NFT-owned wallets can now own other assets like:


🔸ERC-20 tokens like USDT

🔸ERC-721 tokens

🔸ERC-1155 tokens, aka semi fungible tokens.

This means that if you own a Bored Ape, you can now have that Bored Ape own a Moonbird, Azuki, all in a single wallet.

Or, you can create an inception of wallets within #NFTs and have your #BAYC own your #MAYC and your #MAYC own your #CryptoPunk and your Punk own your $ETH

Read 21 tweets
#Blend 是“Blur Lending”的简称,#Blur 旗下的借贷平台。由白皮书可知,该协议主打“无需预言机、无期限、可清算、支持任意抵押品(包括 #NFT)的点对点借贷”,用户可以将手中的NFT抵押换取加密货币,也可以低首付(BNPL)购买NFT。目前只支持三个系列: #Cryptopunks#Azuki#MiladiesImageImage
对于贷款人来说,在创建贷款报价时需要确定两件事:贷款量(“我想借出多少 ETH?”)和 APY 利率(“我想获得多少利率?”)。所有贷款都是无限期的,因此无需设置到期时间。
贷款人可以随时收回借出款项,借款人有 30 小时的时间直接偿还,或接受新贷款偿还第一笔贷款。如果借款人既不偿还贷款也不接受再融资,贷款人将在 30 小时期限结束后收到 #NFT,即便它的价值远高于贷款金额。当贷方触发再融资拍卖并且没有人愿意以任何利率接管债务时,NFT 可能会被清算。
Read 15 tweets

Series 10: Real Builder in Winter | @JPEGd_69 – Tham Vọng Quá Lớn Liệu Có Thành Công?

Thread bao gồm:
1⃣ Tổng quan về #JPEG'd
2⃣ Hành trình & Thành tựu đầu tiên
3⃣ Vì sao JPEG'd khiến mình ấn tượng

Retweet để ủng hộ @HakResearch nhen mọi người ơi! Image

1⃣ Tổng quan về #JPEG'd

🧙‍♂️ Định nghĩa về @JPEGd_69

JPEG'd là một nền tảng CDP là viết tắt của Collateralized Debt Position tương tự như Maker DAO đã quá nổi tiếng với DAI trên Ethereum, tương tự vậy JPEG'd chấp nhận các tài sản thế chấp là những bộ

sưu tập NFT Blue-chip như #CryptoPunks, #EtherRocks, #BAYC, #MAYC, #Doodles, #Azuki, Pudgy Penguins, CloneX hay Autoglyphs để phát hành ra #pUSD (stablecoin) hoặc #pETH.

Có thể hiểu rằng pUSD và pETH sẽ là trọng tâm trong việc phát triển của JPEG'd bao gồm xây
Read 40 tweets

「 你不知道的Azuki数据揭秘 」

@Azuki 作为顶级蓝筹备受瞩目和喜爱,这期带你用静态数据了解不为人知的秘密:

- 整体数据统计
- Chiru Labs赚了多少钱
- 哪些名人持有
- 谁在Azuki里赚最多
- 销售最贵的有哪些
- 谁是Azuki最牛倒爷
- 真正的大户都是谁

#SlaytheNumbers #Azuki #ikz

🧵 Image


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- @opensea / 497K
- @nftgoio / 518K
- @NFTTrack / 565K


- ETH / 500K * 5% = 25k
- USD / 25K * 1900 = 4.75m


Read 10 tweets
BAYC 🖕 140E, nay 80E
BAKC 🖕 11E, nay 11E
MAYC 🖕 38E, nay 19E
Azuki 🖕 29E, nay 15E
#Beanz 🖕 6E (úp bô), nay 2E
Punks 🖕 120E, nay 66E
CloneX 🖕 20E, nay 6E
Doodles 🖕 21E, nay 7E
Pudgy 🖕 3E, nay 6E
Moonbirds 🖕 29E, nay 8E
Goblin 🖕 7E (úp bô), nay 0.8E
Mfers 🖕 3E, nay 1.5E
1. Lúc nó lập đỉnh thì ETH cũng lập đỉnh, nghĩa là nếu ai đu đồng nghĩa với việc lỗ cả giá ETH lẫn số lượng ETH.
2. Có 2 con úp bô thẳng 1 con rất xấu là #GoblinTown và 1 con rất cute là #Beanz. Cả 2 ông thần này đều chia 10. #Beanz là con của #Azuki mùa NFTfest vừa rồi vẫn làm cộng đồng tốt nên đã phục hồi hơn x3 từ đáy.
Read 4 tweets
Tương lai của NFT sẽ là PBT?

Vậy PBT là gì mà xôn xao đến thế? Xin mời anh em cùng AANC tìm hiểu trong threads này nhé!🧵

#NFT #Azuki #PBC #ProofOfSkate
1/ @ChiruLabs, đội ngũ đằng sau BST NFT Azuki đang tiến hành phát triển một chuẩn token mới (dựa trên ERC-721) được bảo trợ bởi chính những items vật lí ngoài đời thực gọi là Physical Backed Token - PBT
2/ Vì sao PBT lại cần thiết cho thị trường NFT như vậy?
Read 16 tweets
各种Mint了上千个归零小图片 #NFT 后,终于学会了自以为正确的姿势,最近重仓的几个 #NFT 图片都进入了相对稳定的增长曲线,新一代蓝筹应该能抓住一两个吧,就算没成为蓝筹,增长倍数也足够了。总结一下目前采用的几个 #NFT Alpha评估指标(别问我下面谈的指标哪里找DYOR)
1/#NFT Holders % vs Unique #PFP %:很多人只关注 Holders%,感觉这个比率越低项目方控盘越强不敢进入,从而丧失机会。优质项目应该是在前期由一批有影响力的人共同推动市场,所以Holder%和Unique #pfp %的相对比例更重要,尤其是大 #KOL 中的Unique #PFP %,这时可以同时参考Top Whale Followers
2/蓝筹指数(BC Index):新的 #NFT 持有者中持有蓝筹 #NFT 的% ,这个指标包括了一批蓝筹NFT,如 #BAYC #Azuki #CloneX 等,但我最看中的还是同时持有 #BAYC 的数量,因为 #无聊猿 的持有者更趋于长期钻石手且资金实力和影响力都最大。而其他所谓的蓝筹如 #doodles 还面临很多问题可能会跌出蓝筹
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With #x2y2 reducing royalty to 0%, what shall we do to support the #NFT creators? Well, blacklisting a specific platform/exchange doesn't seems like a scalable solution, which could be easily overturned. Thus, developer of #Azuki introduced a purely centralized solution, it...
2/ It basically says: "force the #NFT to be listed on @opensea only, and forbid all other exchanges". What an irony! If this is what #Web3 looks like in the future, I would rather go and work in Burger King (as you can tell from my pfp).
3/ I have been a #Bitcoin Maxi for almost my entire career, not because it makes me richer, but because it's fair. I hate authorities that censor content, forbid free speech, or rank people based on their birth. But sadly I've seen more and more centralizations in #Web3 nowadays,
Read 8 tweets
1/ 关于 #BendDAO 清算,我们到底该不该恐慌?网上各种蹭流量的自媒体声音并不统一,所以我花了一点时间整理了我的想法。先说结论:最大的风险就是未来的24小时 #BAYC 能够挺过难关。过了明天,风险化解的一大半。之后的8月30日又会有新的危机。以下详述:
2/ 截止今天,#BendDAO 只接受7款蓝筹JPG的抵押借贷,分别是:#bayc#punk#mayc#doodles#spacedoodle#clonex 以及 #azuki。项目已经跑了4个月了。本以为,Azuki价格腰斩只是个例,没想到流动性枯竭,现在谁也跑不了。
3/ 如果NFT资不抵债,极有可能造成类似 #Luna/#UST 的连环清算。然而目前看来,BendDAO的运行依然是健康的。根据目前的清算规则,出价必须高于地板价的95%,以及必须足够偿还全部债务。平台发不承担资金风险。
Read 14 tweets
It's time #Metabillionaire added a new #NFT project to our holders' marketplace (

The #NFTcommunity with:
- Most votes gets swept 🧹
- Most comments will have next week's secondary royalties go into sweeping

#kaijukingz #HAPE #IKZ #Azuki #moonbirds
Check Discord ( for more details regarding our August #sweeping contest 😉
Read 3 tweets
[#THREAD] Vos NFTs peuvent-ils disparaître ?

Spoiler : OUI

Mais pourquoi et comment ? 🧵

#Web3 #Solidity #NFT #Crypto #ETH #Ethereum #JavaScript

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> Prélude

Rassurez-vous, le token en lui-même ne peut pas disparaître, il est ancré sur la blockchain (Vous pouvez vous le faire scam/voler mais ce n'est pas le sujet). ouf...


Si vous pensez que votre #JPEG lié à votre token est immuable... Là c'est parfois moins vrai.

Imaginez qu'un matin vous arriviez pour contempler votre beau #BAYC sur #OpenSea et là...

96 #ETH pour un carré noir !

Est-ce possible ? Comment ?


3/22 Image
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L'offre de collections #NFTs est en constante augmentation, alors que la demande a drastiquement diminué depuis le pic de 2021 qui a entraîné un afflux de projets médiocres sur le marché.

Analyse de la situation 👇 Image
1/18 L'indice NFT-500 de @nansen_ai suit l'action globale des prix du marché #NFT.

Le marché haussier🚀s'est terminé en février. En mars, le marché s'est redressé📈avec le lancement du $APE et du #Metaverse #OthersideMeta par le @BoredApeYC

Le marché NFT s'est depuis calmé.🦥 Image
2/18 L'intérêt des recherches Google pour les NFT se situe à environ 30 % du pic de janvier.

La baisse 📉 de l'intérêt pour les NFT indique souvent une baisse de la demande des acheteurs et donc moins d'argent entrant sur le marché. 💸 Image
Read 19 tweets
1) Last night I released a #Moonbirds at 19e (in at 31.9e); then took 6 #goblins without hesitation. I am still fully optimistic about Moonbird's long-term value, but today I want to share how this historical-level ghost project #goblintownnft makes me feel.
by @Wilsonchen1101 Image
2) The first time I saw #Goblin (5/22) at 11th place in the OS trading volume, after 5 seconds, I said "Fuck what? What a shit", I closed it because it was ugly! Ugly enough not to take a look at its #Twitter and official website.
3) Later, I heard from various channels, nothing more than unbelievable #ugliness and unbelievable #floor #growth... Yesterday I saw many ppl tweeting "Goblin language", I realized, I almost missed a #bluechip with most potential. I started to seriously study the gob project
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@BTCdayu's analysis of #GoblinTown #nfts #nft.

1) "On the Blue Chip Temperament of @goblintownwtf
Only with correct theory can we make investment against market consensus...
Using my theory, let's talk about why #Goblins are expected to become blue-chip, even surpassing BAYC.
2) To become a top blue chip, the right time and place are indispensable, and the most important thing is the right time.
The weather mainly refers to the timing. The same thing has different fates at different times. I don’t want to think about it sooner or later...
2) Goblin Appearance Background:
One is that yuga played FOMO to the extreme, and people fell into confusion and exhaustion after chasing wildly; Second, countless local dogs and garbage projects sold out at high prices and ran away.
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Azuki Scam? How The Price Of This Blue Chip NFT Project Tanked Overnight

1. What is Azuki?
2. What Went Wrong
3. Is Azuki Still a Blue-Chip?

@AzukiOfficial #Azuki #NFT #NFTCommunity
1. What is Azuki?
The brainchild of @zagabond.eth, Azuki is a 10k PFP collection created under @chirulabs. Touted as the “Supreme” of the Metaverse, It promised to build a strong, decentralized brand, owned by its community.
It promised holders a stake in the “Garden”, their own metaverse, and future developments.

More recently, they released their second collection, a subset of Azuki. Known as “Beanz”, they are a 20K NFT collection that pairs with Azukis.
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The @AzukiOfficial License inexplicably contains NO Mandatory Arbitration clause and selects pro-consumer CALIFORNIA as Governing Law 😱.

#Azuki Holders should therefore file a Consumer Fraud Class Action against @ChiruLabs to recover their losses immediately.

Here's why 👇🧵 Image
@AzukiOfficial @ChiruLabs Before diving into how the @AzukiOfficial License leaves @ChiruLabs & @ZAGABOND ruinously exposed to #Azuki Holders for potentially untold $$ liability under multiple CA fraud statutes, lets first define each of the capitalized terms above so we're all on the same page.
@AzukiOfficial @ChiruLabs @ZAGABOND (🚨 Oh, and btw, this is NOT legal advice—and I'm not a litigator so I can't/won't represent you—it’s merely a hope that some CA trial lawyers read this 🧵 and consider representing the #Azuki Holders as a Class, the importance of which I explain for all below).
Read 78 tweets
Thought on @AzukiOfficial: I’m one of the unlucky one that who bought back Azuki a few hours before the floor crashed & Zagabond-gate. Did some research on his previous projects and decided to take L & sold my Azuki.
Someone took a screenshot of my listing and made fun of me papering my Azuki, that’s just showing that so many toxic people in the NFT space. Don’t forget who are the victims here, it’s the people who believed in Azuki & Zagabond. If you minted your Azuki then you are fine.
But let’s don’t forget that there are Azuki holders that who bought at 20, 25, 30eth+. We all know NFT is very high risk and Azuki could goes to 0eth tomorrow. If you are the people that who pointed your finger and laughed at ex-Azuki holders paperhanding then shame on you.
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What to do with #azuki...I missed the Azuki pump, now Beanz has dipped to 5ETH..should I fomo in? I really want to, but time and time again, I see projects dip post reveal. Some great projects like Azuki didn't dip much, but floor price also didn't pump immediately. To ape in now
...will expose me to more downside risk than upside. It's all about expectation management, ppl have v high hopes for the Beanz reveal and I worry that IF the art didn't meet the expectation, floor is going to tank. It's like a company can have great earnings
...for this quarter, but the street's expectation is even higher, then shares will tank post earnings announcement. So I will just wait on the side lines and hold on to my ETH. So many great drops are coming in April, even if u missed this one, there will always be
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I like overthinking and this could be a very long shot but I enjoyed having this chain of thoughts about the Azuki dirt drop 🧵 👇🏼
I think the longer game here is that they dropped the dirt 1st, next Adzuki bean seeds will be be dropped & then you’ll be asked to burn(bury) the seeds in the dirt & then something will grow out of that
An azuki plant? Another Azuki pfp creature? Who knows.
Because the name Azuki comes from Adzuki beans & dropping dirt as their airdrop points towards “harvesting”.
Read 5 tweets
🧵 Time for some $APE-alytics! Lots of chatter about what #BAYC holders are buying with their airdrop. The data shows that since March 16, OG apes have mostly bought #BAKC, #MAYC, #Meebits, #Doodles, #CrypToadz, and #CloneX (in that order). Mutant owners bought BAKC & BAYC 💸... Image
People asked me to add a bunch of collections in my last post... so here's the update! #WorldOfWomen loves #VeeFriends. #CapsuleHouse loves #CrypToadz. #AlienFrens loves #Deadfellaz #CryptoMories #CoolmanUniverse, #Azuki loves #CloneX, #mfers loves #CrypToadz 🖤... Image
This is based on wallets only, so it's just directionally correct because many people have multiple wallets (use hardware, folks 💾). Also, not symmetric because different collection sizes and people own more than 1 in a given collection...
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🧵How to value #NFTs:

There is no right way of valuing NFTs, but hopefully this can act as a guide for people who are looking to enter the NFT space, for both for Fun & Profit, as NFT are generally less straightforward as #DeFi, where #cashflow & #TVL can be a good proxy.
Rule of thumb:
Similar to how you value a #DeFi token based on Future #cashflow, one can gauge the Value of the #NFT via the utility & future potential #airdrop/cashflow it can bring.
It's a better gauge than simply "Oh the Art is good."
Ofc, the Art itself, can be a proxy to the team's attention to detail. Usually, effort put in by the Team, is inversely proportionate to #rug risk

(Not to mention, the Art itself can also be something of value)@takashipom
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1/ Yoga Labs手下已经持有BYAC、MAYC、BAKC、CryptoPunks、Meebits等诸多NFT蓝筹。Token发行计划又进一步刺激了BAYC等NFT价格的上涨。Opensea 7日交易前五中,Yoga Labs占据四个;Opensea 7日交易前十中,Yoga Labs占据五个,可谓是占据了蓝筹的半壁江山。
2/Yoga Labs以一己之力带动OS牛市回归。也有人称之为Yoga Labs的牛市,其他NFT项目还处在熊市。尤其是地板价在10E左右的NFT项目被吸血,资金进入Yoga布局的“核心蓝筹”。如何看待这种情况?Yoga是否已经形成了NFT项目的中心?其他项目该如何发展?
3/其实,和加密货币一样,NFT的共识也会像某几个核心指标聚集。通过名人、叙事、资本运作和社区推动等,某些NFT会占据圈内绝大多数人员的心智,这些NFT会成为“核心NFT”。就算不是Yoga Labs,也会有其他的项目方,来打造“核心NFT”。
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A thread on why @AzukiZen is the NFT project I personally have the highest conviction in.

The Azuki Team have positioned themselves as the skaters of the Internet.

Even though I’m not a skater but being a 90s kid that culture has definitely had a big impact on me.
What does the Skater Culture embody ?

• Creativity
• Freedom
• Risk
• Persistance

These four main points perfectly define the Skater Culture and #Azuki
• Creativity:

Creativity is extremely valued in the skater community. From the early days of homemade boards to the later stages of extreme tricks and various skating venues. Skaters were always looking to improve and push the boundaries.
Read 11 tweets
gm! Glad to be a part of @Kaejunni + @seerlight's world, and I can't wait for the Capsule House hatchening on 31 Jan!

Heres a thread on more about whats coming up in the Capsuleverse, and an organised view of the Variants for ease of shopping!


#nft #pfp #anime #azuki
Capsule House is a high quality 10k gachapon-inspired generative project, with the combined artistic talent of @seerlight and @Kaejunni!

The team aims to build the Capsuleverse IP into a global brand 🌏


#nft #pfp #anime
Whos @Kaejunni and @seerlight? Check out their portfolios and you'll realise what a bargain Capsule House is.

@itsoksami is the dev wiz and hopefully the music producer for future drops. @nimgrindin for community mgmt, and Chandl3r of Hills Artists for marketing.


#nft #pfp
Read 7 tweets

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