Shift Action for Pension Wealth and Planet Health Profile picture
Working to protect pensions & the climate by bringing together beneficiaries & their pension funds to engage on the climate crisis. Project of @makewaytogether.
Jan 8, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
1/ Weeks after the world agreed to transition away from #fossilfuels at COP28, @aimcoinvests CEO Evan Siddall said that he thinks that a “no-hydrocarbon world” is a “dreamland” and insisted that AIMCo would continue investing in oil & gas. #cdnpoli #ableg… 2/ Mr. Siddall also suggested that AIMCo and other pension funds would consider buying a stake in the #TransMountain Expansion pipeline, which is designed to transport 890,000 bpd of diluted bitumen for export from Canada’s west coast for 50+ years. #cdnpoli #ableg #bcpoli #TMX
Jan 19, 2023 16 tweets 16 min read
1/ As Canada grapples with its ongoing legacy of violently dispossessing Indigenous peoples of their lands & waters to make way for resource extraction, our public pension funds have a clear role to play in the process of reconciliation. #cdnpoli #UNDRIP… 2/ But only a handful of pensions have taken steps to develop an Indigenous rights & reconciliation framework in their investment processes. This is particularly troubling for pension managers that are Crown corporations in jurisdictions that have enacted #UNDRIP in law. #cdnpoli
Jan 18, 2023 27 tweets 27 min read
1/ NEW REPORT: Our first ever Canadian Pension Climate Report Card reveals Canada’s major pension funds are not on track to protect pensions from the worsening #climatecrisis or to align their portfolios with a safe climate future. #cdnpoli

A 🧵. Read on! 2/ Canada's pensions must do much more to develop and implement credible Paris-aligned climate action plans, fulfill their fiduciary duty to invest in members’ best long-term interests, and protect retirement security in a world that limits global heating to 1.5°C. #cdnpoli
Jan 17, 2023 5 tweets 5 min read
1/ Calgary-based NuVista Energy is reporting record oil and gas production and allocating $450 million in capital expenditure to further increase production in 2023. #ableg #cdnpoli… 2/ This clearly violates IEA and IPCC emissions pathways for limiting global temperature increase to 1.5C, which require oil and gas production to immediately and rapidly decline. #fossilfuels #climatecrisis…
Jan 16, 2023 7 tweets 6 min read
1/ Fisheries and Oceans Canada is investigating #CoastalGasLink after Wet’suwet’en chiefs captured video footage of the pipeline company violating environmental regulations on sensitive salmon-spawning rivers on their unceded territory. #cdnpoli #bcpoli… 2/ “It was alarming,” said Tsebasa, a Likhts’amisyu clan chief. “It’s just really hard to process. I was really quite disturbed by the complete disregard for the salmon, the water, the people — our rights as Wet’suwet’en people.” #cdnpoli #bcpoli…