Ali Zeck Profile picture
Narcissistic Systems in Society/Cult Disruptor•Trauma Survivor •Misdiagnosed/Abused by Psychiatry•Drug Free•Sober•Suicide Attempt Survivor•Transform your Mind
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Apr 3, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Here are some of the lies they’re trying to normalize so they can socially reengineer society & destroy humanity: ⁣

Openly worship Satan but call it “art,” freedom & liberation, when it’s really worshipping Satan & you participate in the ritual when you don’t call it out. Normalize pedophilia & call people who sexually molest children M.A.P.S. (Minor Attracted Persons) to remove the stigma & show predators compassion. ⁣

Oversexualize young girls by giving them porn star Hollywood celebrities to follow who only know how to lead with sexuality.
Apr 2, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Don’t ever shame a victim of #trauma & abuse for telling their story. There are layers of stuff they’ve buried deep within that need to come out into the light of truth so they realize they didn’t cause it & they didn’t deserve it either. When you shame them it keeps them stuck. A cycle of #abuse involves shame, confusion & control. We must tell our stories to break the shame, learn to validate ourselves to break the confusion & take back control of our minds, our bodies & our lives. We must learn to detach from the shame meant to keep us silent.
Mar 31, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The last three years has shown more than anything how a man’s mind can be easily manipulated when he hasn’t yet learned to master his emotions. They used fear as the biggest mind virus out there & many are still in that state, separated from God & from critical thinking. The biggest weapon people behind this agenda use is by getting the unaware to react with emotions, because when you are emotional you aren’t able to use logic or critical thinking & fear was the mind virus they spread. To persevere you must immunize yourself against fear.
Mar 2, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
First they lied & told us it all started w/bat soup & then demanded we rearrange our lives around that lie. Now they want to tell us the “truth” is it came from a lab. The problem is the first lie should tell you how they operate & we should question whatever “truth” they push. Based on the first lie, we were told to isolate ourselves, let our loved ones die alone, mask our faces & take an experimental medical procedure w/ no liabiiity for harm it may cause. But now, they want us to forget that lie & attach to the next narrative they’re throwing out.
Feb 19, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
If you don’t think toxic, dark clouds over a chemical spill are normal, it’s because they aren’t.

If you don’t think men breastfeeding is normal. It’s because it isn’t.

If you don’t think adults talking to children about sexuality is normal, it’s because it isn’t. If you don’t think the President sending billions of our tax money to a war in Ukraine while our infrastructure & citizens suffer or giving more benefits to people who enter the country illegally is fair it’s because it isn’t.
Nov 23, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Normalize talking about the abuse & the #Trauma you’ve experienced. If it’s easy for you to say someone was nice to you, it should be just as easy for you to say someone abused you & treated you badly. The toxic shame is not yours to carry. If we’re only as sick as the secrets we keep, then survivors of #abuse need to know it’s not our job to hold the secrets & shame of what our abusers did to us. It’s our job to heal, & if talking about the abuse helps, then we have the right to scream it from the rooftops.
Nov 21, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
There are millions of us who realize #BigPharma tricked us into thinking we had “mental illness” & a “chemical imbalance” & when we became more ill from the drugs our Rockefeller indoctrinated doctors gaslighted & abandoned us….just like they’re doing w/people who took the shot. It is the worst of human depravity as a professional to take someone who trusted you & when they follow your guidance & become ill to deny their symptoms, suffering & turn your back on them, simply b/c your ego won’t let you consider other variables than what you were taught.
Nov 20, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
They may try & tout the #NewWorldOrder as the decentralization of power but it really takes power away from individuals & gives it to corporations that play along w/an agenda for human control through systems like Digital ID, vaxx passports, & #climatechange initiatives. Remember the slogan of Klaus Schwab, “You will own nothing & be happy, “ which translates into you will also have no rights—they will be decided for you by governments. Owning a home, a car, & other assets, your food, water & healthcare choices will all be decided by them.
Nov 19, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
One of the most laughable things I’ve realized is people hosting Race for the Cure runs for #breastcancer but serving sugar laden donuts & cookies after. If they really want to help w/ cancer they should promote a lifestyle of zero sugar & fasting instead….but that’s not fun. Another one is #Alzheimer fundraisers, again w/ alcoholic drinks & sugary food at the events, which totally contribute to dementia & poor brain cognition. But people want a photo dump of them “working” for a cause even if their efforts contradict good health. They need a party.
Nov 17, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
When you detach from the ways of this world & commit yourself to following the word of God, there is a space you enter where your faith becomes insurmountable. The world around you may be on fire, but you are at peace, b/c you know ALL things work for good for those who follow. You can SEE the chaos & destruction but you KNOW this is all illusions, meant to separate you from God & your peace. You can OBSERVE it but you no longer ABSORB it, for you know there is a higher power directing it all. This all starts from within & a commitment to follow God.
Oct 14, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
We are at war.

But it’s not the type of war w/bombs going off & the dead laying on a battlefield w/the moans of the dying in the air.

We are at war inside our minds & w/ one another as darkness has broken down the walls of morality & logic that follow what is true & of God. Families are at war. The nuclear family is dying, succumbing to pleasure, addictions & short term fantasies over commitment, loyalty & leaving a legacy of honor for their descendants. Divorce, adultery, lust & disharmony run rampant, scarring future generations to do the same.
Sep 4, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
In this spiritual war the goal is to divide the mind of the individual, divide families, cause ultimate confusion & harness your energy for their evil doings. Fear & shame are the biggest fuel they seek & if they can keep you in a low level vibration they’ll have their way w/you. Because when human souls stay down in the levels of fear & shame, they’re very malleable, & this oppression keeps them separated from what God created them to be. They can be led around like children looking for a home, for belonging & evil can capitalize on this.
Aug 19, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Our system is collapsing & as it does even the most hardened truthers may reach for a rescuer still believing they will save us. They are still running the program of a savior on earth through Kanye, Trump, Elon & Alex Jones, & have yet to face the reality that no one is coming. We are on our own. Is God here? Yes. But that still doesn’t mean this won’t be painful b/c pain means growth & growth means evolution. We have to stop seeking a phantom savior & go directly to God & do our own internal work. Accept this will be hard. Expect it to be difficult.
Aug 18, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
People ask me how I’ve healed myself from physical & emotional abuse inside of my marriage & the best advice I can give someone is to tell you there is a dynamic of toxic relationships that began in your childhood & in order to heal, you must heal that original wound first. Until we heal we are attracted to not what is healthy, but what feels familiar & will subconsciously pull in a partner to replay the role we had as a child with one or both parents, seeking to fix it. We’ve been set up to seek out past remnants to eventually heal them.
Aug 18, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
It’s apparent to many now that there are two differing realities going on—one where people live in their reptilian, survival brains, seeking comfort over truth, running on their impulses & desires & moving farther away from what God created them to be in this lifetime. They have succumbed to the ways of man & of the earth & are like zombies, robotically seeking out pleasure & doing whatever they can to avoid pain. They try to turn sexual degeneracy, lust, power & greed into virtues & foam at the mouth worshipping celebrities & their lifestyles.
Aug 18, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
One of the ways you know someone’s been brainwashed by their government is pointing out that government’s current abuse against innocent people & the person rebuts with: ⁣

“Oh the government would never do that to people!” ⁣

Au contraire—they would & we have the evidence. MK Ultra was a classified government experiment done on unsuspecting homeless people, prisoners & refugees. W/out informed consent these people were given large amounts of LSD that induced psychosis, amnesia & death in many patients. Government denied its existence for decades.
Aug 17, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
One of the most powerful tricks a psychopath pulls on their victims is disconnecting them from their intuition. You will be shamed,ridiculed & excommunicated from their cult if you question anything they’re doing b/c you fear wrath & losing relationships w/ others in the group. Over time, the target learns to shut their mouth, stay silent & eventually denies the reality in front of them & will go into their abuser’s false reality in order to survive. Now, they are disconnected from their intuition & are now under the delusional spell of their abuser.
Aug 16, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
To point out evil agendas in some groups such as Conservatives but then deny there are conspirators in other groups like the Liberals is delusional, naive & the kind of denial evil needs to divide/conquer.

Evil doesn’t care what side you’re on. It just needs your cooperation. It doesn’t matter your race, gender, creed, class, age or abilities, if you’re not part of their club you are considered a slave, a tool & a number to be used for their advantage. We are all slaves fighting over the scraps they throw to us & they keep us at odds w/ each other.
Jul 30, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
Psychiatric drugs are tools used to drive mental instability & psychosis into people & the phrase “chemical imbalance” is a ploy used to make you think something is wrong w/ you. As someone who attempted suicide while on them & now off of them 6 years, I can attest they are evil. While on them I was in a constant state of anxiety, panic & paranoia & end stage hallucinating, had severe akathasia & attempted suicide b/c my brain felt like it was on fire & killing myself was the only way to make it stop. I was gaslighted by all my doctors & therapists who…
Jul 30, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Your government is nothing more than a cult that has brainwashed & programmed us all since birth to participate in it & is NOT what we have been led to believe it is. It is an instrument evil people in power use to manipulate & control us & is being used to cull the population. The deadly drug crisis upon us now isn’t from a bottle of pills, it’s from people sniffing hopium, thinking their government will “do the right thing” & people who consume the deadly pill of denial & refuse to see the reality right in front of them.

These will get you killed.
Jul 29, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
The world may appear to be a total sh*t show, but this is where we as individuals can continue to do our own inner & spiritual work to overcome the evil upon us. They want us to be suspended in a frozen, paralyzed state of confusion & helplessness & I’m not going out like that. There’s a point where you can conquer the cognitive dissonance causing you suffering by consciously choosing to stay out of denial & in reality about what’s happening in the world now.

If you’re “suffering,” you haven’t fully accepted reality & need to do some more inner work.