How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App, close attention needs to be paid to the methodology. This is not something that can be set up in any old lab (certainly not yet anyway) and samples need to be carefully processed by people who know what they are doing 2/ was filmed just over a year ago (Jasmin from 3 mins), she has since started High School full time and had no time off. understand why some people have a multi-system reactions. session using a modified Wim Hof breathing method before going for a dip - Wim Hof is designed for health and can be a bit much for longhaulers, so Jane has changed it to slower breaths and reduced breath holds. Ladhani claims survey data is ‘unscientific’, how else does one collect data on a large scale about symptoms where little other research currently exists? He is an author on the CLoCK study which based on survey data. Is that therefore unscientific? 2/