Carla Hustedt Profile picture
Neo-generalist. Intersectional feminist. Technology optimist & critic. Director "Centre for Digital Society" @MercatorDE Co-Chair @EuropeanAIFund She/her
Jun 21, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Happy Birthday @coronawarnapp! 🥳
3 Dinge, die in ihrem ersten Jahr sehr deutlich wurden: 1. Wenn Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft, Politik und Zivilgesellschaft wirklich zusammenarbeiten, lohnt es sich. Denn: Es gibt Möglichkeiten, wie Datenschutz und Innovation (in diesem Fall auch Gesundheitsschutz) zusammengedacht werden können. Wir müssen sie nur finden.
May 29, 2020 6 tweets 6 min read
@MiaD A6: We must ensure that appropriate oversight, accountability mechanisms for the introduction of digital tools are in place & that we have an open debate about trade-offs that need to be made. This is particularly important in moments of crisis. (1/5) #AIEthics #TwitterChat @MiaD In order to allow oversight, identify security vulnerabilities early on and create trust, #OpenSource must be a leading principle! Germany has just recently made its Corona warn app architecture public on Github. Hopefully this will set a standard! (2/5) #AIEthics #TwitterChat
May 29, 2020 4 tweets 4 min read
@MiaD A5: Technology is always about power! Who's interests are given consideration in the development? What/who is perceived as the norm? These questions determine whether AI will reinforce existing power structures or help us fight inequalities. (1/4) #AIEthics #TwitterChat @MiaD The crisis exposes and amplifies inequalities. At the beginning, people were saying "everybody is the same in front of the virus". It is pretty clear by now that that's not true! (2/4) #AIEthics #TwitterChat
May 29, 2020 6 tweets 6 min read
@MiaD A4: The dichotomy between privacy and patient protection is a false one! The goal should be to achieve better public health by making data privacy a leading principle on the development of technical responses to #Covid_19 (1/5) #HearTheGermanTalking #GDPR
#AIEthics #TwitterChat @MiaD The use of tracking tools must always be voluntary. Therefore, to succeed, contact tracing programs require that people trust the technology and the institutions building them. #Privacybydesign is needed to build this trust. (2/5)
#AIEthics #TwitterChat
May 29, 2020 5 tweets 5 min read
@MiaD @CummingsRenee A3: Facial recognition is also being used to diagnose genetic, medical conditions, and to identify and monitor patients for safety reasons. I.e. elderly patients trying to leave care facilities. All these applications rely on highly sensitive data (1/5) #AIEthics #TwitterChat @MiaD @CummingsRenee We now witness the use of facial recognition by governments to identify people who may have violated quarantine orders. It might in fact help mitigate the pandemic but it can also produce anti-democratic, discriminatory structures on a broad scale. (2/5)
#AIEthics #TwitterChat
May 29, 2020 5 tweets 6 min read
@MiaD @CummingsRenee A2: #AI, like all technologies, is never per se good or bad. Besides many opportunities, it also bears the risk of reproducing and amplifying structural bias and discrimination and easing mass surveillance. (1/5) #AIEthics #TwitterChat @MiaD @CummingsRenee The #COVID19 pandemic requires us to make some new tough tradeoffs - the difficult but crucially important part is a democratic debate on which concessions are acceptable and necessary. (2/5) #AIEthics #TwitterChat
May 29, 2020 5 tweets 8 min read
@MiaD @CummingsRenee A1: Like @CummingsRenee said, countries around the globe are developing a wide array of digital tools to combat #COVID__19. I'd like to start by categorizing the different approaches as a basis for our discussion: (1/5)
#AIEthics #Twitterchat @MiaD @CummingsRenee Digital technologies are used to...
1) better understand #COVID__19 and speed up the development of medical treatments and immunization
2) track the (global) spread of the virus (i.e. the German Corona Data Donation App by @rki_de)
#AIEthics #TwitterChat