HASH CIB is a crypto-native venture capital and asset management firm looking for outstanding projects in the Web 3.0 space
Aug 14, 2019 • 10 tweets • 6 min read
1/Acc. to @DoveyWan, who has a good prior track record of CT #China insights, and @PandaofBinance the recent #BTC dump could be attributed to a Chinese Ponzi scheme #PlusToken selling tens of 000s of BTC:
1/Last week's №1news was not the >10kBTC breakout or #Facebook's #Libra announcement, but release of the #FATF(Financial Action Task Force) Guidance on Virtual Assets(VAs) and Virtual Asset Service Providers(VASPs, anyone professionally dealing with crypto, inc. natural persons)
2/Libra and FATF news represent the "old", centralised world's most powerful-yet attempts at fencing the global crypto phenomenon. One year US Presidency in FATF ending Jun30, effectively helped extend the recent FinCen crypto guidance (bit.ly/2LeQTus) globally
May 6, 2019 • 11 tweets • 7 min read
1/Given the recent news around #tether and #bitfinex, we wondered whether the more professional BTC investors would become more cautious - presumably inclined to take the @NewYorkStateAG action as no ordinary #FUD the retail crypto is so used to brushing off. Not really, it seems
2/In the wake of #Fidelity or #TDAmeritrade offering trading and storing of bitcoin, #CME futures is still the biggest market for US institutions to get exposure to #bitcoin price action.Commitment of Traders reports by #CFTC reflect trader positions by end of business on Tuesday