We are dedicated to honest and reliable reporting on #IranProtests and #Iran's regime's #HumanRights violations.
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Jan 14, 2020 • 15 tweets • 14 min read
Jan. 14 Tehran #Iran #BREAKING
Tehran University students chant, "People have not died for us to praise and compromise with the murderous Leader," addressing @Khamenei_ir.
@khamenei_ir Jan. 14 Tehran #Iran
Tehran University students chant, "We will die to take Iran back."
Jan 6, 2020 • 19 tweets • 12 min read
#Iran's Soleimani’s funeral: The hallmark of a theocratic propaganda machine
Taking sheer numbers for legitimacy is an insult to the people of Iran who bravely took part in #IranProtests &lost 1000s of their loved ones. irannewswire.org/soleimanis-fun…1. According to #Iran's state-run media, millions of #Iranians attended the funeral of the regime’s top military commander in Tehran. They published pics of Soleimani’s funeral, saying sheer numbers proved ppl supported the regime and its chief terrorist.
The frozen body of 14yr old border porter Farhard Khosravi was found today in the W province of Kurdistan #Iran. Farhad was forced to carry heavy loads on his back to make a meager living. The regime spends billions on its proxies while #Iranians live in poverty.
Large crowds gathered today in Marivan, W #Iran for Farhard Khosravi's funeral procession chanting, "martyrs don't die". They blame the #Iran regime for the 14yr old death's, forced to carry heavy loads on his back in freezing weather to make a meager living. #IranProtests
Nov 11, 2019 • 15 tweets • 11 min read
A 29 year old poet, Hassan Heidari, died yesterday under suspicious circumstances in a hospital in the SW city of Ahvaz. Locals believe he was poisoned by the #Iran regime. Following his death, hundreds gathered in Ahvaz to demand answers. #IranProtests
29 year old Arab-Iranian poet, Hassan Heidari, killed under suspicious circumstances yesterday in the SW city of Ahvaz, reciting one of his poems. Locals say he was killed by the regime. #IranProtests
Sep 19, 2019 • 5 tweets • 4 min read
1- Angry #HEPCO worker demands 2know why security forces beat protesting workers. Says workers don't have enough $ to eat and are hungry and their fate has been thrown around between various authorities. #IranProtests
He demands to know why authorities refuse to pay attention to their plight. He blames incompetent authorities & their silence. "Enough silence!" Says he'd rather go to Evin Prison then live a miserable life where he's ashamed in front of his family without his paycheck.
Aug 2, 2019 • 19 tweets • 5 min read
Read our latest piece on what Zarif’s designation means for #Iran irannewswire.org/what-zarifs-de…
Zarif’s designation was the most recent in a long list of sanctions in the US’s “maximum pressure” campaign.
According to Rouhani, the US started the campaign after the nationwide 2018 protests in almost all of Iran’s provinces.
Jun 14, 2019 • 13 tweets • 5 min read
The #Iranian regime's recent attacks in sabotaging oil tanker, the attack on Saudi oil facilities, and rocket launches aimed at the US embassy in Iraq are the desperate acts of a regime on its final legs. irannewswire.org/why-irans-cler…
Why #Iran’s clerical regime is on the verge of collapse? 12 points: 1) 10 million outraged unemployed Iranians irannewswire.org/irans-empty-ta…
Jun 5, 2019 • 6 tweets • 6 min read
The #Iranian regime has wreaked environmental devastation, causing irreparable damage as a result of years of mismanagement and pillaging. #WorldEnvironmentDay irannewswire.org/islamic-republ… …
The main reason behind #Iran’s devastating, lethal flash floods is 40 years of environmental mismanagement and government led deforestation.
Following the severe floods in 25 provinces, the people of Gomishan ,Golestan Province, N Iran, have been told to evacuation the city.
The worst-hit provinces include those on the shores of Caspian Sea, the skirts of D Zagros mountain range, central & S Iran #IRANFLOOD March 26
The flood waters raging Shiraz ,SW #Iran, for the second day.
At least 120 people have been reported dead as a result of flash floods pouring into the city, 25 March.
Mar 25, 2019 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
#Iran March 25- Khordamabad
Floods occur in the west provinces/The government doesn't/can't take any preventive action. #40YearsOfFailure#Iran, March 25
An unprecedented flood in Lorestan porvince , W Iran
Transit road blocked in Khorramabad city.
The condition of the roads in western provinces is dangerous.
This flood moves towards Khuzestan in the SW.
Mar 17, 2019 • 8 tweets • 5 min read
The 21st of March, which is the first day of spring, will mark a new year for Iranians. #Iran’s impoverished Nowruz irannewswire.org/irans-impoveri…
The Persian New Year, is a time of celebration, when #Iranians go out to buy new shoes and clothes. They also buy everything from nuts to sweets & fruits for their Haft-sin tables and guests. They do some serious spring cleaning and prepare their homes for visiting family members
Mar 13, 2019 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
Less than a week into Raisi's designation as #Iran's Chief Justice, human rights activist Nasrin Sotudeh is sentenced to 38 years of prison and lashes, 23 dervishes are sentenced to hefty prison terms and lashes, while a jailed American citizen is charged with unknown crimes.
The Women’s rights activist and human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh was sentenced to 38 years of prison and 148 lashes.
Khamenei’s infamous new Chief Justice heralds fresh repression campaign irannewswire.org/khameneis-infa…1) Raisi has served in several positions in Iran’s judicial system,Attorney General from 2014 to 2016,Deputy Chief Justice from 2004 to 2014. He was also Prosecutor and Deputy Prosecutor of Tehran in the 1980s and 1990s.
Feb 26, 2019 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
“Front man of corrupt religious mafia” Zarif, resigns irannewswire.org/7010-2/
The US’s robust policy against Iran has taken its toll on Iran’s failed foreign policy as Zarif’s only “achievement” during his 5 year tenure was the JCPOA which has turned into a corpse thanks to the Trump administration.
Feb 21, 2019 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
Thread: #Iran's navy says it will hold an annual drill in the strategic Strait of Hormuz as pressure mounts on the country months after the US re-imposed sanctions on Iran, targeting its vital oil sector. washingtonpost.com/world/middle_e…2) The strait is located at the mouth of the Persian Gulf and is crucial to global energy supplies, with about a third of all oil traded at sea passing through it.
Feb 21, 2019 • 7 tweets • 4 min read
Senior #Iranian cleric says Iranians are fat, should eat less meat amid meat crisis irannewswire.org/senior-iranian…
A senior #Iranian cleric and so called Shia marja said that Iranians were overweight and should eat less in comments that were seemingly made to overshadow the economic woes of ordinary Iranians.
Feb 2, 2019 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
Senior cleric: #Iranians can tolerate hunger but not failure of revolution irannewswire.org/senior-cleric-…
Ahmad Jannati:
“The people are willing to give their lives but not their religion,” he added speaking on behalf of the more than 80 million Iranians who have been disenchanted with the regime for years.
Jan 24, 2019 • 18 tweets • 14 min read
40 year legacy of the Islamic Republic of #Iran – Execution and death irannewswire.org/40-year-legacy…
Since grabbing power in 1979, the Islamic Republic of #Iran has executed, killed and tortured thousands of political dissidents and ordinary Iranians who dared challenge its rule.
Jan 17, 2019 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
The legacy of #Iran’s presidents since 1979 shows almost 40 years of bloodshed, suppression and corruption, which has left 80% of the population under the line of poverty.
40 year legacy of Iran’s presidents irannewswire.org/40-year-legacy…
40 year legacy of #Iran’s presidents
Each president came to power with a diverse slogan they believed appealed to the public, yet they all shared one goal; to keep the regime in power no matter what. After all,they had all sworn to & answered only to Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei.
Jan 15, 2019 • 9 tweets • 5 min read
The following is an overview of human rights violations in #Iran on Jan 14th, 2019 based on the information compiled & verified by Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA). 1) 5 border porters have been shot & 3 others injured by border patrol in #IIran.