Analyst on #MENA political-#military affairs. Student of Political Science. #HumanRights activist. Anti-#ISIS campaigner. Focus on #Syria #Iraq #Turkey
Oct 13, 2019 • 8 tweets • 17 min read
#BREAKING: #Turkey-backed #jihadists have reached Ain Issa, shot #Kurdish guards dead and released at least dozens of #ISIS terrorists from a detention camp.
#BREAKING: #Turkey is bombing Ain Issa while ISIS members are escaping from a detention camp, total chaos.
IMPORTANT: #Turkey is now bombing #Kurds in #Nusaybin (the Kurdish city in south-east Turkey that was bombed to rubble in 2015/16 by Turkey) as a false flag operation against #YPG/#SDF.
Civilians took pictures of the mortars hitting the city...