Mario Nicolais Profile picture
@ProjectLincoln General Counsel; Attorney; Inky-Thumbed Columnist @ColoradoSun; Defender of Constitutional Rights; Alleged “Human Scum"; American Outlaw
2 subscribers
Aug 30, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Nobody is above the law. That is foundational to the American system of government.

Trump violates the principle again and again.

He must be held accountable. @ProjectLincoln will always do that - will the #DOJ?

#TrumpIsAFelon /2 @ProjectLincoln knows that the shady deal between @realDonaldTrump and @RobertKennedyJr broke the law.

We cannot overlook that.
Aug 8, 2024 349 tweets >60 min read
🧵We should be a few minutes away from starting the Thurs 8/8 #TinaPetersTrial.

She is the MAGA County Clerk who allegedly engaged in a surreptitious plot to make unlawful copies of voter databases. You can watch live here:

/2 #TinaPeters did this with the help of Lauren Boebert's former campaign manager and Mike "My Pillow Guy" Lindell.

This is a huge trial and could set the tone for November election interference by county clerks.
Aug 5, 2024 60 tweets 7 min read
I'm a little late, but the #TinaPetersTrial is back on this morning.

She is a county clerk on trial for multiple felonies related to her role as an Election Denier working with Mike Lindell.

You can watch here:

/2 It is probably the most important pre-November trial in the country - even more than Trump's.

Election Deniers in public office as county clerks pose an existential threat to our democracy. The #TinaPetersTrial will be critical to keeping them in check.
Jun 16, 2022 13 tweets 10 min read
🧵Is Mike Pence really Theon Greyjoy in disguise?

Watching the #January6thCommitteeHearings focused on the pressure campaign against former VP @Mike_Pence and it occurred to me that he is effectively a real, live version of our maligned #GOT character.

#ReekPence /2 Both Pence and Theon start off as smug, punchable asshats, but nothing much more dangerous.

#ReekPence #January6thCommitteeHearings
Jun 15, 2022 27 tweets 11 min read
🧵on Colorado Primary Voting

I received my ballot in the mail a couple days ago and this thread will be an "unboxing" and explanation of voting in the primary for unaffiliated voters with sprinkles of how well our #VoteByMail systems work.

#copolitics #Vote /2 So we are all on the same page, Colorado has a universal vote by mail system.

That means a ballot is mailed out to every registered voter. They can return it in multiple ways:
- by mail
- drop it in a drop box
- drop it off at a polling place
Nov 2, 2020 11 tweets 8 min read
THREAD 1/ Late last week several prominent members of the Texas GOP filed a lawsuit to disenfranchise more than 127,000 voters in #HarrisCountyTX.

@ProjectLincoln filed an amicus last night opposing their attempts at #VoterSuppression

#DontBeDeterred #WeWillVote #Elections2020 2/ The #HarrisCountyTX Clerk added drive-thru polling places in June to provide safe, efficient voting options for voters in Houston.

After more than 127,000 Texans took advantage of that option, the plaintiffs want the practice declared illegal and the ballots thrown out.
Oct 8, 2020 14 tweets 10 min read
Yesterday I filed an amicus brief on behalf of @ProjectLincoln in the US District Court of Western Texas.

We argued that @GovAbbott's proclamation limiting counties to one ballot return drop-box both hinders voting and poses a risk to voters.

#BallotDropBox 2/ The proclamation equated to #VoterSuppression, particularly in counties with huge populations like Harris, Travis, and Fort Bend.

Oct 8, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
@realDonaldTrump won’t participate in the second debate - not because it is virtual, but because he is scared of @JoeBiden.

Sep 27, 2020 8 tweets 4 min read
States seeing a surge in #VoteByMail ballots during an election year MUST allow election officials to begin processing and counting before #ElectionDay.

Colorado has done this for multiple elections and it works.

@ProjectLincoln also sounded the alarm.… 2/ The bottleneck created by the signature and ballot verification process for #VoteByMail takes more time than traditional in-person voting because fewer resources are devoted to it.

Aug 28, 2020 6 tweets 4 min read
Yesterday as @realDonaldTrump dismissed the #COVID19 pandemic from the White House lawn, I made funeral arrangements for my wife's only brother.

He spent nearly a month on a ventilator which caused the underlying condition that led to his death.

#WeWillVote in honor of him. 2/ While my brother-in-law will not be counted among those who died from #COVID19, it certainly killed him.

He wouldn't have spent nearly two months in an ICU, dropped from 277 lbs entering the hospital to 155 lbs exiting, or required extensive rehabilitation.
Aug 20, 2020 37 tweets 13 min read
1/ #KeepKanyeOffTheBallot

I reviewed the #Wisconsin Elections Commission staff analysis and recommendation - to stop the #KanyeConJob and deny @kanyewest ballot access - for the @ProjectLincoln.… 2/ #KeepKanyeOffTheBallot

The commission will reviewing the #KanyeConJob today at 3:00 p.m. CT. It is a public meeting via Zoom that anyone can watch.

Here is the link:
Aug 19, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
BREAKING: The #Wisconsin Elections Commission has recommended that @kanyewest be left OFF the ballot. The decision was made primarily because his nomination papers were turned in late.

Remember, @ProjectLincoln made sure the #KanyeConJob got exposed. 2/ Wisconsin joins New Jersey and Illinois in giving the #KanyConJob the boot.
Aug 11, 2020 29 tweets 16 min read
1/ #KanyeConJob UPDATE

The attorneys for @kanyewest filed his response to the two challenges filed against him at the end of last week.

It is a treasure trove of jaw-dropping arguments.

Long thread coming ...… 2/ #KanyeConJob UPDATE

Let's start with the fact it claims the "Kany West campaign represents a uniting, inspiring and faith-based vision that is successfully motivating disenfranchised and previously unengaged voters to participate in the political process."
Aug 9, 2020 14 tweets 7 min read
1/ @ProjectLincoln don't miss this terrific deep dive by the @washingtonpost in the #KanyeConJob… 2/ It makes close connections between Republican operatives in multiple states and the #KanyeConJob taking place in them.
Aug 9, 2020 4 tweets 4 min read
Since a lot of you are new since @ProjectLincoln blasted out a column (THANK YOU FOR FOLLOWING!), I thought I'd share a few more columns y'all might like.

#Election2020 #November3rd #WeWillVote… Plus, if you read a few you'll be helping one of the truly great and innovative journalism projects in America today.

#Election2020 #November3rd #WeWillVote…
Aug 9, 2020 20 tweets 8 min read
1/ Currently, #Wisconin is at the forefront of the #KanyeConJob being perpetrated by #ConManDon and Trump's sycophants.

I'm an #ElectionLaw attorney, read the complaints on behalf of the @ProjectLincoln and here are my takeaways.

#Election2020… 2/ #KanyeConJob

... not only should Kanye be kept off the ballot, but law enforcement should investigate and prosecute several individuals involved in the effort.
Aug 2, 2020 10 tweets 8 min read
"Trump’s toothless threat to postpone the election underscores that he doesn't care about dragging Republicans down with him."

My column this week also includes a shout out to the @ProjectLincoln.

@madrid_mike @reedgalen @TheRickWilson @jwgop… My own personal favorite line:

"The only thing important to Trump is the lie he can tell himself – and a fair number of his synaptically-challenged supporters – on Nov. 4th."
Jul 29, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
1/ Came across this wonderful article about an all-time great Colorado athlete and someone I got to see in person back then.

I think everyone who saw him back then has a similar story ...… 2/ At the time, I was playing on one of the lower level teams and we went to see our varsity (Green Mountain!) play A-West because Halladay was pitching against us. He was just mowing down batters.
Jul 23, 2020 17 tweets 12 min read
1/ I missed this recent, crazed tweet by #DementedDonald, probably because he sent it at 3:41 a.m. MT and had committed several more atrocities before I woke up.

I thought @ProjectLincoln may be interested in a response to his lunatic assertions.

2/ I realized it might be fun to do something a little different than the typical #ConManDon-lies-someone-refutes-it-with-facts routine.

In honor of our #UnstableImbecile, I thought a #VoteByMail #CognitiveTest would be in order.
Jul 5, 2020 5 tweets 4 min read
Conservatives must be done with the #DunceState.

“Trump and QAnon “believers” have effectively pulled up stakes and relocated to their own black market. They peddle chintzy ideals and knockoff ideologies to those too lazy or weak to demand authenticity.”… @ProjectLincoln gets a big thumbs-up in this column for standing against the decline and fall of the conservative intellectual movement.

@NHJennifer @jwgop @TheRickWilson @reedgalen @madrid_mike @stuartpstevens @ZackCz @SarahMLenti @gtconway3d @RonSteslow @SteveSchmidtSES
Jun 14, 2020 7 tweets 4 min read
@ProjectLincoln @TheRickWilson @gtconway3d I think it’s time for another round of slogans!

I’ll start:

Donald Trump 2020: #OnlyHisPollsFallFaster Could also be ...

Trump 2020: #SlippingDownToTheBottom