How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App I've read all of these documents (below) and NONE OF THEM contain an actual definition of "synodality": "invading a body [i.e., threatening physical harm], so it is lawful to resist him invading souls or disturbing a state, and much more if he [the Pope] should endeavor to destroy the Church. I say, it is lawful to resist him, by not doing what he commands, ...""If you be the children of Abraham, do the works of Abraham" (John 8:39) — namely, believe in Jesus, the promised Messiah. Himself makes this principle of retributive justice quite clear in Genesis, something He *requires* (not suggests) for upholding the dignity of man: "Whosoever shall shed man's blood, his blood shall be shed: for man was made to the image of God." (Gen. 9:6) CM's position on Pope Francis, Voris says: "Unlike other outfits...we have never said he's not the real pope, or he's a heretic, or Benedict is still the secret real pope, or the conclave to elect Bergoglio was rigged." @cardinalrlburke @Patrick_Coffin @TaylorRMarshall @EWTN @NCRegister @EdwardPentin @SophiaInsPress 1a) With all due respect, you're making a mountain out of a molehill re: @cardinalrlburke's replies to @Patrick_Coffin's questions. Nowhere did +Burke state that we (the faithful) should hold in doubt the validity of @Pontifex's election. Furthermore, the peaceful and ...