MD. PhD. Assistant Professor @ETH Zurich. Previously @Stanford CS.
Apr 12, 2023 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
📢 New piece published today in @Nature!
It was a pleasure to work with such a stellar team including Oishi Banerjee, @ZahraShakerii, @hmkyale, @jure, @EricTopol, and @pranavrajpurkar!
@Stanford @Harvard @Yale @UofT @scrippsresearch
💡We envision a new paradigm for medical AI, which we refer to as generalist medical AI (or GMAI).
We define a model to be GMAI if it:
1) has flexible multi-modality 🩻💬💉 (the ability to interpret combinations of modalities like text, images, EHR, lab results, ..)
It can't play "Set", a card game that is trivial to solve with a 10-line python program.
--> it can explain the game, can abstract it, write a program to solve it, but can't actually *play* it.
Check the full convo in the chat below:
First, I asked about the game (great intro if you don't know the game).
Dec 29, 2022 • 10 tweets • 8 min read
2022 was wild for medical #AI and esp. medical foundation models (FMs).
This 🧵lists some of the standout papers from this year about this topic. Let's go!
(1/9) #medtwitter#AIinMedicine#medicalAI@NatureMedicine
First, some excellent reviews explaining some key preliminaries of FMs:
🔍 self-supervised learning:
a paradigm that allows for the training of AI models w/o explicit and costly labels (huge for medical applications).…
May 29, 2021 • 13 tweets • 9 min read
If you want to predict clinical phenotypes using #MachineLearning, check out our systematic review on ML-based #sepsis prediction. A THREAD with take-aways that could be relevant to #AI in #healthcare in general. (--> = hints for practitioner) 1/n Motivation: why should we even care about #sepsis? For decades clinicians have a) struggled to detect it in its early stages where organ damage is still reversible and b) failed to find a robust and early biomarker for sepsis. 2/n