Discussing the international legal issues facing the New Libya
Nov 15, 2021 • 38 tweets • 67 min read
Intl community has a plan and #Libya has another plan...
Natl Election Commission announces peaceful closure of electoral centres due to candidacy of #Saif#Gaddafi and #KhalifaHaftar in Zawiya Gharyan Khoms Zliten
“The Rwanda intervention is the most symbolic of the more than 50 FRENCH MILITARY INTERVENTIONS IN AFRICA”…#French forces are still involved in Africa…"
@UN Now daily flights to #Jordan but #KhalifaHaftar’s charters P4-BAA (4850C3) and P4-RMA (4850BE) spent 7-11th of March 2019 in Jordan *BEFORE* #Haftar’s 4 April coup on #Tripoli.
@UN@IntlCrimCourt@trbrtc#Haftar normalizing relations with Israel has been slated since #KhalifaHaftar’s Falcon 900 charter (P4-RMA) flew OVER & INTO (with all that this implies) Israeli airspace on 4/4/18.