How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App @TheLancet declining to publish an open letter from HCW calling for a ceasefire will destroy someone’s career and livelihood before they even think about becoming introspective or take any responsibility for their bias and racism.’m going to keep reposting this thread on a conversation I was invited to host. value my time greatly, as I’m sure everyone does. read in between cases. I did Q-banks whenever I could. In my 3rd yr, I started stopping by a coffee shop for 30mins-1 hr to study before going home. And when I made it home, it was family time. Unless I was on home call and had to answer pages, time @ home was for family. this publication is about posting bikini pictures among other things on SoMe, what doesn’t get published, yet has a huge impact, is the other ways medicine polices women’s attire.