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Jan 27 4 tweets 2 min read
#Comisia de la #Veneţia, organ consultativ al Consiliului Europei, a făcut public astăzi un #raport pe tema #anulării alegerilor prezidenţiale din #România de către Curtea Constituţională. (1/4) Image Comisia de la Veneţia consideră că puterea curţilor constituţionale de a #invalida alegerile din oficiu ar trebui #limitată la #circumstanţe #excepţionale şi #reglementată în mod clar, pentru a păstra încrederea alegătorilor în legitimitatea alegerilor. (2/4) Image
Jan 25 9 tweets 4 min read
Coiful de aur de la Coţofeneşti (sec. V-IV î. Hr.) şi 3 brăţări dacice din aur de la Sarmizegetusa Regia (a doua parte a sec. I î. Hr.), unele dintre cele mai importante #artefacte din #patrimoniul #naţional al României, au fost #furate. (1/9) Image Exponatele au fost furate din sediul Muzeului Drents din Assen, Olanda, unde se desfăşura expoziţia 'Dacia! Regatul aurului şi argintului', a anunţat @cultura_ro.
#Spargerea a fost realizată prin utilizarea unui #exploziv pe singurul zid exterior al clădirii. (2/9) Image
Mar 11, 2023 4 tweets 4 min read
The Biden administration will provide $300 million to the Republic of #Moldova in #energy #assistance and share #intelligence with this country, which Russia is trying to destabilize, the White House has announced. (1/4) Image National security spokesman John Kirby told the media that, although it has not noticed any immediate #threat to the Republic of #Moldova, the USA believes Russia is trying to weaken this small country, to orchestrate an #insurrection and install a pro-Moscow government. (2/4) Image
Mar 10, 2023 4 tweets 4 min read
The #biodiversity of the #Danube #Delta is not affected by dredging works on the Bystroye Canal, and the water flow on the river Danube did not report any significant changes compared to statistics published in recent years, says Environment Minister @BarnaTanczos. (1/4) The statement came after the 1st measurements conducted by RO on the branch of Chilia&RO sections of the Danube. He said Ukrainian authorities must provide a written consent before the 3 RO ships can finalize depth measurements across the entire section of the Chilia branch (2/4)
Mar 10, 2023 5 tweets 5 min read
After his official visit to #Japan, president @KlausIohannis is paying a visit to #Singapore, where earlier today he held talks with his counterpart, Halimah Yacob. The president highlighted Romania's goal to step up bilateral relations with Singapore. (1/5) Image @KlausIohannis spoke of a set of common goals, such as inclusion policies, economic&social development. The officials examined the results of actions conducted with a view 2 promoting information society, cyber-security, education, gender equality, green transition. (2/5) Image
Mar 9, 2023 4 tweets 4 min read
The bills on #Education are being analyzed by the Bucharest Government, in order to establish the final form that will be submitted for #Parliament approval. The debates in Parliament, however, are very likely to get heated. (1/4) The Government believes that the new laws will help reduce #school #dropout, improve the country's #education system and help young people adapt to the labour market requirements. (2/4)