Rabbi Mike Profile picture
Hospital Chaplain; Author:”Let's Talk: A Rabbi Speaks to Christians” ; Teacher: https://t.co/j5fy30ZRHg - https://t.co/xD3b8kNTGG…
Chris Bugbee Profile picture Leslie Jaszczak (Eserafina@nerdculture.de) Profile picture Joshua Cypess Profile picture Mark Profile picture 4 subscribed
Aug 1, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Follow me for a day and you will see the same tiresome critiques of Jews and Judaism that have been crystalized into a series of repetitive tropes, that originate and date from the first four centuries of Christianity. #thread #threads A quick survey of the first four centuries of Christianity was, almost from the beginning, opposed to Jews and Judaism. It's difficult to find any extant Christian texts from the eastern Mediterranean, from Egypt to Syria to Asia Minor, that does not speak about the Jews.../2
Jul 28, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
I was recently asked the question as to whether it is possible to be a Christian without also being a supersessionist?
The answer I would give is "maybe, but it would be difficult."
The reason being is that supersesionism is baked into the foundational texts.../1 ...of Christianity itself. It calls itself the "new Israel" (thus making the Jews the "old" Israel). It calls Christians "fulfilled Jews," but accepting Jesus makes a person not a “fulfilled” or “completed” Jew but a Christian. It presupposes that Jesus is.../2
Jul 20, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
Guys. Seriously. Stop it.
A quick #thread in response to this absurdity.
Messiah - anglicized form of the Hebrew Mashiach, meaning “anointed one”
Anointment being a ritual for inaugurating figures ascending to divinely sanctioned positions, such as king, priest, or prophet./1 Ancient Judaism envisioned the Messiah as a restored human king in Jerusalem, likely descended from King David, preoccupied with the entire people (not individuals), and a strong leader who will vindicate God in demonstrating the political, military, and economic freedom.../2
Jul 20, 2023 30 tweets 6 min read
Commented on this obscenely incorrect tweet and then realized there was far more to say. So why not join me tonight with a #thread about how the portrayal of Pharisees in the Gospel accounts were not only skewed, but ahistorical in nature, and for an agenda: #Threads Image So to put it simply, no, the Pharisees, in real life, were not any of these things. The Gospel authors, (the evangelists) who wrote 40-100 years after Jesus' encounter with that particular sect, are not a firm historical account by any means on this group of people. /2
Jun 28, 2023 26 tweets 10 min read
Okay folks, I realize that in past #threads regarding anti-LGBTQIA I have focused primarily on the clobber passages, but it seems that even with explicit proof within the Bible, some of our Christian friends still believe the sin of #Sodom was homosexuality.
Let's settle this./1 Let's start back in Genesis 14, where we read that the King of Sodom has engaged in a great battle in the Valley of Siddim. We get a little idea of Sodom when we see that it loses the battle, has all its possessions taken, and the Kings throw themselves into pits while.../2

Jun 26, 2023 21 tweets 5 min read
I am surprised by the fact that many in the comments had never considered this paradox, I guess that speaks to the strength of sheltering in religion. Nevertheless, here is that #thread I promised discussing this concept: https://t.co/wmqHZZtVaI
Long ago, I was sitting in my favorite coffee shop with a student, studying Torah, when I was asked a question. The question concerned a moment in Deuteronomy. Deuteronomy, as we know, is the last book of the Torah, and contains Moses’ final speeches to the Israelites.../2
Jun 19, 2023 34 tweets 7 min read
Since certain Christians have been attempting to give Martin Luther the "benefit of the doubt" regarding his historic antisemitism because of his "old age" or "senility", I thought maybe I'd do a little review of Martin Luther's views as a WHOLE. #Threads #thread Yes, Martin Luther (1483-1546 CE) was key player in the Reformation, but also as an antisemite from the start to the finish. This cannot and should not be skirted under the rug, forgotten because of his "ideas" or ignored to give him "the benefit of the doubt. /2
Jun 17, 2023 23 tweets 6 min read
There's been a lot of Pro-Life nonsense going on around the Bird app lately. I trust women, I trust science, and I am pro-choice 100%. BUT, for those who are on the fence in the religious world about #abortion, I thought I'd go over this for y'all as well. #Threads #thread When people ask me where our religion stands on abortion, what I’d like to respond with is that perhaps we shouldn’t be consulting an Iron Age document written for a specific people to help build 21st century laws in our nation. But alas, as a rabbi, I cannot.../1
Apr 23, 2023 19 tweets 5 min read
Look, there are LOTS of things we could say when it comes to knowing the NT as a very UNreliable "historical" source. But with the rise of tweets claiming it as a "reliable historical account" I thought I'd do a thread on my favorite easily seen PROOF against that claim. #thread Okay, like I said, plenty more examples out there, but this one is my favorite considering the context. In Mark's inserted "passover" paragraph is where we direct our attention. It helps us see that the early Christians (meaning 2nd century), saw the last supper as a.../2
Apr 23, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
A reminder that the first application of the word "sodomy" to male homosexual intercourse was Emperor Justinian Corpus Civilis (559 CE) which stated that Sodom's sin had been specifically same-sex activities and desire for them.
So, basically an Emperor just never read Ezekiel. I will be speaking on this in tomorrow evening's class:
Apr 5, 2023 32 tweets 11 min read
I was asked to do a thread on the Ten Commandments, not only those in the Torah, but how they have been misinterpreted by Christians (lately we've seen a rash of Christian Nationalists want their KJV version in schools, YUCK). So here we go! #threadstorytime There are THREE, count them, THREE decalogues featured in the Torah. Most only know about two, but time for y'all to know about the third because it's just as important, despite the others stealing the focus away!
Exodus 20:1-15
Exodus 34:1-28
Deuteronomy 5:1-18
Mar 31, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Another great question Erik. However, on this one, they are definitely NOT the same tree. Remember that the Genesis 2-3 narrative echos Enuma Elish, and therefore, the goal of the Divine Council (the "we" and "us") is to create servants in humanity.../1 ...However, they do NOT wish to allow humanity to be as powerful as they are. So, the Tree of Life is the representative of "immortality" to the gods, which humanity is allowed to have as long as they are controlled and in Eden. Once humanity eats of the other tree.../2
Mar 31, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
A wonderful question! Happy to answer via mini #thread. Join us to learn!
The short answer is, YES, you're right on track. But first, Which Bible are you using? I always recommend the Jewish Study Bible. Now, let's get into your great question /1 From a Biblical scholarship point of view, yes you are noticing things that are definitely noticeable! The Deuteronomic school of thought authored the book of D'varim (Deuteronomy) to stand ALONE, not in the canon. It went through the school's important events but.../2
Mar 29, 2023 33 tweets 7 min read
A timely and emotional thread on where Judaism stands on gun violence and gun control. While I was hesitant to publish this lesson immediately, I was reminded by many that if I had waited...another tragedy would have occurred most likely. So here we go: #thread #gunviolence As a rabbi, I’ve had the horrible privilege of writing and speaking about the countless mass shootings that have occurred in this country. I wrote after Sandy Hook, after Las Vegas, after Orlando. And here I am again, writing because somehow we have not moved an inch.../1
Mar 23, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
Official Statement by the Indiana Board of Rabbis Opposing SB480 and HB1608 #thread

The Indiana General Assembly is presently considering Senate Bill 480, which would make it illegal for physicians or other practitioner from: (1) knowingly providing gender transition…/1 Image …procedures to an individual who is younger than 18 years of age (minor); and (2) aiding or abetting another physician or practitioner in the provision of gender transition procedures to a minor. We, the undersigned members of The Indiana Board of Rabbis (IBOR) affirm…/2
Mar 17, 2023 17 tweets 6 min read
There was a request for me to do a #thread on the multiple facets of God in the Bible, dismissing the much later inventions that God is Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent. These are very new ideas (respectively), so let's get started. #threadstorytime #threadseries Because Genesis 2/3 is based on Enuma Elish, and contains the ideas of Near Eastern gods (see other threads about this), it makes sense that the god of Genesis 2/3 is not any of the three O's. Genesis 3 shows this well: /1
Mar 14, 2023 23 tweets 8 min read
Well, a lot of you have been asking about a David/Jonathan thread, about not how they were just lovers but married! @maklelan and @sohelpmejesseca were just talking about it too! Here it goes! #threadseries #thread So let's get the obvious stuff out of the way. David was bisexual, and he and Jonathan were lovers. The evidence in the text of this is strong. And while some may deny it, those are the same men who scream that Song of Songs is about Israel and God. So let's go through this./1
Mar 11, 2023 23 tweets 8 min read
Well friends, we've been seeing a lot of Christian nonsense about the David/Bat Sheva story and a few of you wonderful followers, especially @_nomadic_soul have been asking for a #thread on the matter, so how can I say no? Sit back, and enjoy this one. #threadsofthreads As a Jew, and biblical scholar, it is difficult to see how anyone could read this story as a David apologist, but apparently it's out there and I think it's important to understand the biblical author's intentions, and the commentator's reactions, and who they were. /1
Mar 3, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Quick lesson friends on debunking that Matthew was the "Most Jewish Gospel." While this is a popular Christian talking point, it is simply untrue. Christians believe this because of Matthew's use of Jewish genealogy, his repeated quoting of Jewish scripture.../1 ...and that Matthew’s Jesus firmly upholds and extends Jewish Law:
"Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets; I have come not to abolish them but to fulfill them."
HOWEVER, Luke also employs genealogy, Luke-Acts cites Jewish scripture even more extensively/2
Mar 3, 2023 31 tweets 8 min read
Happy Friday and Happy #thread Day!
You wanted to know about the meaning(s) behind Genesis 1? Well here it is! But buckle up because it's not what you think!
#ThreadsOfLight #threadstory #threads #THREADOFTHREADS The very first question we should be asking ourselves about Genesis 1 is not "is this true?" That's a Sunday School question, and we're at the adults table. The question is, "Who wrote it?" Genesis 1 is what scholars denote as a "P" Source, meaning the author(s).../1
Feb 28, 2023 28 tweets 9 min read
Okay folks, as requested, here is my #thread about ANGELS in Judaism and might even tap into the differences between Judaism's angels and those within Christianity (if I have time).
#threads #threadseries #judaism #Christianity So, before we even begin with angelic presence in the Torah and Tanakh, I think it's important to to note where angels are NOT present. Let's start with Genesis 1. While it is a popular idea that the "us" here refers to God and the angels, that is a much later idea imposed.../1