Rasha Abdul-Rahim 🇵🇸 (on maternity leave) Profile picture
Palestinian. Director @AmnestyTech. Tech, human rights, AI, surveillance, platform acc. Prev: arms control. Board @FairSqProjects. My views, RTs ≠ endorsements.
Apr 25, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
🧵 1/6 Our response to @elonmusk’s takeover of @Twitter: For years @Amnesty has tracked the disturbing persistence of hate speech on Twitter – especially violent and abusive speech against women and non-binary persons. 2/6 Our Toxic Twitter report from 2018 found that the platform failed to uphold its responsibility to protect women’s rights online, leading many women to silence or to censor themselves on the platform. We have since released a number of follow-up reports…
Apr 23, 2022 9 tweets 6 min read
🚨BIG news: after months of intense discussions & 16 hours of negotiations into the early morning, the #EU has reached a deal on the Digital Services Act! A landmark moment in the history of Internet regulation, promising greater accountability of Big Tech amnesty.org/en/latest/news… Big wins in the #DSA include:

- A ban on targeted ads to children. - A ban on profiling based on sensitive personal data.
- A ban on using deceptive online design interfaces (dark patterns).
- Independent yearly audits.
Jul 18, 2021 13 tweets 8 min read
🧵NSO's spyware has been used to facilitate human rights violations on a massive scale, acc. to a major investigation into 50k leaked phone numbers of potential surveillance targets, inc. politicians, activists, journalists, inc. Jamal Khashoggi’s family. amnesty.org/en/latest/news… The #PegasusProject is a collaboration by >80 journalists from 16 media organizations in 10 countries coordinated by @FbdnStories, a Paris-based media non-profit, with the technical support of @AmnestyTech, who conducted cutting-edge forensic tests on mobile phones.
May 19, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read

EXCITING announcement 🚨🔈 @AmnestyTech is setting up an Algorithmic Accountability Lab & we are hiring! The Lab will be a multidisciplinary team of data scientists, AI experts & human rights researchers will do cutting-edge research... ...into the use of algorithmic & automated decision making systems used to deliver welfare, education, healthcare, etc. The Lab is very much inspired by the incredible work of @PhilipGAlston, @cpjvanveen & others on the “digital welfare state”.
May 18, 2021 4 tweets 4 min read
🚨 The Palestinian people have declared a 48-hour general strike across the whole of historic Palestine starting today ✨This is a moment of unprecedented popular resistance, as Palestinians unite as one✌🏽 🇵🇸

Here’s how you can support - a thread 🧵

#GeneralStrike #Palestine Grab some friends & family and hold a local vigil, dabke circle, teach in or banner drop - be creative!

#GeneralStrike #Palestine #GazaUnderAttak
Jun 28, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
I've been reflecting for a while on my hesitation to share this @ukblm tweet. My family was forced from their homes in Palestine in 1948 and me and my displaced family are not allowed to return. My grandmother died in London, not Haifa where she was born. I regularly stop myself from speaking this truth for fear of baseless accusations, pile-ons & an intensification of harassment & delegitimization campaigns I have been subject to. I don't think people know how much we feel we have to self-censor when we want to speak our history.
Nov 21, 2019 11 tweets 6 min read
#THREAD: 🧵Check out @amnesty's new report which analyses the surveillance-based business model of @Google & @Facebook. We find that the biz model is incompatible with the right to privacy & threatens a range of other rights: amnesty.org/en/latest/news… But how does it work?🤔
👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽 Google & Facebook offer "free" services to billions of people. But instead of asking them to pay a fee💰 people pay for access to their services with their intimate personal information - their likes 👍🏽, dislikes 👎🏽, interests, fears, 🥺 etc.