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🚨 The Palestinian people have declared a 48-hour general strike across the whole of historic Palestine starting today ✨This is a moment of unprecedented popular resistance, as Palestinians unite as one✌🏽 🇵🇸

Here’s how you can support - a thread 🧵

#GeneralStrike #Palestine
Grab some friends & family and hold a local vigil, dabke circle, teach in or banner drop - be creative!

#GeneralStrike #Palestine #GazaUnderAttak
• Put up supportive posters/banners in your home or office windows

• If you’re in the UK haven’t already, email your local MP & demand action by the UK govt to stop Israel’s occupation & systematic discrimination against Palestinians

#GeneralStrike #Palestine #GazaUnderAttack
Read 4 tweets
या दोघांच नाव आहे अहमद आणि नना!
इस्त्राईल-पॅलेस्टाईन मध्ये जे युद्ध चालले आहे त्यात इस्त्राईल कडुन गाझा पट्टीवर मोठ्या प्रमाणात हवाई हल्ले केले गेले.
गाझामधील या दोघांचे घर पुर्णता उध्वस्त झाले असुन आपला आवडता 'मासा' आपण वाचवु शकलो याचे विलक्षण समाधान यांच्या चेहर्यावर झळकत आहे!!
माणसाची महत्त्वाकांक्षाच माणसाचा बळी घेण्यास कारणीभूत ठरते हे तेव्हढच जळजळीत वास्तव आहे पण त्या महत्वकांक्षेपोटी जे हजारो लाखो निष्पाप माणसं मारली जातात,त्यांचा सर्रास बळी घेतला जातो.अपरिमित नैसर्गिक,आर्थिक,भौतिक हानी होते.
शेवटी युद्धानंतर युद्धात गुंतलेले असे प्रदेश
शेकडो वर्षे मागे फेकले जातात.सत्तेच्या हव्यासापोटी प्रचंड नरसंहार कितपत योग्य???
काय साध्य होणार यातुन?त्यामुळे वैयक्तिक मला गांधीजींबद्दल भयंकर अप्रुप वाटत.गांधीजींच्या विचारसरणी शिवाय जगात शांतता नांदणे अशक्यप्राय आहे...
Read 5 tweets
Eigentlich halte mich mit Kritik an anderen Medien zurück, haben alle eigene Hausaufgaben. Diesmal geht das nicht.

Die #Bild-Berichterstattung zum #Nahostkonflikt ist für mich journalistisch eine Katastrophe & verantwortungslos. Dazu ein Thread.

#Israel #IsraelUnderFire #Gaza
"Berichterstattung" ist falsch gewählt, denn es ist eigentlich keine. Würde es eher als einseitige Abhandlung beschreiben.

Eine Dimension des Konfliktes – die zivilen Opfer & die Folgen der Luftangriffe in #Gaza – fehlt gänzlich bzw. ist kaum sichtbar.

#Israel #IsraelUnderFire
Es gut & wichtig, dass sich Medien entschlossen gegen #Antisemitismus positionieren.
Das befreit uns jedoch nicht von der Verantwortung, den Menschen zu erzählen, was passiert. Einseitigkeit kostet nicht nur Vertrauen, sie spaltet die Gesellschaft.

#Israel #IsraelUnderFire #Gaza
Read 10 tweets
This is like one of those videos you see when buildings collapse in earthquakes and a child is miraculously found alive in the rubble. #GazaUnderAttak
This video shows a child being dug out of the rubble, but it looks as if she and her family may not have been so lucky.
Here’s another one of the children of Gaza who has survived the destruction of his home. But barely.
Read 4 tweets
Médias détruits à #Gaza : @RSF_inter demande à la procureure de la CPI Fatou Bensouda de déterminer si ces bombardements constituent des crimes de guerre… #GazaUnderAttak
THREAD Ce soir, nous avons saisi formellement la Procureure de la Cour pénale internationale, Fatou Bensouda, à propos des bombardements des installations et équipements de médias locaux et internationaux à #Gaza depuis le 11 mai, que nous considérons comme des crimes de guerre.
Ce qu’affirme l’armée israélienne, à savoir que la présence prétendue du Hamas dans les immeubles ferait de ces derniers des objectifs militaires légitimes est absolument faux sur le plan juridique, dès lors qu’ils abritent aussi des civils, en l'occurrence des médias.
Read 8 tweets
Today, Israel blames Hamas for terrorism. But it is a lesser known fact that Israel helped Hamas to grow into one of the world's biggest militant organizations.

For Israel Hamas is a blowback. But how ?

Thread :

In 1980's, Israel was in conflict with a secular nationalist Palestinian resistance organization called Palestinian Liberation Organization(PLO) led by Yasser Arafat. In 1964, PLO had founded a militant wing called the Fatah. Gradually, this Fatah emerged as one of the most ....
... powerful anti-Zionist militant group. If there were any terrorist attack on Israel, hijacking, or assassination of a Israeli officials, Fatah would to be blamed. Arab states in 1974 declared the PLO the "sole legitimate representative" of the Palestinian ppl world-wide.
Read 24 tweets
14-year-old Palestinian child in Gaza committed suicide!

Hamza threw himself from the 8th floor last night. Hamza lost his entire family in the recent wars on #Gaza. (1/2)

In 2009, his little brother was killed by an Israeli missile while playing football. In the 2012, his older brother was killed. In 2014, his father was killed. (2/3)
Due to this severe trauma, Hamza became very close to his mother, his last surviving family member, who was killed in an Israeli bombing this week.

Shortly after, he ended his life.

Read 3 tweets
En ce moment, Netanyahou en live en conf de presse sur la chaîne @AlJazeera dont il vient de bombarder les bureaux à #Gaza Image
Netanyahou: "nous remercions USA et les 25 pays qui ont exprimés leurs soutiens à #Israel.

Nous allons continuer à bombarder, tuer...peu importe le temps qu'il faut
Netanyahou: "tuer des civils et les cibler ne peut pas être autre chose que le terrorisme"

Il vient de désigner en live #Israel comme état terroriste!

Read 6 tweets
What is happening in Palestine? Let's clear things up. (1/12).
#GazaUnderAttack #GenociedinGaza
It started a few days ago, when Israel announced that it wanted to steal the houses of the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in Jerusalem and give them it the settlers, and of course this is illegal... (2/12)
#GazaUnderAttack #GenociedinGaza
As this violates the Fourth Geneva Convention which provides for the prevention of forced eviction of Palestinians, but it is not new for Israel to violate international law. (3/12)
#GazaUnderAttack #GenociedinGaza #IsraelTerrorist
Read 13 tweets

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