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Every #thread will untangle something. 'Cause hiding truth is a crime against civilisation. Discovering #history, #dharma & #truth ...
bubblesmoney Profile picture AjaySingh🇮🇳🚩🇮🇳 Profile picture Parashurama Profile picture Tejas Kashyap Profile picture Shail Tokas 🇮🇳 Profile picture 7 subscribed
Jul 4, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
Scorecard - killers v/s victims:

Read this #thread to know the ground realities of #Hindu's predicament in the secular #India v/s the benefits it offers to the Islamic terrorists/extremists.

#HindusUnderAttackInIndia 1. Swargiya Kamlesh Tiwari was murdered by 2 Islamic terrorists on 18/Oct/2019 in his own house in Khurshidbagh of #Lucknow on the accusation of blasphemy

2. His wife Kiran Tiwari has now received a death threat on 22/Jun/22 in a letter written in Urdu
Jan 19, 2022 57 tweets 21 min read
"19 Jan, 1990 - Kashmiri Pandit Exodus Day"

More than 0.5 million Hindus gone into permanent exile on/after this day and are still waiting for the justice since last 32 years.

A #thread to present glimpse of their agony in the hands of Islamic jihad.

#KashmirGenocide1990 Image Muslims relayed war cries whole night on 19 Jan, 1990 on loudspeakers from the mosques all over Kashmir valley.

It was enough hint to the minority Hindu community that something sinister was going to happen.

Deafening sound of "Naar-e-taqbeer...", was played everywhere.
#19Jan ImageImage
Sep 11, 2021 6 tweets 4 min read
Kafir never remembers the history and they never forget it!

Ever wonder why 11th Sep was chosen for the terrorist attack against the United States of America in 2001?

Sadly most people believe that it was a coincidence.

#11september2001 It was on 11th September 1683, when Europeans drove the Islamic invader from the gates of #Vienna. The proud #Turkish Army was humiliated.

The battle of Vienna was the turning point in the struggle against Muslim attempts to conquer Europe.
Aug 16, 2020 16 tweets 9 min read
The 'Direct Action Day' on 16th Aug, 1946 was a dark chapter in Indian history.

Hindus had endured yet another religions fury, the fanaticism of the highest vile, an organised massacre under state patronage.

A #thread to throw some lights on the evil design of #DirectActionDay Jinnah realised that he cannot become the 1st PM of an independent India & shifted his focus on the demand of a separate Muslim state.

Saying good-bye to any form of Constitutional possibility, the Muslim League gave a call to Muslims to observe 16th Aug 1946 as #DirectActionDay
May 23, 2020 20 tweets 15 min read
Healthy diet is a key to the happy life.

When the whole world is battling with Corona, it is even more imp to look at the ways in which we can improve our immunity & avoid spread of such pandemics.

A #thread below to highlight benefits of a meat free life👇

#healthylifestyle 1. Reduce Risk of Heart Disease

Vegetarian diet is,
👉lower in saturated fat & cholesterol
👉higher in plant nutrients
Which reduce heart diseases.

A low fat diet is the single most effective way to stop the progression of coronary artery disease or prevent it entirely.
Jan 6, 2020 16 tweets 9 min read
सुखस्य मूलं धर्मः।
धर्मस्थ मूलमर्थः।।

"To attain happiness, one must follow Dharma;
To follow Dharma, one needs money/resources;"

A #thread to look at one of the most important ingredients of sustaining Dharma & what role we all can play to promote it. Hindu society feel cheated in secular India.

The situation we're in explains our predicament - this is not the country our forefathers have sacrificed their lives for or put a foundation of human civilisation.

Shall we do something about it or forever remain destitute?
Dec 8, 2019 7 tweets 3 min read
अशीच आमुची आई असती सुंदर, रूपवती।
आम्हीं ही सुंदर झालो असतो वदलें छत्रपती।।

"If my mother had been as beautiful, I'd have inherited the handsome looks too".

These were the words of Shivaji Maharaj, when the daughter-in-law of Kalyan’s Subedar (Mulla Ahmad) was presented to him. Respect for ‘woman as a mother’ is the Hindu way of looking at women. Mata Jijabai would have felt proud for her son.

Shivaji Maharaj sent her home with gifts & humble apology.

His पुरषार्थ was committed for more worthier issues – the betterment for his people & society.
Oct 23, 2019 44 tweets 18 min read
Ancient Indian culture has transformed our modern lives in the most fundamental ways.

With inventions touching daily life to the most complex academic discourses, Indian were among the world’s greatest innovators.

A #thread on India’s 🇮🇳 contributions from the past! 1. Zero
The number one invention of ancient India was ‘nothing’ / ‘naught’ or to be more precise ‘zero’ 0⃣.

It revolutionised mathematics.

It is for this revolution that zero brought to calculation (or ease of it), Einstein once remarked, “The Indians taught us how to count”.
Oct 9, 2019 42 tweets 22 min read
"You repeat a lie 1000 times & it starts appearing like an eternal truth".

But this trick does not come to the rescue of pathological liars who are exposed in the eyes of public.

A day spent in the company of anti-India left lobby in London.

A #thread to expose their agenda! Event on “Resisting Fascism, Building Solidarities, India, Kashmir and Beyond” by South Asia Solidarity Group (SASG)👺

Their solidarity means ‘false propaganda, cynicism & hatred’ or in simple terms ‘a pack of lies’ 👎

They invited renowned liars to create anti-India narrative.
Jun 8, 2019 36 tweets 18 min read
Cow is worshipped by Hindus as their mother.

It gives milk+other byproducts & serves us throughout its life but in return we're not even able to save it from a painful slaughter - so much for being a mother?

A #thread on 'गोरक्षा' (cow protection) and truths & myths behind it Since Vedic age Hindus have considered Cows sacred.

Killing of cow was prohibited and strictest form of punishment was laid out for anyone who dares to break this norm.

Cows were associated with many of the Hindu Gods. Bhagwaan Shri Krishna spent his childhood as cowherd.