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Most recents (23)

May 31st 2023
A. Today, one person who recently turned 50 consulted me in OPD. He has no symptoms & is healthy. He has no known diseases. He wanted a check up & advice to ensure he does not convert into a patient for as long as possible. I love this concept of disease prevention.
B. It is possible to prevent most of the serious diseases by following healthy lifestyle and proper medical care.
These include:
1. Regular sleep: 7-8 hours per night
2. Regular exercise: 30-40 minutes daily for 5 or more days a week; 9-10 k steps/day; strength training
3. Healthy diet: low carb, high protein diet;
avoid sugar & ultraprocessed packaged foods;
eat fresh fruits & vegetables, handful of nuts per day; early dinner (3-4 hours before sleeping time);
reduce feeding time window;
intermittent fasting at least on a few days per month
Read 7 tweets
Apr 2nd 2023
Hot or cold shower? Can't decide? Check out these top 5 benefits of each to help you choose the perfect shower for your needs (A Thread🧵)
1. Benefits of Cold Showers:

Taking a cold shower comes with so many benefits. In this thread we'll explore the top benefits of cold showers. Let's dive in! ❄️💦
1.1 Increased alertness and energy: Cold water stimulates the body's sympathetic nervous system, resulting in increased alertness and energy levels.
Read 14 tweets
Mar 21st 2023
Repeated short-duration numbness of one side of body: prompt management can prevent a disabling disease

1. 51-year old Mr K presented with three episodes of numbness of left side of face, arm and leg in the past 20 days. Each episode lasted only 10 minutes.
2. Mr K also had feelings of tingling sensation in the affected areas. He had no weakness and could move his left arm & leg normally during those episodes. His speech also remained normal.
After 10 min, he used to have complete recovery from numbness and tingling.
3. Mr K was a healthy person, with normal weight and BMI. He had no known medical illness. However, he consulted me for expert opinion.
The history was very typical of a neurological problem. Clinical examination was normal. I asked for appropriate investigations.
Read 9 tweets
Mar 15th 2023
كيف أبدأ مع Xbody؟

- اختر مدربك المعتمد من Xbody و الذي يمكنه مساعدتك في إعداد برنامج تدريب يلبي أهدافك الخاصة

- احرص على معرفة بروتوكول السلامة و الإفصاح عن الإصابات السابقة

-فهم الفوائد الجسدية والعقلية التي تأتي مع استخدام Xbody ، حتى تتم الاستفادة على أفضل نحو Image
How do I start with Xbody?

-Choose your certified Xbody trainer who can help you set up an individualized training program that meets your specific fitness goals

-You must become familiar with the safety protocols that come with using Xbody, and declare any previous injuries
-Understand the physical and mental benefits that come with using Xbody, so that you can make the most out of your training sessions
#healthylifestyle #lifestyle
Read 3 tweets
Feb 22nd 2023
New Peak Earth

-Power of Rituals
-Manifesting Realities
-Her Natural Health Journey
-Daily Affirmations + Gratitude
-Cycle Tracking vs. Birth Control

+much more 🌞 Image
Read 4 tweets
Feb 11th 2023
🚨"चहा"सोडा आणि 100 वर्ष जागा म्हणे🚨

काही दिवसांपूर्वी @dr_prashantsb यांनी @qhaj यांचा Video Post केला,त्याचं Caption होत "प्रत्येकाला 100 वर्ष जगायला मदत करा"
-चहा खरंच विष आहे का?
-चहा ने आयुष्य कमी होतं का?
-चहा मधील Caffein ची एवढी भीती का?

-पाहुयात या Thread मध्ये👇
🔶Dr हेमंत म्हणाले "गरजेपेक्षा जास्त 1 चहा आणि 6 Biscuits रोज खाल्ले तर 1 किलो वजन वाढते"
▪️भारताच Average Tea Consumption 700-800 Gram/Person/Year आहे
▪️पाकिस्तान-1.5 kg, तर Turkey-3.16 kg/Person/Year आहे
▪️नक्कीच आहारातील Overall Refined Carbes/Foods कमी/बंद केले पाहिजेत,पण
▪️एक साधा प्रश्न डोक्यात येतो की "भारतात किती जण असतील जे चहा सोबत रोज Bread/Biscuits खात असतील"
- साहजिकच ज्यांच्याकडे Smartphone आहे ,Twitter वरील हा Thread वाचत आहेत त्यांची आर्थिक परिस्थिती Avarage Indian पेक्षा नक्कीच चांगली असेल😁
▪️बरं,वजन वाढणे हे फक्त चहा Biscuits शी…
Read 20 tweets
Jan 29th 2023
Over last 20years, people are not eating more, nor exercising less but still becoming #obese finds this recent study. In below thread, i explain key mechanism of #obesity postulated in this paper & what you can do to break this cycle. #HealthyLiving #gutmicrobiome #MedTwitter Image
First let me share the full paper before i summarize the key points from same:
#Obesity prevalence among US adults has soared from 14% to 42% since 1980, but mean calorie intake has not changed much in population. In fact, people are eating less relative to their body sizes. This finding was confirmed in paper using multiple databases
Read 16 tweets
Jan 26th 2023
🚨 Fat Burning Hormones 🚨
◼️"हॉर्मोन" जे आपली 'चरबी कमी' करतात◼️

▪️हे हॉर्मोन्स कसे काम करतात.
▪️कधी चांगल्या प्रमाणत तयार होतात.
▪️कोणत्या गोष्टी मुळे हॉर्मोन लेवल बिघडते.
▪️नॉर्मल लेवल राहण्यासाठी काय करावे.

सगळं काही जाणून घेऊयात,या Thread मध्ये
🔶T3 Hormone:
▪️Thyroid Gland मध्ये तयार होतात,
▪️शरीरात Metabolism Control करण्याचं काम करतात,
▪️ज्यावेळी आपण 'Stress Free' असतो त्यावेळी T3 शरीरात चांगल्या प्रमाणत तयार होतं,
▪️पण Irregular Eating, पुरेसा आहार न घेणं, Refined Oils चा अतिवापर यामुळे T3 च Secretion कमी होतं.
▪️✅Stressful Situation पासून दूर राहणे, Stress Removal Activities करणे, Refined food, Refined Oils चं प्रमाण कमी करणे, यामुळे T3 योग्य प्रमाणात तयार होण्याला मदत होते.

🔶Growth Hormone (GH):
▪️जसं की याचं नाव आहे हे Growth Control
▪️लहानपणी ज्या मुलांची वाढ खुंटलेली
3/10 Human growth hormone,
Read 12 tweets
Jan 17th 2023
Sharing the inspiring journey of Mrs Ravi

1. Mrs Ravi to me: "Dr, you told me if I lose 10 kg weight, 50% cure can be achieved. I thought why not lose 20 kg and aim for 100% cure". This was about two years ago. She came for review today.
#IntermittentFasting #healthylifestyle
2. She was diabetic for 12 years, had high BP & asthma for 10 years and was obese. She had consulted me for back and leg pain due to slipped disc in lower back. As expected, she was on multiple medicines.
When I discussed about lifestyle measures, she had made a greater resolve.
3. Two years later- she has lost 20 kg weight, BP & sugar are normal without medicines. She is not requiring inhalers for asthma. She no longer suffers from back or leg pain.
Her diet- fruits at 9 AM, fruits+salad at 2 PM and two phulkas at 6 PM (fasting from 6 PM-9AM).
Read 4 tweets
Dec 2nd 2022
Shorter #stride length is associated with higher incidence of life threatening clinical events in #olderadults
1. 14,000 people (Av age 75 yrs) were followed up for 33 months. 10% of them sustained #Falls. Stride length was shorter in fallers as compared to non-fallers. Image
2. In a sub-analysis based on gender, the stride length was longer and #walking speed slower in males compared to females.

#running #fitness #healthylifestyle
3. Major adverse events (MAEs) were 36% higher, physical disability 26% higher and #mortality 69% higher in older people with shorter stride length.
MAEs included physical disability, falls, dependency, institutionalization, and mortality.
Read 5 tweets
Nov 18th 2022
Why do a few young, physically active, seemingly healthy people suffer from heart attack?
1. A person with normal body weight, doing regular running, cycling, or working out in gym, is not immune to heart attack, as a few recent reports suggest. Here are some of the reasons why:
2. Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HCM)
HCM accounts for 40% cases of sudden cardiac death (SCD) in young athletes. Unfortunately over 80 % of affected individuals are asymptomatic before SCD, which often occurs during exercise or in its aftermath.
#running #fitness
3. Cardiac arrhythmia
About 15-20% cases of SCD occur due to cardiac #arrhythmia (abnormal heart rhythm). In patients younger than 35, the most common cause of SCD is a fatal arrhythmia, usually in the context of a structurally normal #Heart.
Read 17 tweets
Nov 14th 2022
Just IN: Father Of 6-Month-Old Girl Subjected To #FGM To Remain In Custody💪🏽
#Kenyan: A couple who subjected their 6-month-old daughter to female genital mutilation in Leparua, Isiolo North, last week had rushed her to a local hospital with a severe fever before she was sent to ImageImage
Isiolo Referral Hospital, where health workers discovered that she had been “cut”.
Ms Linda Kiruki, a clinical officer at Isiolo Referral who handled the case, said the #child had a deep wound and her genitals were covered with tea leaves to ostensibly reduce bleeding.
before Isiolo Chief Magistrate Lucy Mutai, Ms Kiruki said the child’s clitoris had been cut and that the labia majora had a deep wound that showed the illegal procedure was carried out with a blunt object.
“The child cried uncontrollably while we assessed the wound. The severe
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Nov 6th 2022
Bottle gourd is warm-season #fruit vegetable. It is grown throughout India and its fruits are available throughout year. It is one of the best fruit for human being, gifted by nature having composition of all essential #nutrients that are required for normal and good human health
Fruits(Bottle gourd) of the sweet variety contain carbohydrate (2.5%), protein (0.2%), fat (0.1%) (ether extract), fibers (0.6%), mineral matter (0.5%), calcium and phosphorous (<0.01%) and iodine (4.5 μg/kg).
Read 4 tweets
Jul 10th 2022
Jowar is full of Antioxidant,#fiber & nutrients. It is a gluten free energy boosting #cereal. It is a well known #millet used in #obesity, diabetes etc. It has rich #medicinal values due to its antioxidant phytochemicals.
#health #ayurveda #HealthyFood
The #prebiotic effectiveness of different varieties of inulin was calculated to be in the following order:
bajra > jowar > ragi > commercial inulin.

It's rich in dietary fiber which contributes for better #digestive and cardiovascular health.
Read 4 tweets
Jun 24th 2022
Here is the 1st thred of my fitness journey. Might nt be perfect thread but helpful for so many who wants to get fit & start healthy life style.
How it started:
Feeling dull daily
Obese (66 kg with 30% fat)
Unhealthy lifestyle
Craving for bad habit & few body problem.
1/n Image
How It’s going:
Feeling energetic during the day.
Fittest till now (57 Kg with 19% fat).
Healthy lifestyle.
No craving for bad habit and got rid of few body problems.
1. Motivation: Keep below 👇 point in mind to get motivated.
a. If u love urself and ur family.
b. People will respect and love u more.
c. If i can do it at 30 then why cant u do it.
d. Get shirtless in front of mirror and be ashamed of ur body.
Read 11 tweets
Jun 13th 2022
ஆயுர்வேதம் கூறும் ஐந்து உணவு தோஷங்கள்.

உணவு என்பது உடலை போஷிக்கும் ஒன்று மட்டும் அல்ல, அது உள்ளத்தை உருவாக்கவும் உதவும் ஒன்று. ஆன்மீக வளர்ச்சிக்கோ அல்லது வீழ்ச்சிக்கோ அது அடிகோலும் என்கிறது ஆயுர்வேதம்.
ஹிந்து வாழ்க்கை முறையில் உணவை எப்படி, எங்கே யார் மூலம் செய்யப்பட்டு
பரிமாறப்பட்டு சாப்பிடுகிறோம் என்பது மிகவும் முக்கியமானது.
அன்னம் என்பது ப்ராணனைத் தாங்குவது. ஆகவே அதை யார் சமைக்கிறார்கள், எப்படி சமைக்கிறார்கள் என்பதும் கூட முக்கியம் தான்.
உணவில் ஐந்து தோஷங்கள் உண்டு.
அர்த்த தோஷம்
நிமித்த தோஷம்
ஸ்தான தோஷம்
ஜாதி தோஷம்
சம்ஸ்கார தோஷம்
அர்த்த தோஷம்:
பண்டிதர் ஒருவர் தனது சீடர் ஒருவரின் வீட்டிற்கு உணவருந்த வந்தார். உணவருந்தி முடியும் போது அவரது வாடிக்கையாளர் ஒருவர் பணம் நிரம்பிய மூட்டை ஒன்றை சீடரிடம் தந்ததைப் பார்த்தார்.உணவருந்தி முடிந்து தனியே அறையில் இருக்கும்போது அவருக்கு பணத்தாசை தோன்றியது.
Read 21 tweets
Mar 25th 2022
#Vitamin A, or retinol, is an essential fat-soluble vitamin that plays numerous roles in vision, cellular differentiation, gene expression, growth, the immune system, bone development, and reproduction.
#Ayurveda #health #nutrition #HealthyEating #cure #body #tips Image
Vitamin A is found primarily in animal products. Fruits and vegetables are a source of provitaminA carotenoids that can be converted to retinol in the body at a lesser amount. The RDA for #vitamin A for adults is 900mcg/day 
#Ayurveda #health #nutrition #HealthyEating #cure #body…
#Ayurveda #health #nutrition #body
#cure #HealthyEating
#vitamin A is found in foods from animal sources, including dairy products, eggs, fish, and organ meats
Read 4 tweets
Oct 13th 2020


Our Lady of Fatima said on October 13, 1917, the day of the great Miracle of the Sun, ‘People must amend their lives #Fatima #Fatima103 #FatimasNextJob
2. and ask pardon for their sins. They must not continue to offend Our Lord, Who is already deeply offended.’

The Holy Bible tells us that ‘He was wounded for our iniquities, He was bruised for our sins’ (Isaiah 53:3). St Alphonsus, Doctor of the Church, says that each one of
3. us can truly say the if I sinned just one sin less, then Jesus would have less to suffer in His Passion and Death.

The Blessed Virgin then tells us that we must pray because she knows, and the Catholic Church teaches, that without the grace of God no one can
#Bible #grace
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Oct 1st 2020
A new research study in @bmj_latest… finds the risk to die early (<70yrs) increases with irregularity & length of women’s #menstrualcycle irregularity, with premature mortality mostly due to #cardiovasculardisease. What's it mean for women with #PCOS? 1/13
PCOS affects 10% of women worldwide & irregular menstrual cycles are a common symptom. Many of the women in this study likely have PCOS. Understandably, the higher rates of premature mortality reported will be worrying to women with PCOS. But what causes period irregularity? 2/13
Increased levels of male hormones #androgens are a cause of irregular periods (see:…;…) and also impact on pancreatic beta cell function (…) causing #insulinresistance 3/13
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Jul 8th 2020
It's been raining almost daily so you may not feel the need to drink water, unlike on hot days. However, you're still constantly losing water whether it's hot or cold out there.

Here are 7 reminders for you to stay hydrated, come rain, come shine.
#healthylifestyle Image
1. If you don’t stay hydrated, your physical performance can suffer. This is because losing as little as 2% of your body’s water content can significantly impair your physical performance.
Dehydration can have a noticeable effect if you lose as little as 2% of your body’s water content. This can lead to altered body temperature control, reduced motivation, and increased fatigue.
Read 11 tweets
May 23rd 2020
Healthy diet is a key to the happy life.

When the whole world is battling with Corona, it is even more imp to look at the ways in which we can improve our immunity & avoid spread of such pandemics.

A #thread below to highlight benefits of a meat free life👇

1. Reduce Risk of Heart Disease

Vegetarian diet is,
👉lower in saturated fat & cholesterol
👉higher in plant nutrients
Which reduce heart diseases.

A low fat diet is the single most effective way to stop the progression of coronary artery disease or prevent it entirely.
2. Cancer Prevention

🦀~70% of all diseases, including one third of all cancers, are related to diet

👉is devoid of fiber & nutrients that have a protective effect
👉 has carcinogenic compounds such as HCA & PAH that increase cancer risk

Read 20 tweets
May 11th 2019
1/ It’s been a week.

It’s well into Friday evening & I just got off the phone with a patient who had urgent radiology results. This was after spending > 40 min on the phone w another patient discussing the same this afternoon.

(18 more to come; stick with me.)
2/ I only got 2 items on today’s long “to do” list done — but that’s on me. I was finally able to sit down for a couple hours uninterrupted and dig deep into a few patient cases from the week.

(And I “don’t work” on Fridays.)
3/ As I hung up the phone, I reflected on how #directprimarycare has enabled me to get to the heart of medicine & the doctor-patient relationship.

During that call, my patient’s spouse broke down and — through sobs — simply said: “Thanks for being so kind.”
Read 19 tweets
Mar 19th 2018
I find so many great walk/bike/place articles to include in @WSDOT #WSDOTactive Walk and Roll E-News it's getting too long to look at. How many links do YOU want to see in a reading round-up? (Subscribe:…)
After each edition of @WSDOT #WSDOTactive Walk/Roll E-News I take a look at which links were most popular. I'll tweet out last week's top clicks to give you an idea of what you'd see if you subscribed here:…
Top links most recent #WSDOTactive e-news:
1/ Washington Bike Summit… info from @CascadeBicycle #WABikeSummit
2/ Spreadsheet to update w/locations of bicycle #traffic signals in North America…
#bikes #activetransportation
Read 7 tweets

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