plural/DID life coach newsletter in the link below. Inclusive plural system, all about internal community.
Apr 2, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
One thing we don't talk about in trauma & retraumatization is when our social network is collapsing around us & the impact that has on us and getting our own needs for support & community met. So this counts for the COVID-safe community & trauma survivors both. We're a victim of DV as an only child, the parental units fighting was in itself distressing, and we were too young to have boundaries or know how to regulate our own emotions. A definite need as a child is role models of emotional regulation,
May 26, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
@CarolAnneGraha4 PTSD has nothing to do with sanity. It's a bodily survival response.

If you are OK and don't have PTSD, awesome.

I see a lot of unresolved/unaddressed grief & fear out there. When we know what to look for, it becomes more obvious. @CarolAnneGraha4 Of course not everyone has PTSD. What I'm seeing is a lot of people acting like the last 3 years didn’t happen (denial, dissociation, amnesia) & others getting irrationally angry (emotional dysregulation) at strangers for wearing masks in public.
May 23, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
Mx Manners& says:

Anymany should never get down to only one thing remaining on your& Want to Do list. This would be downright un-plural.

Be sure to share any Mx Manners& tips you've heard under the hashtag…

#MxMannersAnd It's only polite to offer your& houseguests plenty of writing instruments in many thicknesses and colours. One never knows when they might need to hold an impromptu meeting to decide what to wear for the day.

May 4, 2023 14 tweets 5 min read
@drsajumathew Everyone wants to make it all go away, forget it ever happened. Even though it's still here & not gone.

A major flaw: humans make the policies, decisions, politics, choices, coverage, etc.

PTSD, dissociation & avoidance is very human. @drsajumathew We can't see or sense a virus. But we can see masks. Masks become a trigger for the terror, uncertainty, helplessness, mass deaths, isolation, and unresolved grief, pain or memories of being sick & afraid of dying.

People forget, because they want to forget.
Apr 3, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
"Trauma-informed" doesn't mean writing papers about how to work on trauma with clients, or dissecting trauma under a microscope.

Trauma-informed means practicing consent, understanding accommodations & triggers, listening instead of talking, asking "What happened to you?" rather than "What's wrong with you?" — creating a safe(r) environment, asking what someone needs to feel safe(r), listening to victims when they say there's something wrong, removing shame-inducing practices, & more.
Apr 2, 2023 20 tweets 4 min read
We've put a finger on one reason Steve Porges' dismissal of sexual abuse accusations via somatic flashbacks is exceptionally & chillingly offensive. He, of all people, founding theories of ancient brain/body structures of survival should have known better. Our survival response is coded in ancient brain structures; it predates humanity by millions of years. It knows no language. The brain is largely a predictive storage device: we think of or smell food, it sends signals to salivate & start digestive services.
Jul 19, 2022 68 tweets 10 min read
at 10AM EDT the House select subcommittee will be hearing about #LongCOVID here's a direct YouTube link for the hearing. 1 hour 45 mins from now.

#COVID #DisabilityPrideMonth Info gotten via
Jul 19, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
At current prices it costs me $4.10/day to run my A/C all day & night (Upstate NY). $2.74 running it only the hottest parts of the day (my usual unless nighttime temperatures or humidity necessitates running it all night). $127 max to run it all month. We have a very unstable income; on level billing we'll pay for unpredicted overages over the winter so Today Crisses is setting Later Crisses up for ouch bills this winter. We use fans as much as possible.
May 13, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
You know how we're told that Kellogg invented corn flakes to control lust etc. etc. Actually, he invented grape-nuts, to do that. Post stole grape-nuts, added sweetener & salt, and sold it as a health supplement out from under the Kellogg brothers. But wait there's more. Kellogg the doctor thought these things shouldn't have sugar or salt (maybe ahead of his time, eh?), and refused to mass-produce him and his brother bought the recipes from him, changed them, and sold the products — as breakfast.
May 12, 2022 16 tweets 9 min read
@AWonderBall @LilyRoseMills There's basically 3 types of shame. Only one is the one we probably need to retain. “Normal” or adaptive shame is an internal monitor for threats to belongingness. “I did something wrong, and if people find out I may be rejected.” @AWonderBall @LilyRoseMills Toxic shame as we call it are verbal messages of rejection, usually based on something we cannot change or our existence itself. We internalize these messages, and have a hard time letting them go.
Jan 30, 2022 20 tweets 5 min read
What do Jung's Archetypes, illuminated manuscripts, passing notes in class, and Abe Lincoln have to do with young plural & DID systems making videos on TikTok? Stick around, and try to laugh along with us…

#pluralgang #dissociadid #DIDchat #DIDOSDD Jung was a very interesting fellow. He was heavily influenced by classical scholarship, read many languages, was interested in spiritism (seances, mediumship, channeling), studied mythology, the Bible, etc. These are the things he followed avidly.
Jan 19, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
We want to talk about role models. Break that idea down and think about it…role models aren't meant to be perfect people. There are no perfect people. Investing too much in role models is a sign of issues on the raving fan end of the equation. Encouraging raving fans is a problem on a potential role model's end of the equation. Having a need for adoration. Both ends have issues of a sense of lack and a need to fill, and potentially broken boundaries between them.
Jan 17, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Analyzing Brand et al 2012 more deeply, and we're so frustrated with this study. I hope they re-do a similar study for current practices and use it to help inform the ISST-D guidelines because this is *headdesk*. The DID experts surveyed weren't recommending doing trauma work, for the most part. Barely used EMDR. Used CBT during the middle phases of therapy. There's good info in this document, but it's so out of date it's painful.
Oct 4, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
While we don't care whether people have a dx or not — one important thing to do, disabled or not, is get and retain your records. This thread is about benefits qualification & other services if ever you should need it. #ActuallyAutistic #DIDOSDD Going back as far as possible, initiate records requests. You don't have to open the envelopes, but store them all and keep them — or scan them and stash them encrypted in a cloud storage. What types of records?
May 15, 2021 21 tweets 5 min read
Trouble working with or finding your inner world? Hopefully this info helps folks. 🧵 We keep finding folk having trouble with or mistaken impressions about inner worlds. #pluralgang #pluralpride #plurallife #dissociatwt #DIDOSDD We have found some plural & DID systems “trying” too hard to make/create their inner world, imagine it, picture it, visualize it into existence, etc. It seems that somehow there's some mistaken information about inner worlds being shared in the community.