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Jan 30th 2022
What do Jung's Archetypes, illuminated manuscripts, passing notes in class, and Abe Lincoln have to do with young plural & DID systems making videos on TikTok? Stick around, and try to laugh along with us…

#pluralgang #dissociadid #DIDchat #DIDOSDD
Jung was a very interesting fellow. He was heavily influenced by classical scholarship, read many languages, was interested in spiritism (seances, mediumship, channeling), studied mythology, the Bible, etc. These are the things he followed avidly.
Then he went on these inner world journeys. An idea he picked up from the spiritist movement where they would autowrite and go journeying and make elaborate accounts of their experiences. Thus The Red Book. But Jung didn't just write an account.
Read 20 tweets
Oct 4th 2021
While we don't care whether people have a dx or not — one important thing to do, disabled or not, is get and retain your records. This thread is about benefits qualification & other services if ever you should need it. #ActuallyAutistic #DIDOSDD
Going back as far as possible, initiate records requests. You don't have to open the envelopes, but store them all and keep them — or scan them and stash them encrypted in a cloud storage. What types of records?
All of your medical records, tests, assessments, school documentation from pre-K through any uni or training programs. Hospitalization, surgery, psych units, institutions, therapy, counseling, care coordination, special ed programs, IEPs etc.
Read 8 tweets
Jun 7th 2021
I want to talk about how people with DID-PTSD express their trauma, dissociation, reality, recovery, etc. in different ways, and how policing that expression can lead to harm. #dissociativeidentitydisorder #dissociatwt #pluralgang #DIDOSDD
(Up front, this thread is about DID-PTSD but if you find it useful for endogenic or non-disordered plurality then that's cool.)
A lot of #syscourse tends to focus on the "personhood" of alters, dissociated parts, headmates, whatever you want to call them. It's an understandable topic. Routinely, we are denied our personhood even as collective wholes. Having DID-PTSD means that you have
Read 21 tweets
May 15th 2021
Trouble working with or finding your inner world? Hopefully this info helps folks. 🧵 We keep finding folk having trouble with or mistaken impressions about inner worlds. #pluralgang #pluralpride #plurallife #dissociatwt #DIDOSDD
We have found some plural & DID systems “trying” too hard to make/create their inner world, imagine it, picture it, visualize it into existence, etc. It seems that somehow there's some mistaken information about inner worlds being shared in the community.
We are pretty sure most already have this “place” and are overlooking it, making it too complicated, or under the mistaken impression that it has to be more elaborate, therefore *that* must not be it, it must be more grandiose.
Read 21 tweets
Mar 17th 2020
Due to Tr!sha’s video drama, we’ve seen an uptick in phrases like “DID is living HELL how DARE you make fun of something that’s so horrible to live with!! This disorder makes life almost unlivable!”

This is a reminder that this rhetoric is harmful.

We’ve talked about this extensively in this video here:

But in short, repeating statements like that leads to sections of the community with #didosdd feel like they have to hit some benchmark of suffering to be valid.
The DID community is varied and that includes the severity of how we experience this disorder - some systems love each other despite the PTSD and get along as a group.

These phrases can leave these systems feelings alienated or unheard, or can create internalized stigma.
Read 6 tweets

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