F TraumaLimbo🐳🪟🇺🇦 Profile picture
Sport Biomechanist👟 #MeToo. Coercive control & sex abuse over~30yr lab career. 📢🐦12/20-6/21. #MeTooGotSued by x-Boss abuser 6/21🤐😬🤐Still defending #SLAPP
Apr 9, 2021 8 tweets 22 min read
#writingtherapy Balm of Gilead.
#STEMtoo @debs41968646

These letters I post, to my abuser & enablers, are personal, raw & purient. I am sorry.

I'm attempting to forge a new process for #meToo justice.

My disclosures are intended to motivate via #SHAME. Image #PredatorPhD *#MartynShortenPhD*
#ShoeDoc #BioMechanics #FootwearBiomech #Asics #Brooksrunning #NIKE #FoorwearScience #GenderEquity #timesup #iWXb #ISB_2021 #Narcissist #sexabuse #polyvagal #trauma #ethics #gaslighted #mediation #COERCEDsex #PDX
#toxicanica #ShittyMENlist #martyn