We should be blaming 🚗 ✈️ 🚤 🛻 🚀 ⚡️ 🏭 and manufacturing--not cows munching grass!
It's illogical and ridiculous!
We had ruminating animals #grazing Earth for millions of years before cars, airplanes and factories!
Grass itself "captures carbon" and puts it back in the ground!
Visiting my old home town and feeling lonely, I realize with heartbreak that most of my friends here have died.
Mostly vegan.
Mostly Cancer.
40s, 50s, 60s.
Too young.
This the same town where I started innovating as a vegan caterer in 2003.
We have an outstanding vegan-centric all organic health food store with a vegetarian salad bar.
Feb 22, 2023 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
When I first started #Veganism, I was 41, healthy and athletic. I did yoga daily. You might have called me "fit."
But I was freezing cold, even in summer sun, lost my period and went flat chested.
Something was wrong.
I was starving myself "for the animals."
I wore padding to disguise my totally flat chest.
My cheeks were hollow.
I covered cystic acne with makeup.
My hair fell out so I wore wigs.
I got collagen to fill my deep nasolabial folds.
So much denial.
May 8, 2021 • 12 tweets • 6 min read
Returning from a trip to attend memorial services for a dear vegetarian friend who died of Cancer.
Almost everyone I saw has Cancer, too.
And they all say:
“Why am I sick? I eat such a healthy diet, mostly fruit, vegetables and plant based!”
When I suggest it might be a chronic lack of protein, B-12, carnitine, carnosine, minerals, collagen, saturated fats and iron...and too much sugar and oxalates they are in complete denial. #vegan#cancer#breastcancer