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Mar 4th 2023
Who is blaming #cows πŸ„ for #carbon?

We should be blaming πŸš— ✈️ 🚀 πŸ›» πŸš€ ⚑️ 🏭 and manufacturing--not cows munching grass!

It's illogical and ridiculous!

We had ruminating animals #grazing Earth for millions of years before cars, airplanes and factories!
Grass itself "captures carbon" and puts it back in the ground!…
As "carnivores" it's time to re-educate the vegan 🌱 community about nature!

Plants and grasses "inhale" CO2 and "exhale" oxygen.

Cows help fertilize and create grass!

To think otherwise is a special kind of ignorance about nature, farming and science!
Read 4 tweets
May 20th 2022
Did you know that this week marks #EndangeredSpeciesDay and #BiodiversityDay?

We honor these days by highlighting the need to change our eating habits and fashion choices to protect animals from going extinct.πŸ‘‡1/10
Animals play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy #environment. For example:

- beaver dams prevent fires
- squirrels help trees take root
- #fish feces can lock carbon away for 600 years
- elephants create water sources for other species

Our current food system is a key driver of #BiodiversityLoss, a 2021 report by @ChathamHouse found.

The expansion of #AnimalAgriculture, in particular, destroys ecosystems by turning them into pasture or farmland to grow feed. @CaroChristen reports. 3/10…
Read 10 tweets
Sep 14th 2021
1/7 #SeaTurtleTalks
A mechanism for compensatory growth in Thalassia testudinum meadows under cultivation #grazing by green turtles 🐒🌱
Green #seaturtle populations are recovering, resulting in ecosystem-wide shifts as #seagrass meadows are returned to a natural grazed state. A juvenile green turtle swims above a grazed area in a Carib
2/7 The green turtle grazing strategy, with long-term cultivation of meadows (see photo) and high foraging site fidelity, is distinct from other terrestrial and aquatic mega-herbivores, and may affect seagrass compensatory (i.e. stimulated) growth responses. A border of a grazed (left) and ungrazed (right) area in a C
3/7 In a Caribbean seagrass ecosystem, we identify a mechanism for compensatory growth responses to grazing by evaluating relationships between T. testudinum morphology and growth, in situ grazing intensity, and canopy light dynamics in grazed and ungrazed areas. Figure summary showing that light availability at canopy hei
Read 7 tweets
Dec 4th 2020
FINALLY our new manuscript is out in @FrontiersIn! Env outcomes of #regenerative multi-species #grazing at @whiteoakpasture w/ full LCA + soil C data

We find support for regenerative ag's potential to help mitigate #climatechange & restore #soilhealth!…
Top-line findings:

- @whiteoakpasture was sequestering 2.29 Mg C/ha/yr, which lowered its LCA footprint by 80%

- when comparing this to commodity animal production, @whiteoakpasture had a 66% lower GHG footprint after considering soil C
- multi-species pasture rotation *did* require more land to produce the same amount of food compared to commodity
- however, this land was restored from degraded cropland (peanut/cotton)
- in short - this does NOT mean that MSPR = deforestation/land use change from native lands
Read 5 tweets

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