That Privacy Guy Profile picture
Globally respected Privacy expert and host of @ThatPrivacyShow - also, a reassuringly expensive consultant.
´Peo Karlsson Profile picture 1 subscribed
Oct 19, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Today I filed a formal complaint against @YouTube with the @DPCIreland for their illegal deployment of #adblock detection technologies on the basis that such a deployment requires #consent under Article 5(3) of 2002/58/EC.

#privacy #law #surveillancecapitalism

(more) I recommend everyone else does the same in order to ensure that the DPC acts quickly on this issue.

You can file your own complaint here:

And you can use my complaint for pointers (attached)

#privacy #surveillancecapitalism #law
Apr 28, 2023 36 tweets 136 min read
Charities are facing issues with fundraising at a time when we are relying on them more than ever - due to a legal problem in seeking donations.

I'll be in Brussels next week discussing this with politicians - please reach out if you want to meet.

#charity #privacy #fundraising @AbirAlsahlani
Oct 10, 2022 29 tweets 10 min read
Today (now) LIBE Group in the EU Parliament will debate a proposed law which will require total surveillance of ALL online communications and messenger services of ALL EU persons.

#privacy #childrape #surveillance #ethics #law #trust #confidentiality As a survivor of child sexual and physical abuse, I would never have had the confidence to tell my story if I didn’t have access to confidential communications channels.
May 11, 2022 45 tweets 150 min read
Today the European Commission will publish a proposal for a new law which will make the interception, analysis and monitoring of *ALL* digital communications (messengers, forums, direct messages etc.) mandatory.

#privacy #humanrights #chatcontrol #surveillance #dignity #csam Let me be clear - this is ILLEGAL under EU Treaties and Case Law under the principles of proportionality and necessity. This new law will turn the EU into a surveillance state.

#privacy #humanrights #chatcontrol #surveillance #dignity #csam #childsexualabuse