alain.tremblay Profile picture
Triathlete, snowboarder, lung ca doc and researcher, interventional pulmonologist & Professor @ucalgarymed. Opinions my own. Curator @lung_ca_screen
Oct 22, 2022 17 tweets 9 min read
One of the most disheartening 80 secs I have ever seen on Twitter (which says a lot) from our unelected #Alberta premier @ABDanielleSmith. Let's set the record straight about #COVID therapeutics in #AB. 1/ Alberta institutions and researchers played a large role in developing and testing COVID-19 therapeutics, as well as rapidly reviewing emerging evidence from around the world which continues to come out at incredible pace.
@AHS_Innovates @UAlberta_DoM @UCalgaryMed
Sep 15, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
1. It seems we have forgotten about the Lily Pad problem in #Alberta.

The lily pad grows in a pond and doubles in size every day. On day 30 it is full. The math quiz question is: on what day was the pond half full? 2. The answer is on day 29. But even more scary is what happens on day 31…
May 27, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
My take on #alberta #covid #OpenForSummer plans...

The good:
Alberta numbers are way down from the peak of wave 3 a few weeks ago. The drop has been sharp in response to public health measures as well as increase 1st dose vaccination rates, now almost 60% for age 12+.
We are seeing a resulting drop in new hospitalizations, although we are just off peak numbers of people still in hospital and in ICUs. Unfortunately many of these patients will take time to recover, some will have chronic sequelae and others will not survive to discharge.
Mar 14, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
1. Wondering why it is so important to act now to limit the spread of #COVID19 in North America? Most countries are on the same trajectory. What you see in the most affected countries in Europe we will see here unless we do something different.… 2. We are simply at an earlier time point in the outbreak. We are dulled by the daily new case numbers, but a very consistent finding emerges. A doubling of cases about every 3-5 days. This is remarkably consistent in western countries. Including Canada.