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Oct 23, 2022 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
@NASA If we assume historical observations from radar and pilots contain some truth we have possible accelerations between 70-5000G, we know a conventional crafts can't do that. @NASA By conventional I mean conventional interactions with atmosphere (viscosity of air, or oceans), same with gravitational pull. If you accept those observations, sustained 600G means travel time to Trappist-1 system (40 light years away) is mere 15 days travel time.
May 11, 2022 • 30 tweets • 5 min read
🧵What is a likely origin of our era as a consequence of earlier conclusions - a different viewpoint that connects our Universe with a previous one. #bigbang #inflation #ufotwitter

How can we explain a universe with various parts that’s never been in contact (non-overlapping light-cones) and yet have similar properties as temperature and flatness? To explain them, we must explain a much more extreme flatness in early stages of the universe.
Apr 9, 2022 • 19 tweets • 5 min read
This is one driving factor of #Russia , behaviour explains what can and should be done. (as I've seen it, and still do) - #Ukraine 🧵

Ukraine is successful, in a way that RU can't until corruption is rooted out from culture. There is(was?) no enticement among elites to do that, instead they feed on others, Borsht would be a symbol for that success.

Jan 13, 2022 • 60 tweets • 16 min read
Theory thread - #3 - Inflation(Big-Bang) and Warp Bubble. A plausible solution (?) #ufotwitter

Decided to document the thoughts and conclusions made earlier. This is meant to be a direction for you to explore further. (references at end). Universe is a superconducting QCD entity of Kerr black holes, arranged in 8d with E8 symmetry, like 8d spin-ice. Hadronic gas flows through the entity, and we live on the surface. End of era is either contraction or entropy dissipates into vacuum (any difference?). Image
Aug 29, 2021 • 48 tweets • 11 min read
There's been much research lately in regards to content in this thread (QCD). These articles were on my readlist this morning.

You will likely find them interesting read; a pattern emerges. 🌻

We have clear correlation of distribution at local chiral condensate, monopoles, and color magnetic fields. The chiral condensate is locally enhanced by the strong color-magnetic field around the monopoles in QCD. The condensate is localized in the vicinity of the magnetic field.
Jul 5, 2021 • 23 tweets • 8 min read
@Spacecowboy781 Found these earlier, same collection i assume. @Spacecowboy781 The Australian archive docs earlier and these seem to correlate in conclusions and timeline, don't they? (just read the AU docs briefly)
Jun 12, 2021 • 18 tweets • 5 min read
NA hasn’t found Op MJ-12 docs in their archives, except 1 document. “NCS/MJ-12 Special Studies Project" dated July 14, 1954. It refers to a briefing that took place on July 16, it does not identify MJ-12 or the purpose of the briefing. #ufo #uap… An Air force investigator determined they were fake at the time. (so bogus project/never declassified/reclassified ?)