Kulvinder Kaur MD Profile picture
Physician. Scientist. Patient HumanRights Advocate. President & CoFounder @OnCall4ON. Advisory Board @FSU_Canada. Team Humanity. Cupcake Connoisseur. My Ethos.
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Aug 5, 2024 131 tweets 29 min read
LIE of unprecedented, unethical, unscientific lockdowns (known to cause horrific/irreparable harms) driven by state-funded propaganda/hysteria based on 3 key falsehoods refuted then/now by robust peer-reviewed evidence:
1. Lie that it was a “novel” virus to which we had/have no natural immunity
2. Hysteria of false-positive non-infectious “cases” manufactured by deliberately elevating PCR Ct (cycle thresholds)
3. Falsely elevated infection fatality rate (IFR) with deliberate conflation of IFR vs CFR (case fatality rate) 2/ Reminder from 2020…
Jun 7, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
Political WHO can NEVER be trusted.

The only solution: #ExitTheWHO

🧵1/ "Mexican Health Secretary Jorge Alcocer on Thursday denied an announcement by the World Health Organization (WHO) that a man’s death in Mexico was caused by a strain of bird flu that had never before been found in a human.

During a morning briefing, Alcocer rebuffed the WHO’s announcement and assured that the 59yo man, who was reported to have died from the A(H5N2) strain of avian influenza, ‘died from other causes, mainly kidney and respiratory failure.’

Alcocer urged people to remain calm and to take the WHO’s announcement with caution because it is ‘not accurate.’

"I can point out that the statement made by the WHO is pretty bad, since it speaks of a fatal case (of bird flu), which was not the case,’ he said.”
▶️aa.com.tr/en/americas/me…Image 2/ Reminder from 2010: “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” —George Santayana

Aug 26, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
Reminder Feb2021: "McKinsey & Co. won a sole-sourced $1.6M contract to set up Ontario govt's pandemic command structure after consulting firm 'cold-called' someone in Premier Ford’s office, according to testimony from commission investigating covid in LTC"
ipolitics.ca/news/mckinsey-… 2/Reminder Feb2021 "McKinsey agrees to pay $573M to resolve claims it faced across the US re its role fuelling opioid epidemic.. The consulting firm was under investigation for its work with Purdue Pharma, which aimed to boost sales of addictive Oxycontin"
Aug 17, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
1/ Are you tired of all of my friendly reminders yet? Here are some very relevant and important reminders, beginning from 2020. More reminders will be added to the thread overtime. Thread🧵 2/Sept2020 Forbes: "Covid Vaccine Protocols Reveal That Trials Are Designed To Succeed"

"Prevention of infection is not criterion for success for any of these vaccines.. None list mortality as endpoint.. Trials are testing to prevent common cold symptoms”
Aug 2, 2022 14 tweets 7 min read
Suggest looking into Trudeau’s appointed “Covid-19 Immunity Taskforce” next. I’ve been sounding alarm re 🇨🇦 fed/prov govts’ denial re Tcell immunity by omission since July2020, but it has all tragically fallen on deaf ears.

Tcells = warriors & our unsung heroes 2/ FYI @rupasubramanya
Aug 25, 2021 26 tweets 4 min read
🧵 United Nation's Universal Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights, 2005

1/ "Recognizing that this Declaration is to be understood in a manner consistent with domestic and international law in conformity with human rights law"
▶️portal.unesco.org/en/ev.php-URL_… 2/ "Article 1 – Scope
1. Declaration addresses ethical issues related to medicine, life sciences & technologies as applied to human beings..
2. Is addressed to States.. Also provides guidance to decisions of individuals, groups, communities, institutions & corps, public/private"
Aug 14, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
1/New Peer-reviewed
"Covid-19 & the Political Economy of Mass Hysteria"

"Mass/digital media in connection with the state may have had adverse consequences during Covid crisis. Resulting collective hysteria may have contributed to policy errors by govts.."
ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P… 2/ "Lockdowns have been unnecessary and detrimental to overall public health. In fact, prior scientific research on disease mitigation measures during a possible influenza pandemic had warned against such invasive interventions and recommended a more normal social functioning..."
Aug 10, 2021 17 tweets 7 min read
🧵Public Health Ontario's new report was used by politicians, media, academics to claim majority of hospitalized & ICU Covid "cases" & deaths "with Covid" are "unvaccinated"

BUT their definition for "unvaccinated" actually INCLUDES vaccinated ppl (p.23)
▶️publichealthontario.ca/-/media/docume… 2/ Stay tuned. More to come...
Jun 18, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
🚨1/Large peer-reviewed German study in Journal of Infection reiterates what I've said since May 2020 based on other peer-reviewed studies. PCR test deeply flawed: "cases" don't equal infections

PCR results are unsuitable as basis for any imposed measures
journalofinfection.com/article/S0163-… 2/ "In light of our findings that >1/2 of individuals with +PCR test results are unlikely to have been infectious, RT-PCR test positivity should not be taken as an accurate measure of infectious SARSCoV2 incidence. Our results confirm findings of others that..."
Apr 27, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
1/ "Covid Lockdown Cost/Benefits:
Critical Assessment of Literature"

Dr Douglas Allen, PhD, Cdn Prof of Economics, Simon Fraser Univ examined >80 Covid studies: "possible lockdown will go down as one of greatest peacetime policy failures in🇨🇦's history"
▶️sfu.ca/~allen/Lockdow… 2/ "By late April 2020, it was already known that:
i) empirical predictions of SIRS based models were wrong
ii) that the models made a number of questionable assumptions
iii) that the deaths were highly skewed to the elderly
iv) that the costs were large"
Feb 24, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
World Medical Association Declaration of Geneva signed by countries globally in 1947 after WWII where MDs were forced to commit atrocities against humanity. Last amended 2017. Builds on principles of Hippocratic Oath & guides ALL medical ethics globally
▶️wma.net/policies-post/… 2/"As a member of the medical profession, I solemnly pledge to dedicate my life to the service of humanity; the health/well-being of my patient will be my first consideration; I will respect the autonomy/dignity of my patient; I will maintain the upmost respect for human life..."
Dec 10, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
👏🏽Univ of Cambridge
Vice-Chancellor Prof Toope:
“Freedom of speech is a right that sits at the heart of the Univ—will always be a place where anyone can express new ideas & controversial/unpopular opinions & where those views can be robustly challenged“ 1/ cam.ac.uk/news/statement… 2/ “Unacceptable to censor/disinvite speakers whose views are lawful but may be seen as controversial. Rigorous debate fundamental to pursuit of academic excellence & Univ of Cambridge will always be a place where freedom of speech is not only protected, but strongly encouraged.”
Sep 4, 2020 11 tweets 7 min read
1/ US & UK media finally reporting what we've known for months from published peer-reviewed research by leading scientists🌎: pre-existing cross-protective Tcell immunity & strong Tcell responses bode well for long-term #SARSCoV2 immunity, and #HerdImmunity may already be at hand 2/ US: "We may be closer to #HerdImmunity than previously thought. Are we fearing a ‘second wave’ which our immune systems already have well in hand? People show immunological response to #SARSCoV2 in their Tcells.. without necessarily showing antibodies."
Jul 6, 2020 13 tweets 9 min read
Pls read #SARSCoV2 immunology🧵& subthreads for what media & “experts” are not telling you

-we have some pre-existing cross-protective immunity
-basing herd immunity only on antibodies omits strong Tcell immunity
-vaccine candidates not effective b/c don’t elicit IgA prodn 2/ Last week, researchers in Sweden and Germany also found strong T-cell responses to #SARSCoV2 which bode well for long-term immunity & found pre-existing cross-protective immunity: findings are consistent with the original US Cell study published in May.
Jul 5, 2020 5 tweets 4 min read
53+ published #HCQ studies in #COVID19—strong efficacy as prophylaxis & as treatment in early COVID19. HCQ is std of care in COVID19 tx protocols for many countries🌎 w/lowest fatality rates. Govts allowing ppl to die by blocking access to life-saving meds
c19study.com 2/#HCQ activates host anti-viral innate immunity—strong efficacy as prophylaxis & as treatment in EARLY #COVID19 esp w/in 5d of symptoms. Now we know why

CDC: >88% don't yield replication-competent #SARSCoV2 virus after 10d & viral shedding drops after 6d
Jun 30, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
Allegations of “strong evidence” for mandatory cloth masks worn by healthy ppl in public by @patrickbrownont @BonnieCrombie are absolutely false. Their decision is political. It is NOT based on known published scientific evidence on #COVID19. Here is recent Lancet systemic review 2/Even in remarks made by Peel Public Health Officer Dr Loh, he stated evidence not definitive. I must remind residents that the same Officer prev told Peel frontline HCWs w/COVID19 to return to work w/out 14d self-isolation d/t politics, not evidence. This is again more politics
Jun 6, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
.@globeandmail @nvanderklippe 2018 Investigation revealed close ties btwn CCP military researchers (often hidden w/pseudonyms) &many Cdn universities incl McMaster, UofT, McGill, Waterloo, etc. Imp when assessing some academics’ blind pro WHO narratives
▶️theglobeandmail.com/amp/world/arti… “🇨🇦’s top spy agency is telling Cdn universities to be cautious when taking research $ from #Huawei. McMaster Univ told @CHCHTV that Huawei signed cheque for $125K for digital imaging research &another $90K involving large scale instructive data analysis.”
Jun 6, 2020 5 tweets 6 min read
4/ May29 @sanofi announced it was halting recruitment for its international, multi-country, quadruple-blinded RCT of #HCQ for EARLY out-patient treatment of #COVID19, citing WHO’s then cardiac concerns based on the now retracted fake #LancetGate “study”
▶️business.financialpost.com/pmn/business-p… 5/ After #LancetGate exposed by brave voices in medical community 🌎, WHO announced on Jun3 that it was resuming its “Solidarity” #HCQ clinical trials. Jun3: #Sanofi announced it would be holding “consultations” to decide whether to restart its HCQ RCT. ⬇️
Jun 4, 2020 4 tweets 4 min read
Based on published #HCQ studies & case-controlled clinical trials, HCQ has significant efficacy in early treatment of #COVID19: PRE-exposure prophylaxis & early POST-exposure treatment. Recent NEJM RCT focused on NEITHER of these 2 key groups but rather: POST-exposure prophylaxis 2/ Here’s link to NEJM #HCQ RCT published today on POST-exposure prophylaxis given up to 4d AFTER exposure. Disturbing that science was again politically sensationalized by media before study was even published w/quotes from MD with #Gilead #BigPharma COI
May 26, 2020 6 tweets 6 min read
Imp Thread: public health fallacy to claim popn #SARSCoV2 IgG serology tests capture all pts recovered from #COVID19: grossly UNDERestimates % popn that was asymptomatic & recovered. Key arms of immune response to #SARSCoV2: humoral with antibodies & cell-mediated with T-cells 2/ Current public health method to estimate population immunity to #SARSCoV2 from recovered asymptomatic #COVID19 ppl uses serology tests to detect IgG antibodies: this only captures humoral immunity. Currently no widely available testing kit for T-cell immunity to #SARSCoV2
May 16, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
Recent @CellCellPress #COVID19 study on #immunity helps explain why these 2pts with X-linked agammaglobulinemia (genetic immunodeficiency where pts have complete abscence of Bcells: inability to produce antibodies) developed COVID19 pneumonia—but RECOVERED
onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.111… 2/In another recently published case #COVID19 study in @AnnalsAllergy—pt with another genetic immunodeficiency (common variable immunodeficiency on monthly IVIG w/stable bronchiectasis) had #COVID19 but fully recovered after ICU care despite increased risk