Lavrov is in #SouthAfrica today, kicking off his second African tour since the invasion of #Ukraine. He already visited four African countries last July & in February there will be four more. So why is #Russia launching this diplomacy offensive in Africa now? A short 🧵
According to TASS, the two ministers will discuss preparations for the 2nd Russian-African summit slated for July 26-29 in St. Petersburg. They could also exchange views on #BRICS, presided over by South Africa this year.
#Italy is NOT going to produce and distribute #SputnikV in the #EU. At least, not the "10 million doses starting from July" that have been mistakenly reported by many Italian & intl' media. Here's a brief thread to clarify a few things.
Yes, the Italian-Swiss pharmaceutical Adienne signed a contract with the Russian sovereign fund after participating in a competition involving other European companies. But the vaccine will be produced in Italy only after the authorization of AIFA, the Italian drug agency.