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somewhere.Timbuktu Profile picture 1 subscribed
May 22, 2022 9 tweets 4 min read
I looked into #Avalanche #Elrond and #NEAR lately. pretty surprised how centralized they are compared to #Algorand. there's one pattern in L1s that makes you understand Algorand better /1 #Avalanche #Elrond #NEAR have like many L1s great engineers in their teams. the tech they provide is solid but and here comes the big difference to Algorand: complete lack of world leading cryptographers /2
May 21, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read
"#Concordium’s decentralised layer-1 #blockchain technology offers unrivalled security, privacy, transparency and control. It is the only layer-1 on the market with an ID framework which ensures accountability, responsibility and certainty in an uncertain world." "Alongside our Reg DeFi Lab we understand that the #DeFi space will continue to evolve and gain traction with enterprise and institutional clients. That is why we are partnering with start-ups and tech giants alike, looking to take advantage of #blockchain technology"
Feb 20, 2022 16 tweets 9 min read
two underrated "secret" powers of #Algorand:
✅ unprecedented team 🧠 power
✅ control of the tech stack

// a few words on that ⬇️ let's start with: "unprecedented team power"

at the end of the day #blockchain networks will be a boring platform for products built on them. technically speaking they will turn into lesser known backend protocols. this has major consequences:
Oct 25, 2021 25 tweets 16 min read
you need to understand #Bitcoin #BTC first, to really understand #Algorand $ALGO 🎰 🎲 🤯

// a thread on why only randomness can bring decentralization and security in consensus before we start: #Bitcoin $BTC and #Algorand $ALGO are completely different things: one is money, one is a high-tech digital asset and smart contract platform

El Salvador will be the first country that will introduce exactly that unique combo ✅