Dr Chris Bagley šŸ‘‹ Profile picture
Teacher, musician, writer, psychologist. Director of Research @statesofmind_20, Co-director @teamsquarepeg, tutor @ioe_london
Sep 21, 2022 ā€¢ 23 tweets ā€¢ 4 min read
1/ ā€˜Weā€™ve got to stick with what weā€™ve gotā€™ - a historical view. The status quo position around education is interminably - ā€˜it canā€™t changeā€™. Disclaimer. It ALWAYS does. Humans evolve. Education evolves. Letā€™s start at the beginning. This ainā€™t the end of history. 2/ Dawn of recorded history - Ancient Sumeria (1800 BC). YP schooled in ancient epics, royal praise poetry, learning to write in cuneiform or Akkadian, learning arithmetic. The ruling classes wouldā€™ve considered schooling for the ā€˜peasantryā€™ ludicrous.
Apr 12, 2022 ā€¢ 11 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
1/ Zero tolerance (ZT) beh policies proceed from scientifically illiterate premises. First, 'consistency' is conflated with 'inflexibility'. Consistency is about creating a safe, predictable environment underpinned by shared values, NOT enforcing rigidly defined rules. 2/ Responding in the same way every time regardless of context is not consistency, itā€™s dogmatism. Outcome- YP excluded from defining the aims/values of their education & subject to beh ā€˜policingā€™ to ensure compliance with aims applied TO them.
Mar 21, 2022 ā€¢ 10 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
1/ Over the past few yrs, working as an Ed Psych in a secure unit (prison), mental health unit & PRU has been both rewarding, challenging and disturbing. A major theme (more prevalent now than I've experienced in all my time w/g in ed) is the way the sch syst traumatises many YP. 2/ Thereā€™re no easy answers or targets for blame. This post is not an attack on teachers or schs, itā€™s an account of what Iā€™m constantly as a practitioner. I used to be a teacher, work closely with teachers week in week out and have huge respect for the work they (and we) do.
Nov 3, 2020 ā€¢ 17 tweets ā€¢ 8 min read
1/THREAD This yr I researched the impact of racism on YP in Eng. Some findings. Not easy reading. Thx to YP with lived exp involved with @NExclusions, @TakeBackTPower, @StopWatchUK & others for helping me understand #racism #criminaljustice #education #edutwitter #school #housing Image 2/ EDUCATION - the over-exclusion of Black students is present at all ages. There's a persistent problem of stereotyping & unconscious bias, a ā€œcumulative process of mounting disciplinary sanctions for relatively low-level disruption that might go unpunished for othersā€ Image
Oct 22, 2020 ā€¢ 6 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read
1/ Some disturbing statistics in regard to Child Poverty, income & free sch meals (FSM). Relative child poverty has increased significantly under this gov. Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS). It increased from 3.6 million (2011/12) to 4.2 million (2018/19). Projected to rise 2/ 2019 report, the IFS asserted that working age benefit cuts have further increased income inequality. They wrote:
"The bottom fifth of the income distribution on average saw its income decline by 1.6%... conversely, the top fifth saw it grow by 0.8%".