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WARNING: May cause cognitive dissonance. If this occurs, unfollow or block me. Don't yell or spin what I said. Bluesky:
Feb 16 4 tweets 1 min read
You cannot determine whether you saved or cost money based solely on one side of the ledger.

Example: I saved my household $2K by not paying the mortgage. You know, the hilarious thing about it is: Cost benefit analysis was introduced as a conservative tool to limit government intrusion. And....I'm being called a leftist for arguing in favor of its use.
Jul 11, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
I have some thoughts on this.

1. Accommodations is not binary. There are degrees of accommodations.

2. Some Bars are notorious for NOT granting accommodations. That makes me wonder if they are also granting insufficient accommodations, which might explain this.

🧵 3. Some students who need accommodations beginning in their first year of law school do not apply for them until they think about accommodations for the bar. By then, it is too late in some Bar jxns. That could have improved both their LSAT and law school GPA.
May 1, 2024 14 tweets 4 min read
So, @Sherman1890, you tell me there's so much nonsense about consumer welfare. But you spend a lot of time on that nonsense, too.

Let's discuss.


#Antitrust #Econtwitter
Image "In sum, courts almost invariably apply a consumer welfare test."

Herbert Hovenkamp, Implementing Antitrust's Welfare Goals, 81 Fordham L. Rev. 2471, 2476 (2013)
Apr 21, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Just saw a cartoon depicting student protestors as being pro-Hamas while wearing a Hitler mustache.

That made me curious how student demonstrators in the 1960s were depicted in editorial cartoons.

🧵Thread Image Protestors depicted as puppets of Communism Image
Mar 13, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read


OMG, look at Penn too!

Wait...Penn...that sounds familiar.

Jan 20, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Did you see the video that a student sent Ilya Shapiro? I AM LIVID!

#Satire You might be thinking of the law class, but I'm thinking of the other video--Karate 101 with Professor Miyagi.

None of what the professor teaches has anything to do with my understanding of Karate.

Dec 11, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
I love the grave concern about campus speech coming from the right. Truly.

They have, over the course of decades, been strong advocates of free speech on campuses.*

*Some exceptions apply.


#AcademicTwitter #AcademicChatter Image "Parents can rid campuses of communists who cloak themselves in 'academic freedom.'"

McCarthy playbook. Image
Sep 27, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
The @FDRLST has a complicated relationship with Taylor Swift, a thread.

@taylorswift13 fandom shows societal decline. Why, you might ask? (scroll down the thread).

#Satire… She holds her pen like a psycho. That's the start of civilization declining. She's the problem, it's her.

Sep 6, 2023 19 tweets 5 min read
Now that I've returned to my center (thanks to friends and a solid workout), let's talk more about legal writing professors and barriers to entry.

#lawtwitter #TheGameIsRigged #ElitismInAcademia Disclaimer: I'm ONLY talking about legal writing professors who are seeking to switch to "doctrinal," (more on those terms and that artificial bifurcation later).
Sep 5, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
Okay, Bigelow v. Legal Writing Professor (LW) Applicants for tenure track, part II. Let's explore with our labor econ hats!

#lawtwitter #Econtwitter

@AdamSFeldman and others can correct my errors as I put on the labor economist hat. Image Disclaimers:

1. I'm not saying that Bigelow fellows do not deserve jobs.

2. I'm not saying "get a Bigelow" is bad advice. Overall, data shows it is good advice, given how the market "functions."
Jul 19, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
Oh no. The DOJ and FTC released draft Horizontal Merger Guidelines. They are not good.

CC: @FTC @LinaKhanFTC @JusticeATR

#Satire #Antitrust First of all, the cases the agencies cite are TOO OLD. Should we even FOLLOW SCOTUS precedent? To suggest so seems partisan and biased, unlike my opinion that Brown Shoe and other select cases ought to be ignored. That's fine. #Satire
Jun 7, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Ted Lasso is right. "Be curious. Not judgmental."

Curiosity is the foundation of academic endeavor. Judgment cannot come before inquiry--preanalytic vision happens, but shutting down inquiry before even questioning isn't intellectual. (Thread)

#lawtwitter #AcademicChatter If we're dealing with arguments, why isn't the persuasiveness of the argument (or validation if empirics are the method) the sole determinant? Why would one care who it is?
Jun 6, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Hypothetical: It's 1787-1788, but with same tech as now.

The Federalist Papers are published.

Would law profs:
1. read them?
2. reject them because they are anonymous?
3. demand "skin in the game?"
4 engage with Twitter handle "Publius?"

Thinking 2 and 3.

#lawtwitter Forgot 5. Subtweet the f*ck out of them.
Mar 23, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
So, if the @StanfordLaw Dean's letter is true to her word, here is what I would do if I were a student at Stanford Law to assure that there is parity.


#Lawtwitter #Hypothetical I would, along with like-minded students, form a new student organization, Anti-Federalist Society (anti-Fed for short). I would scream very loudly if my student group did not get approved. Free speech and all that.
Jan 1, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
I've been asked to make some predictions for 2023. Fine. Be careful what you wish for.

#2023Predictions #lawtwitter #AcademicChatter 1. @Tesla will not be any closer to a self driving car that doesn't kill pedestrians. It will, however, be closer to a self-driving stock that kills shareholders.

Sep 18, 2021 12 tweets 2 min read
I'm a law professor.

A cop hid a tape recorder in the ER while I was getting stitched up.

I was illegally searched as a suspect in a crime that didn't happen (and threatened with jail) on the hood of a cop car.

I could go on.

Never talk to the police. I bet some of you don't know that for a long time in some jurisdictions, cops would have their guns drawn by their side for traffic stops.
May 2, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Teenagers get stimulus checks? And, there was that study in 2020 that found no decrease in employment related to the earlier stimulus.….
Mar 24, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
I just finished listening to Simon & Garfunkel's "Mrs. Robinson," and I think they were trying to recruit her in the @CIA. (Thread) The first stanza is appealing to her sense of religious duty. "And here's to you, Mrs. Robinson
Jesus loves you more than you will know." It is a short walk there to "God Bless America" and the CIA.
Mar 23, 2021 21 tweets 5 min read
I was, for no particular reason, thinking today about an ENTIRE AND VAST LITERATURE on household reproduction that encompasses many voices across many fields.

#lawtwitter #AcademicChatter A LOT of those articles, books, and essays are written by WOMEN. So I imagine if I were, say, citing literature in my essay, I would want to be careful to ensure I encompassed it fairly. I might also look at who I am tending to cite in my footnotes.
Aug 6, 2020 11 tweets 3 min read
I can't help but notice that in defending the Bar Exam, @NCBEX and some state BLEs have created a public relations disaster. (Thread)

#Lawtwitter #Barpocalypse #bloodybarpocalypse How did we get here? Easy.
1. Ignore student health concerns.
2. Imply movement for diploma privilege is just a small group of lazy whiny students.
3. Commingle legitimate anger about being ignored with improper attacks to chill speech about the Bar Exam
Aug 23, 2019 11 tweets 5 min read
Hey @PennLaw, it's a good thing that you gave Professor Wax a sabbatical so she could enhance your brand!

And the @NewYorker was happy to help!….


#Lawtwitter #academictwitter #phdchat #racism @atlblog @JosephPatrice Some highlights on this thread. First quote from Wax: "Why are successful, peaceful, orderly, prosperous, technologically advanced, democratically sound countries so rare and so few, and why do they clump up in one tiny corner of the globe, namely Europe, the Anglosphere?"