Leora Horwitz Profile picture
Director, Center for Healthcare Innovation and Delivery Science @nyulangone; general internist; mom of 3 boys. Tweets are my own. @leorahorwitzmd.bsky.social
12 subscribers
Jan 20 5 tweets 2 min read
Delighted our paper on post-#COVID #MECFS from #NIHRECOVER is out last week in @JournalGIM. We find people are almost 5x more likely to develop ME/CFS ("chronic fatigue syndrome") after first COVID infection than uninfected controls. Link & more details in next post. Bar graph of 5 individual ME/CFS symptoms showing highest frequency in those enrolled >30 days after infection, medium frequency in those enrolled <30 days after infection, and lowest frequency in uninfected. Post-exertional malaise is the most common of the five in the infected groups. We analyzed data from >13,200 participants in the #NIHRECOVER adult cohort. Among 4,515 followed from time of first infection we found the incidence rate of new ME/CFS was 2.66/100 person-years, compared to 0.93 in matched uninfected controls - HR 4.93. link.springer.com/article/10.100…
Dec 19, 2024 18 tweets 5 min read
Out today in @jama_current, the 2024 update to the #NIHRECOVER 2023 #LongCOVID index. Explainer follows. 🧵 1/njamanetwork.com/journals/jama/… We use the same methodology as in 2023 to update the index, but now include data on >3,800 more people. See this 2023 explainer for details of the methodology, not repeated here. 2/n
May 25, 2023 24 tweets 18 min read
1st #NIHRECOVER adult cohort results are out today in @JAMA_current, proposing an expanded working definition of #LongCovid (aka post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 [PASC]). Led by @tthaweethai, this is a dense paper with a ton of results. Buckle up! 🧵
jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/… #NIHRECOVER Adult is a cohort study of ~15k adults with/without #COVID, followed prospectively. They answer symptom surveys every 3 months and do additional tests yearly. 93% of cohort has been enrolled; this paper includes 9,764 participants. recovercovid.org
Apr 9, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Have been too busy enjoying seeing people in person and seeing so much great research at #SGIM22 to have been tweeting, but what a great meeting. @nyugrossman was out in force /1 Med student Kyle Smith had a wonderful oral presentation on how we have developed a method of finding people on oral anti psychotics who haven’t had a1c testing (no pics cause I was so busy watching!) with @SaulBlecker /2
Jan 30, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Fascinating article about how research into types and efficacy of traffic stops in multiple CT communities led to changes that both reduced disparities in stops and better targeted actual public safety issues. Some examples follow: In Newington, 40% (1,608) traffic stops were for defective lights but found only 1 DUI. Dept switched focus to moving violations (defective lights ⬇️67%, moving violations ⬆️60%). Stops with DUI arrest ⬆️250%, from 18 to 63, and disparities substantially reduced: safer & fairer!
Jan 4, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
A lot of chatter about hospitalization "with" versus "for" COVID, implying current hospitalization wave isn't "real." NY state is going to start trying to report the distinction; UK already does. Some thoughts, with exemplar data. /1 1st, not so easy to tell. Our health system calls "for" COVID: patients with problem list or clinical impression of respiratory failure with hypoxia (various codes), or x "due to COVID" or COVID positive is the only problem. Specific, but likely not very sensitive. /2
Dec 22, 2021 18 tweets 5 min read
Phenomenal preprint from South Africa on #omicron severity. Insanely fast analysis with multiple linked national datasets. Kudos to the authors. Results? You'll see headlines about reduced severity, but full story more complicated. My thoughts. medrxiv.org/content/10.110… First off, methods. They link lab tests, case data, genome data and hospital data from across all of South Africa. (Wow!) They use a proxy for omicron (SFTF) and require Ct <=30 ("real" infection).
Nov 11, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Incomplete article in the @nytimes today re: vaccine effectiveness made me finally read last week's NEJM letter suggesting more waning of Moderna than NYT suggests. Will walk you through it. /1 nejm.org/doi/full/10.10… This reports data from a Moderna randomized trial, in which 14,746 people got vaccine Jul-Dec 2020 and 11,431 got placebo. The placebo group then got the real vaccine later, between Dec 2020-Apr 2021. /2
Nov 2, 2021 8 tweets 9 min read
Took a Twitter break for several months to help get @NIH #RecoverCOVID up and running to study #LongCovid (AKA #PASC). Thrilled to report @UTHealthSA @UHHospitals have enrolled our first 7 participants! Congrats to them and cast of 1000s working night and day to kick it off. /1 #RecoverCOVID will follow >17K adults, >20K kids across nation + PR for 4 yrs to learn what #LongCovid looks like, how long it lasts, what causes it/increases risk, and, ultimately, what makes it better. Will also include autopsy data and electronic health records of millions. /2
Jun 10, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Grateful to be part of the team @nyulangone leading the clinical science core for the @NIH long term outcomes of #COVID19 research, to be carried out by dozens of extraordinary investigators around the country. I take this responsibility very seriously. nyulangone.org/news/nyu-lango… “Post acute sequelae of COVID” (PASC) threatens to have major public health implications for years to come, and patients are suffering now. We must learn more about what causes long term effects, and how they can be treated. For more info, see recovercovid.org.
Apr 20, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Excited to judge the finalists for the @SocietyGIM Lipkin Award (best student/resident/fellow abstract) for the third year in a row - tune in live at 12:20p EDT today, tomorrow and Thursday to see recorded presentations and live questions. Our trainees are our future. #SGIM21 Day 1 Image
Feb 24, 2021 12 tweets 4 min read
There is no perfect vaccination prioritization strategy, and every choice leaves out people who would really benefit from vaccine. That said, I think @GovNedLamont's new age-based strategy in CT is very sensible if primary goal is to reduce hospitalizations and deaths ASAP. /1 Context: CT has already prioritized those in congregate settings (nursing homes, corrections, group homes, homeless shelters) and those 65+. Now, plan is to go by age in ~3 wk intervals (55-65, 45-54, 35-44, 18-34), last group starts May 3. Teachers now. portal.ct.gov/Coronavirus/CO…
Feb 23, 2021 8 tweets 5 min read
Today we commemorate half a million US deaths from #COVID19 - a staggering and heartbreaking figure. Millions are mourning. The only positive is that it is increasingly clear that this year will be better. A thread on #COVID19 mortality evidence: In October we published an analysis showing that death rates among hospitalized #COVID19 patients had dropped precipitously at @nyulangone even after accounting for changes in patient mix. @jhospmedicine journalofhospitalmedicine.com/jhospmed/artic…
Feb 17, 2021 6 tweets 4 min read
So proud of this work led by @vincentjmajor & Erwin Wang w/@NicoleAdlerMD @hauck_kevin @AustrianMd
@yindalon @nyulangone in @nejmcatalyst. This is how to do thoughtful, collaborative integration of #AI into clinical care to create a learning health system catalyst.nejm.org/doi/full/10.10… At baseline, only 16% of our patients hospitalized within 6 months of death had documentation of advanced care planning. @vincentjmajor & clin colleagues developed 3 predictive models for 2 month mortality, set appropriate threshold (75% PPV), and integrated into the EHR. Image
Dec 6, 2020 11 tweets 6 min read
Our new paper in @JAMANetworkOpen shows no disparity in adjusted outcomes between Black/Hispanic/White #COVID19 patients @nyulangone once hospitalized; if anything, Blacks seem to do a little better. Is this an anomaly? @gbengaogedegbe ja.ma/3n1NKhC /Thread Actually, several other papers have now found the same. This study of 11,210 hospitalized patients at 92 @ascensionorg hospitals found no sig difference in mortality between Blacks & Whites @BYehia jamanetwork.com/journals/jaman…
Dec 2, 2020 16 tweets 7 min read
Yesterday the world lost a shining light, much too soon. @marjoriesue’s life was marked by tragedy – widowed early with two young children, then metastatic cancer – but she radiated joy and empathy and was an astonishingly gifted writer. In memoriam, some of my favorite pieces: Margi was a pediatrician, writer, friend, researcher and community activist, but also a single mom who raised two extraordinary young women. Here, she wrote nicer words about other people's mothers (including mine @renalis) than I have ever said to my own:
Sep 29, 2020 10 tweets 4 min read
My periodic reminder that WE ARE NOT GOING TO SOLVE #COVID19 THROUGH NON-VACCINE HERD IMMUNITY. For those who need more convincing, thread follows. First, we have NEVER gotten to herd immunity without vaccine for a virus. If you are over 40, you almost certainly had chicken pox as a kid. Until vaccine in 1995, we had >4 million cases/year (& ~125 deaths) - about the same as how many kids are born each year.
Aug 19, 2020 9 tweets 4 min read
*Caution non-peer reviewed preprint* There have been many anecdotes about prolonged #COVID19 symptoms but little systematic data collection. Here, results from prospective study of 152 patients @nyulangone hospitalized with #COVID19. /1 medrxiv.org/content/10.110… tl;dr results: 113/152 (74%) reported persistent shortness of breath 30-40 days after discharge. 13.5% still needed oxygen. Overall physical health was rated 44/100 after vs 54 before - full standard deviation drop vs national norms. Mental health score dropped from 54 to 47.
Aug 19, 2020 6 tweets 4 min read
*Caution non-peer reviewed preprint* US #COVID19 death rates are lower now than in the spring. Is disease less lethal (better treatments, etc), or just younger people getting sick? We examined @nyulangone outcomes over time to explore. /1 @PetrilliMD medrxiv.org/content/10.110… We know that risk of mortality is highly dependent on characteristics like age, comorbidity, severity of illness on presentation. We also know that the current epidemic is skewing younger. That alone could explain lower mortality. /2 vox.com/2020/7/18/2132…
Aug 10, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
I hate recording talks. I rely so much on audience cues to see if they are lost, confused, interested, engaged, annoyed, and I adjust accordingly. I love interaction. Live talks make me energized and I have so much fun giving them. But. I recorded a talk for #MLHC2020 /1 And instead of maybe 25 or 50 people seeing it live, now over 300 have watched it on YouTube, including my mother in law (thanks, Mom!) and apparently people in Ghana (thanks @aowusuda!) and Ireland (thanks @EvaDoherty!). @HardeepSinghMD even summarized it beautifully. /2
Jul 19, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
The @US_FDA has now authorized “pooled testing” for #COVID19 to save testing reagents and speed results. I’m a big fan. But, this only works in low prevalence situations. To see why, here is some fun Sunday morning math for you all.

fda.gov/news-events/pr… Pooled testing works like this. You get individual swabs from a bunch of people, set aside some of the sample for each person in case needed later, and mix the rest together. Now test the mixed (pooled) sample. If negative, you’re done! One test for N people, saving N-1 tests.