Lesia Vasylenko Profile picture
Ukrainian MP, @goloszmin, working mom of 3 lovely humans, lover of freedom, travel and all things green #Ukraine #geopolitics
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Sep 20, 2022 11 tweets 9 min read
#Russia has no right to a presence in the @UN, neither from a moral standpoint, nor from a purely legalistic perspective. Here is why #unrussiaUN can happen and needs to happen fast THREAD 🧵/1 #Russia has NEVER complied with @UN Charter principles and rules. Maintain peace and security, suppress acts of aggression - this is the opposite of what #Kremlin does /2
Sep 16, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Just like in 1990 the West was reluctant to abolish relations with USSR, fearing economic instability and destabilization of nuclear security, the West is again reluctant to end relations with #Russia as we know it today. /1 The West failed to recognize the USSR for the totalitarian institution it was. It failed to see that violence erupted every time central government in #Moscow quashed down national movements and longing of independence of 15 different nations /2
Sep 13, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
At least 150K Ukrainians liberated in over 300 towns and villages. Almost 4000 sq km of regained land. Brief smiles, strong embraces and so much uncovered pain. What #Russia leaves behind THREAD 🧵/1 Beheaded bodies of #Ukraine military. Shot and tortured civilians. The numbers will be coming in and investigations will follow /2
Jul 30, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
It’s not just the #Kremlin and the problem is not just #putin. Long-lasting peace will be possible only after #Russia and Russians are reformed THREAD /1 Just like the Nazis, the Russians see nothing wrong in their actions. They see no problem with hating #Ukraine, killing the innocent and murdering POWs /2
Jun 5, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Putin needs to loose for the war to end. There is no other way! A few points for @EmmanuelMacron and his friends to think about: THREAD/1 Mediation and negotiation are civilized measures reserved for civilized law-abiding members of the international community. Not for Russia 🇷🇺 /2
May 24, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
I’m concerned with the amount of #Russia propaganda narrative seeping back in to the international discourse. Please mind the following messages thread 🧵: Don’t arrest/prosecute #putin (at least for a while), as there’ll be no one to negotiate peace with 🤦‍♀️ really? /1
May 22, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Long term consequences of #Russia aggression against #Ukraine: thread 🧵/1 Ukrainian children are deprived of education as schools are closed because of possible attacks. #Ukraine will no longer be among countries with higher literacy rates /2
May 4, 2022 9 tweets 4 min read
To those still believing that the killing of Ukrainians may be stopped by #Ukraine giving up territory to #Russia: this will bring more war, more devastation and more deaths 🧵/1 Territory is not empty fields or woodland. It’s places where Ukrainian people live. Giving up territory = betrayal of Ukrainians who want to remain Ukrainian in a Ukrainian Ukraine /2
Apr 7, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
#russia lost over 12 bln USD in 42 days of its war against #Ukraine. That’s nothing, considering their 600 bln USD reserves. #SanctionRussia /1 #Russia gets 500 mln EUR / day PROFIT from oil and gas sales. EU pays 800 mln EUR/day to Russia /2
Mar 29, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
Peace talks🧵/1 #Russia saying it doesn’t mind #Ukraine joining the #EU is utterly offensive. RF continues to think itself more sovereign than other states The key point from #Ukraine: all negotiations possible ONLY after total deoccupation of #Ukraine. So #Russia soldiers go home and then we talk /2
Mar 22, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Couple things I don’t get: 1) why should #Ukraine consider making concessions to #Russia 2) why is everyone so focused on @NATO inaction and not calling on @UN? /1 Ukraine will not be making concessions for the sake global peace and security. /2
Mar 12, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Reportedly death squads follow #Russia military convoys with order to kill deserters and all soldiers refusing to execute orders. Putin clearly gets his inspiration from Stalin in WW2 and mixes in a bit of Hitler. #StopPutler This will now be a 🧵/2: #Russia sends draftees and ‘alternates’ (communal service workers) to #Ukraine. Their job is to distract Ukrainian military as the professional army advances. Boys turned into cannon fodder -this is what it really is