Mark Scott Profile picture
Senior Resident Fellow, Atlantic Council's Democracy + Tech Initiative. Weekly newsletter:
Jan 19, 2023 24 tweets 8 min read
This month's violence in Brazil did not happen overnight. It was the culmination of months/years of anti-democratic messaging — fueled by social media.

Let's unpack the anatomy of a failed (digital) coup 👇

<<cue thread>> First, all credit to @edekeulenaar and her colleagues who have tracked partisan social media content in Brazil — across 6 social networks — since late 2021. It's arguably the largest repository of independent social media data on the country that I've come across. Kudos.
Aug 18, 2022 19 tweets 5 min read
Let's be clear: if your strategy is to rely on fact-checkers for content moderation and/or election integrity on social media, you might as well just give up and go home.

<<cue thread>> This is not to knock the work of all of fact-checking groups out there. It is a noble aim: to debunk falsehoods. But they are understaffed, under-resourced and, increasingly, faced financial pressures to pump out as many fact-checks as possible vs making a notable difference
Mar 16, 2022 14 tweets 4 min read
One to watch: UK will introduce new online content rules tomorrow that will force social media companies to police 'legal, but harmful' material online — a legal quagmire that will not end well, for anyone It includes hefty fines — and potential criminal sanctions against tech executives — for failing to comply, and gives @Ofcom massive new powers to police online content.

It's arguably the farthest any Western country has gone in this area (sorry, Germany and rest of EU)
Feb 24, 2022 9 tweets 6 min read
Very quick snapshot on how Russian (and Chinese) state-backed media reporting on #Ukraine is performing on @Facebook.

In total, major channels have garnered, on average, 169k social media interactions in terms of likes, shares & comments, in last 7 days Image @Facebook What does that look like? Well, here are some screenshot (with interactions displayed) for RT Mundo, Globat Times & RT ImageImageImage
Oct 25, 2021 9 tweets 13 min read
POLITICO was one of several news organizations w/ access to internal @Facebook docs that outlined the tech giant’s role in everything from Jan 6 riots to fomenting violence worldwide. We’ve just published our first set of stories.

A thread <<cracks knuckles>> @Facebook .@JohnHendel delved into how Facebookers weren’t happy w/ how the company had handled things over the years. “We really need to get over our reluctance to stand on the side of truth and reality,” one said in late 2020.
Oct 12, 2021 10 tweets 5 min read
I find this point from @FrancesHaugen telling in terms how US social media companies (and, frankly) US-based reporters and others view #misinformation. It’s as if they haven’t looked beyond their noses to the wider world & lack of support for tackling this problem elsewhere. I won’t pretend to understand the intricacies of Myanmar or the Philippines. But again and again, #misinformation across Europe has gone unchecked.…,…,…
Oct 10, 2021 10 tweets 4 min read
Seeing ongoing difficulty in getting ANYTHING passed through Congress & can’t help but think: none of the digital rulemaking linked to #antitrust, #contentmoderation or, already a long shot, #privacy is going to happen before the midterms, if not the 2024 presidential election This is frustrating in some many ways (and, tbf, I’m a cynic on US rulemaking anyway). I wonder if @FrancesHaugen’s testimony will change the dynamics, but I doubt it. Digital policymaking and the fight against “Big Tech” is just not a priority
Oct 8, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
And so it's done. After almost a year, my three-part series on the murky world of undercover lobbying in Brussels is out. (Whoop!)

Here's my on our podcast talking about the whole operations. Enjoy… Part One looks at EU Reporter, a Brussels-based media organization and its undisclosed ties to foreign governments and companies eagerly promoting themselves within the EU halls of power…
Oct 7, 2021 21 tweets 7 min read
ICYMI -- a deal to fundamentally overhaul the global tax system is expected to be announced tomorrow. It would rewrite domestic laws & international treaties, forcing the likes of @google & @facebook to pay more, globally, where they operate.

<<Cracks knucles>> cue thread This comes down to who gets the right to tax the world's largest companies on their global operations: these firms' home jurisidictions, or countries that are home to these companies' actual customers.

In short, it's a question of sovereignty.
Oct 5, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Anyone in DC looking for suggestions on what to do about social media companies’ harm on society? Want to police algorithms and increase transparency on what everyone sees online. Here’s a quick guide to EU’s Digital Services Act proposals that do just that 👇 Image Reminder: these rules will likely get passed in first half of 2022. They have changed since first being announced in December, 2020, but hit on everything @FrancesHaugen touched on today in terms of algorithmic and data accountability
Sep 29, 2021 23 tweets 5 min read
US & EU senior officials meet today in Pittsburgh to talk tech & trade. It's part of efforts to rebuild the transatlantic relation after Trump's 4 years.

Here's a thread on what you need to know about today's meeting and what it means for US-US relations.

<<cracks knuckles>> First, the basics. The EU-US Trade and Tech Council was an idea dreamed up by @EU_Commission president Ursula von der Leyen to pigeonhole US thinking about digital policymaking and trade. The goal: to get DC to follow Brussels' lead
Aug 26, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
After talking to folk today, two things have become very clear: UK govt is willing to walk away from its adequacy deal w/ EU; almost no one with power in London understands how privacy regulations work There is a feeling within part of UK govt that GDPR has been a hindrance to growth (it has not); and that business wants more freedom to “innovate” (most do, but not at expense of privacy rights)
Aug 26, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
Current scenes in Brussels after London announces it wants to reach a international data deal w/ the US (and Australia, Brazil, Colombia, Kenya, South Korea, India & Singapore) Fun fact: while the UK is pursuing these post-Brexit deals (as is its right), if such agreements leads to EU data being transferred to third-party countries that don't have adequacy deals w/ EU, then the UK's own deal w/ the EU could be in jeopardy
Aug 19, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
Two things are pretty clear. 1) Taliban continue is all over social media. 2) Western far-right groups have embraced the militants' message as their own.

Read all about how that's shaking out in this week's Digital Bridge newsletter 👉… .@Facebook's publication of a new (US-focused) transparency report has again got people talking about how to hold these companies to account.

FWIW, both EU & US officials are (finally) putting pen to paper 👇
Jul 16, 2021 7 tweets 5 min read
Happy Schrems-iversary! It’s been a year since Europe’s highest court stuck down EU-US data transfers.

Where are we on getting a deal done? Not close at all. Here’s why w/ @vmanancourt @vmanancourt Reminder: the underlying issues haven’t really changed since 2015 — when the previous “Safe Harbor” agreement was similarly struck down Image
Jul 14, 2021 19 tweets 5 min read
There's a growing drumbeat (in Washington) that China's new #privacy laws give Chinese citizens' greater protections than in the US -- and that's good enough reason for DC to pursue federal #dataprotection laws.

Let's unpack why that argument doesn't make sense.

<<cue thread>> So it's true that Beijing is rolling out a comprehensive national #privacy standard that, in its very basic levels, is based on Europe's General Data Protection Regulation. You can read a translation here…
Jun 4, 2021 4 tweets 4 min read
#BREAKING Two #antitrust investigations into @Facebook from @EU_Commission & @CMAgovUK & @Facebook @EU_Commission @CMAgovUK Focus is on social networking giant’s collection & use of data and if that gave it an unfair advantage.

This is just the start of the investigations, and we’re still months, if not more than a year, away from any specific charges
Jun 4, 2021 30 tweets 7 min read
For everyone wading into the global tax overhaul as G7 ministers meet today — hi, welcome, glad you could make it.

Let’s break down where we are, what are the sticking points, and what may — and may not — be accounced in coming days.

<cue thread>> OK, first things, first. This is not about tax. At its core are unanswered questions over which govts have the right to tell large (digital) companies what they can and can not do within their jurisdictions.

In short, it's a power play (but I would say that, as a POLITICO hack)
May 5, 2021 14 tweets 9 min read
BREAKING: Trump banned from @Facebook @Facebook Major caveat: @OversightBoard wants FB to review its Trump ban within 6 months and come up with another penalty other than lifetime ban.

So we might be back here in the Fall.

May 5, 2021 24 tweets 7 min read
In a couple of hours (9am EST), we'll know if Donald Trump is allowed back on @Facebook. It represents a watershed moment of online content rules -- and shines a spotlight on how FB has de facto power over much of our lives.

A thread on what to expect and this ruling means: So let's do the basics: Trump's account was suspended after Jan 6 riots and FB referred that decision to @OversightBoard in late Jan to determine if that was correct decision or not…
Mar 26, 2021 18 tweets 3 min read
Giddy up: Eurpoean Comission’s @BrunoGencarelli & @CommerceGov’s Christopher Hoff (the men in charge of getting a EU-US data deal done) are chatting.

Live thread coming up.

<<Cracks knucles>> 👇 Back story: Privacy Shield negotiations are ongoing to keep data flowing across Atlantic. It’s a big deal (here’s why

Biggest issue: Allowing EU citizens greater judicial redress when their data is shipped to the US.