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Mar 12th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Spirit warned investors that merging with Jetblue would be illegal; and more!

Archived at:…

#Pluralistic 1/ Image
Spirit warned investors that merging with Jetblue would be illegal: Exhibit A for the prosecution.

2/ Image
Hey look at this

* Freely readable 2023 #NebulaAwards nominees…

* Why Weren't #SiliconValleyBank Depositors Using CDARS?…

* Users, advertisers – we are all trapped in the net's ‘… 3/ Image
Read 20 tweets
Mar 4th 2023
The classic #trilemma goes: "Fast, cheap or good, pick any two." The #ModeratorsTrilemma goes, "Large, diverse userbase; centralized platforms; don't anger users - pick any two." 1/  A trilemma Venn diagram, showing three ovoids in a triangul
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
The Moderator's Trilemma is introduced in "Moderating the Fediverse: Content Moderation on Distributed Social Media," a superb paper from @ARozenshtein of @UofMNLawSchool, forthcoming in the journal @JournalSpeech, available as a prepub on @SSRN:… 3/
Read 73 tweets
Feb 24th 2023
In 1998, two Stanford students published "The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine," in which they wrote, "Advertising funded search engines will be inherently biased towards the advertisers and away from the needs of consumers." 1/ A modified version of Hiero...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
The co-authors were Lawrence Page and Sergey Brin, and the "large-scale hypertextual web search-engine" they were describing was their new project, which they called "#Google." They were 100% correct - prescient, even! 3/
Read 62 tweets
Jan 21st 2023
Here is how #platforms die: first, they are good to their users; then they abuse their users to make things better for their business customers; finally, they abuse those business customers to claw back all the value for themselves. Then, they die. 1/
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
I call this #enshittification, and it is a seemingly inevitable consequence arising from the combination of the ease of changing how a platform allocates value, combined with the nature of a "two sided market." 3/
Read 125 tweets
Dec 19th 2022
#ContentModeration is fundamentally about making social media work better, but there are two other considerations that determine how social media *fails*: #EndToEnd (#E2E), and #FreedomOfExit. 1/ Moses confronting the Pharaoh, demanding that he release the
These are much neglected, and that's a pity, because how a system fails is every bit as important as how it works. 2/
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 3/
Read 74 tweets
Dec 15th 2022
No matter how hard conservative culture-war cannon-fodder love big business, it will never love them back. Take network policy, where rural turkeys in Red State America keep on voting for Christmas, then profess outrage when Old Farmer Comcast gets to sharpening his ax. 1/ A hunter in camo firing a rifle whose barrel has been bent b
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
For two years, the @FCC has been hamstrung because MAGA Senators refuse to confirm @gigibsohn, leaving the Commission with only four commissioners. What do the GOP have against Sohn? 3/
Read 35 tweets
Dec 10th 2022
The online debate over #FreeSpeech *suuuuucks*, and, amazingly, it's *getting worse*. This week, it's the false dichotomy of #FreedomOfSpeech v #FreedomOfReach - whether a platform should override your explicit choices about what you want to see:… 1/ A handwritten letter from a WWI soldier that has been redact
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
It's wild that we're still having this fight. It is literally the first internet fight! The modern internet was born out of an epic struggled between #Bellheads and #Netheads. 3/
Read 69 tweets
Dec 7th 2022

To start us off, @CenDemTech's Director of Policy Samir Jain joins long-time #FreeSpeech advocate + lawyer @WilmerHale's @pjcarome to explore how law around online speech has developed over the past 30 years.

📺 Day 2 Livestream: Event graphic for The Futur...
@WilmerHale @pjcarome CDT's Jain: "We at @CenDemTech thought it appropriate to use this occasion to honor & recognize @pjcarome for his many contributions to the development of the law concerning the 1st Admt & free speech, particularly as country’s preeminent advocate around #Section230." #FOSO2022
@WilmerHale @pjcarome CDT's Jain: This fall was the 25th anniversary of 4th Circuit’s decision in Zeran v America Online, the seminal decision that set course for how courts around the country have interpreted #Section230 until now... I was fortunate enough to work w/ Pat & saw firsthand his tenacity.
Read 9 tweets
Dec 6th 2022
Can't wait to have you join us IN 1 HR – just a *few* of the amazing speakers lined up:
* @AlexReeveGivens
* @viaCristiano
* @YaelEisenstat
* @jamalgreene
* @JulieOwono
* @MattPerault
It's not too late to join!📺:
@AlexReeveGivens @viaCristiano @YaelEisenstat @jamalgreene @JulieOwono @MattPerault Leading off today's incredible series of convos is an intro from CDT CEO @AlexReeveGivens - "We are looking at the most active term on #OnlineSpeech issues in the #SupremeCourt’s history, including the Court’s first look at #Section230."

📺 Livestream:
@AlexReeveGivens @viaCristiano @YaelEisenstat @jamalgreene @JulieOwono @MattPerault .@AlexReeveGivens: This focus on how tech works in practice is a hallmark of CDT's advocacy going back to the beginnings of the org... essential for the Court to understand broad implications of its decisions. We hope the convos we’ll host over the course of #FOSO2022 can help.
Read 8 tweets
Dec 6th 2022
‼️ New #SCOTUS amicus brief by @CenDemTech, @ACLU, @ACLU_NorCal, @EFF, @knightcolumbia, @RSI, & @rcfp argues that holding online intermediaries liable for aiding & abetting terrorism based on generalized knowledge that alleged terrorists use their services hurts free expression.
@ACLU @ACLU_NorCal @EFF @knightcolumbia @RSI @rcfp The brief, filed in Twitter v. Taamneh, urges SCOTUS to interpret the Anti-Terrorism Act to require a high knowledge standard before online intermediaries can be held liable based on hosting others’ speech.…
@ACLU @ACLU_NorCal @EFF @knightcolumbia @RSI @rcfp Requiring intermediaries to have actual knowledge a specific piece of user-generated content provides substantial assistance to terrorist act protects #FreeSpeech by ensuring a fear of liability doesn’t pressure intermediaries into over-removing content.…
Read 6 tweets
Jul 28th 2022
Wie kann man so krass abstürzen? Ken Jepsen ca. 2011Ken Jepsen ca. 2022
Ich glaub' den muss ich mir archivieren...…
Read 297 tweets
Jul 26th 2022
"Argument-Making in the Wild"

Today's SFI Seminar by Simon DeDeo (@LaboratoryMinds), streaming now. Follow our thread for pull quotes and slides:

First, let's divide human history into three eras, or regimes of #knowledge #production and #consumption:

• #premodern/#archaic
• #modern + #postmodern
• the #egregore (online content sharing)

• The premodern era is defined by caloric restriction.
• The modern era is characterized by a small number of sellers of #information vs. a large number of consumers (see also #HerbertSimon's remarks on the "poverty of #attention")

Read 16 tweets
Jun 10th 2022
"Listening well entails perceiving others as individuals with valuable and credible knowledge of their experience, and engaging in communication that does not discount or distort what is meaningful to both parties. -- Rosa Ritunnano @RRitunnano…
A huge Atlantic ocean current is slowing down—if it collapses, La Niña could become the norm for Australia…
#ClimateChange, #LaNina, #AtlanticMeridionalOverturningCirculation, #CurrentSlowdown, #GlobalConsequences
Read 13 tweets
Apr 26th 2022
My 2c on #ElonMusk #TwitterTakeover: If Musk implements his announcements, it means that Twitter can pack up here in Europe.
With free speech absolutism, he underestimates the consequences for our democracy and will clash with obligations under the EU's #DigitalServicesAct.
#ElonMusk will soon be confronted with the #DigitalServicesAct: content moderation in the EU must meet high standards & respect all fundamental rights. The #DSA contains many strict rules for the biggest platforms - and Twitter will very likely fall in the VLOPs category.
The #DigitalServicesAct means that Twitter has to invest in human content moderators, it has to comply with due diligence obligations, such as risk assessments of its service & algorithms for society. If he doesn't comply: there will be heavy fines!
Read 4 tweets
Oct 10th 2021
Seeing ongoing difficulty in getting ANYTHING passed through Congress & can’t help but think: none of the digital rulemaking linked to #antitrust, #contentmoderation or, already a long shot, #privacy is going to happen before the midterms, if not the 2024 presidential election
This is frustrating in some many ways (and, tbf, I’m a cynic on US rulemaking anyway). I wonder if @FrancesHaugen’s testimony will change the dynamics, but I doubt it. Digital policymaking and the fight against “Big Tech” is just not a priority
If you can barely pass a budget or an infrastructure bill, is there really an appetite for #ArtificialIntelligence rules or platform regulation? I find that hard to believe, especially as mid-term electioneering is already around the corner
Read 10 tweets
Jul 26th 2021
FILED: @CenDemTech filed an amicus brief joined by @EFF, @mediacoalition, @ncacensorship, @PENamerica & @RSI urging 9th Circuit to allow Twitter’s lawsuit – against TX AG Ken Paxton for retaliating against its #contentmoderation decisions – to go forward.… CDT leads an amicus brief i...
@EFF @mediacoalition @ncacensorship @PENamerica @RSI This lawsuit isn’t just about Twitter’s #FirstAmendment right to moderate content. Government coercion of social media companies is on the rise, in the U.S. & around the world, and the Court’s decision will affect users worldwide.
@EFF @mediacoalition @ncacensorship @PENamerica @RSI Paxton’s retaliatory investigation of Twitter discourages it from moderating content, which is bad for users & public. We need companies to do more to address #disinformation, #hatespeech, & harassment in a way that respects human rights w/o being chilled by gov't interference.
Read 3 tweets
Mar 12th 2021
"We are the #Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. #ResistanceIsFutile."… Image
So if one-fifth of @Facebook's employees work on #AR/#VR, have all of them done a stint as a content #moderator? And given its toxic business model why doesn't #Facebook have at least as many *employees* (not contractors) working on #ContentModeration as it does AR?
Also, whether you believe #data '#TheNewOil' or that a better analogy is #ToxicWaste, for #BigTech / the #platforms the result's the same.

Using ML/DL/AI/AR/VR to extract value involves energy-intensive processing and doesn't factor in other externalities like cultural damage...
Read 4 tweets
Nov 16th 2020
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 11/16/2020…
Waves of Empowerment: Black Radio and the Civil Rights Movement by Tianyi Wang…

#history #CivilRightsMovement #media #activism #radio
Read 8 tweets
Oct 21st 2020
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 10/21/2020
Do we live in a simulation? Chances are about 50–50.…

#ComputerSimulation #SimulationTheory #reality
An answer to an elusive mystery of consciousness?…

#consciousness #QuantumStructures #neuroscience
Read 6 tweets
Mar 25th 2019
1. Talking at #EmTechDigital today on 'Preparing for #Deepfakes: Trust and Truth' placing in broader framework of how we think about AI and social good. My cliffnotes here in this thread… (in great company with @red_abebe and @latonero)
2. Quick intro for those don't know @witnessorg; work on helping anyone, anywhere using video and tech for human rights. We're focused on making you more effective, ethical and safe if you do. And that means also keeping eye out for emerging tech threats
3. Big emerging tech threats we're concerned about now are: #AI at intersection with #disinformation, #media manipulation and rising #authoritarianism. We know this is where the rubber hits the road for activists and civic witnesses on the ground.
Read 25 tweets
Aug 1st 2018
1/ THREAD. What are possible #solutions to the threats #deepfakes and synthetic media could pose to evidence, truth and freedom of expression? Our survey from recent @witnessorg @firstdraftnews expert convening.
2/ Invest in MEDIA LITERACY + RESILIENCE/discernment for news consumers - how to spot both individual items of synthetic media (e.g. via visible anomalies such as mouth distortion often present in current deepfakes) as well as develop approaches to assessing image credibility
3/ Recent examples sharing commonsense guidance on this e.g. @CraigSilverman… and @samanthsunne…
Read 36 tweets

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