Standing with those harmed to hold companies to account for human rights abuses, environmental harm and corruption.
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Apr 27, 2022 • 9 tweets • 5 min read
Investors in @BarrickGold have a huge opportunity to press the multinational gold mining giant at next week’s AGM to face up to #HumanRights abuses by police at its North Mara gold mine in #Tanzania. Here are some problems we found in its latest #ESG Sustainability Report 🧐🧵
Barrick states it “cannot be accountable for the actions of a national police force”, yet it has an undisclosed agreement between the Tanzanian mine & police to pay, equip and accommodate police guarding the mine, integrating them within its security structure.
May 12, 2021 • 11 tweets • 12 min read
Eight years ago, Kofi Annan’s Africa Progress Panel revealed that #DRC had lost $1.3 billion in deals struck with #DanGertler. Since then that figure has only grown. It will reach $3.71 billion if nothing is done.
Want to know more about Gertler's deals? Read this #thread.
Businessman #DanGertler has been making opaque and questionable mining deals in #DRC for over 20 years, benefitting from a close relationship with #Congo's former president Joseph Kabila. See video from our friends @TheSentry_Org. #corruption
Un juge américain a condamné aujourd’hui une filiale du fonds spéculatif Och-Ziff pour #corruption en #RDC.
Les documents du procès en disent long sur les responsables, #DanGertler en tête, bien que non mis en examen.
Ce FIL révèle le contenu des documents du procès : (1/10)
La société canadienne Africo, propriétaire de la mine de #cuivre et de #cobalt de Kalukundi au #Congo a été victime de #corruption. (2/10)
Nov 4, 2020 • 10 tweets • 9 min read
A US judge today sentenced a subsidiary of New York hedge fund Och-Ziff for #corruption in #DRC.
Court documents reveal a lot about who was responsible. Though not charged, businessman #DanGertler features prominently.
This THREAD reveals what the court documents say: (1/10)
Canadian company Africo, the owners of the Kalukundi #copper and #cobalt mine in #Congo were the victims of #corruption. (2/10)