How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App @Ombudsperson_KZ, met with the @CommissionerHR,did not talk about the realities of the country. Today in court human rights activist Aidar #Syzdykov said that he was ready to go to #suicide.Because it's simply impossible to defend the violated rights in the system, @sturcalo Spero che condividerete con i vostri amici, elettori e colleghi le vostre impressioni sul regime corrotto in #Kazakistan e su come #Tokayev sostiene #Putin. E il difensore civico nasconde la verità sulla fucilazione di manifestanti pacifici e la #tortura nelle prigioni. @coe Las instituciones penitenciarias se convirtieron en cintas transportadoras de #tortura: se torturó y mató a heridos,menores y mujeres. Todavía no sabemos los nombres de los asesinados,los casos criminales no están cerrados, #Tokayev already fails to comply with the Resolutions @eu_eeas. For example, the number of arrested civil activists has increased. The relatives of Nurzhan #Sembayev are being pressured and not allowed to use an independent lawyer. @EamonGilmore @rozathun @MihraRittmann @hrw So there is even more pressure on ordinary protesters, because they have no lawyers & no support from civil society. For repression, torture, execution, blocking of the Internet, and support of #Putin's regime through the #CSTO & the #EAEU, @UN_Women @mbachelet @PressSec @hrw