ElisaDissents 🇺🇸🦅🌊💪 Profile picture
🗣 #RepublicansAreTheProblem #resist #DemVoice1 #BlueVoices Followed by @roarquette @glennkirschner2 She/her/hers Harris/Walz2024
3 subscribers
Nov 18, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Donald Trump and Republicans told you they would take away your right to choose.
You voted for them anyway.

They told you they would deport your parents and friends, even the legal citizens.
You voted for them anyway. /1

#DemVoice1 They told you they would reduce or even eliminate your Social Security and Medicare.
You voted for them anyway.

They told you they want to overturn the right to same sex marriage.
You voted for them anyway. /2
Jun 12, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Why you shouldn’t vote #Republican series 4/x

Rep Adam Schiff vs Steve Garvey, senatorial candidates, California.

Garvey impregnated 2 women at the same time while dating a third. This while #Republicans talk about morality./1


calmatters.org/california-vot… Garvey has federal and state tax liens totaling close to $4 million. That makes him ripe for bribes and blackmail. /2

#DemVoice1 #BlueVoices

Jun 11, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Why you shouldn’t vote #Republican series 3/x

Senator Jon Tester vs Tim Sheehy, senatorial candidates, Montana.

Tim Sheehy has staffers who liked racist and anti-Semitic social media messages. /1

#DemVoice1 #BlueVoices #ProudBlue #ProudBlueEditorials

axios.com/2024/05/08/mon… Sheehy's political ads have been viewed as hateful, racist, and anti-Semitic. /2

Sep 12, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Gather round, it’s story time. That is, until #Republicans ban it.

Once upon a time, *some* Republicans had self-respect and ethics. If a fellow Republican participated in inappropriate behavior, he/she was forced to resign. /1

#DemVoice1 #BlueVoices But then the evil Donald Trump arrived. And Republicans forgot all about self-respect and ethics for fear of making the evil Trump angry, and losing the votes of the evil Trump base. /2

#DemVoice1 #BlueVoices Image
Jun 1, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
In order to become a hair stylist in the US, the candidate must attend a training course, take written and practical exams, pay a license fee and renew that license every few years, and take continuing ed classes. /1 To buy a gun in many US states, all the purchaser needs is cash. Not every state requires a permit, though they do require a background check IF the gun is purchased from a dealer. Online sales and gun shows DO NOT require a background check. /2
May 16, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
Here's just a small list of who #Republicans are putting on the ballot across the country:

Eric Greitens, Senator. Ex-governor of Missouri. He resigned after sexual misconduct and campaign finance allegations. His ex-wife filed claims of emotional and physical abuse. /1 Charles W. Herbster, Governor of Nebraska. Trump endorsed, accused of sexual assault. He lost his primary. /2
Feb 16, 2022 12 tweets 5 min read
We all remember the big things Trump did to destroy democracy: refuse to release his taxes, lie to his accountant and banks, destroy documents, etc. Let's take a trip down memory lane and discuss a few of the disgraceful and disgusting elements of the 45 admin. 1/ ❌ Almost doubled the cost of naturalization from $640 to $1160 to keep "undesirables" from becoming citizens.
❌ Asked FBI Director James Comey to make the Mike Flynn case go away. 2/

Feb 15, 2022 5 tweets 5 min read
This graphic is a joke.
❌"control" is spelled w/ 1 n.
❌ Do #Democrats believe in Liberalism, Communism, or Socialism? Which is it?
❌ The horror of letting people vote!
❌ Increase taxes on the wealthy 1/

#VoteBlue2022 #DemVoice1 #BlueVoices Image ❌ Why is the military weak? Is it because anyone who wants to join can?
❌ Sure, #Republicans want babies to be born. Then they and their families are on their own.
❌ Tax breaks for the wealthy only.
❌ Gun rights over human rights every time for the #GOP. 2/

#VoteBlue2022 Image
Jan 20, 2022 29 tweets 33 min read
Alabama: your #Republican Senators, Richard C. Shelby and Tommy Tuberville, aren’t interested in your voting rights, as they voted NO to advance to a final vote on the voting rights bill.

#VoteBlue2022 #DemVoice1 #BlueVoices Alaska: your #Republican Senators, Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan, aren’t interested in your voting rights, as they voted NO to advance to a final vote on the voting rights bill.

#VoteBlue2022 #DemVoice1 #BlueVoices