tehMoonwalkeR Profile picture
I just share my personal opinions on $crypto & #bitcoin Not financial advice!
tehMoonwalkeR Profile picture Steven Aitchison 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Profile picture 2 subscribed
Jul 20, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
🧵If tesla really dumped 1b$ of crypto then its insanely bullish

Shows its completely irrelevant how much they dump who comes and who goes

#bitcoin & #cryptocurrency will exist long after the boomers have all perished and it will outlive us all

This is a humbling truth and 2 Shows that so many still don't understand $crypto

Stop comparing it to stocks or other outdated models of value

#ethereum & #bitcoin are comparable to the birth of the internet

Unstoppable machines that will lay the foundation for the technological future

So many still
May 12, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
1. The brutality of a flash crash is that gainz created over months/years can be wiped out in a day

Now is the time when your bags are worth nothing and you wanna sell them for pocket change just to get rid of their sight.

I did the same mistake in 2018 sold a bag for 50$ which 2. turned to 50k a year later.. I went back in my head over and over again, why sell for 50$? whats the point of 50$ anyway

this led me to the path of emotions and I learned to control them

Most will have a variety of negative destructive thoughts and emotions right now
Jan 8, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
1. 2017 was an amazing year, it was also the year of community coins, it was literally impossible to launch a project without a strong community

in between it got replaced by big money and VCs who often didn't really care about anything except profit

now is the first time since 2. then that is truly feels like 2017

while the masses are in bear market ptsd, the prices are down.

the true $crypto believers gather and create fast rising communities, the fundamentals in this case are more the movement then the protocol.

2017 we had a trend of high pos
Oct 21, 2021 5 tweets 5 min read
1. $RIDE will change the GAME !

@Audi is part of #Holoride origin, and a seed investor

@Porsche is also the partner for their very first location-based VR experience.

Schell Games is the largest full-service education and entertainment game development company

@holoride ImageImage 2. holoride gives you a fun and connected experience with every ride.
$RIDE takes everyday journeys and transforms them into hyper-immersive experiences by combining navigational real-time physical feedback of the vehicle and car data with XR.

Aug 27, 2021 13 tweets 6 min read
1. Why #Gamefi will be the biggest and most sustainable trend of all times in #defi

There where multiple trends already and compared to 2017 the hype cicles become faster and more violent, meaning instead of a 2 year bear market we jump from hype to hype.

Since technological 2. Progress is exponential the progress curve is getting faster and faster, everything is becoming faster. From books to movies to short clips to gifs

Speed is the theme of these times.

Now what is something humans always did? What do families and friends do when they get
Jun 28, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
1. Recently I haven't been enjoying $crypto any more, and that's not because we had a few dips

Something is fundamentally wrong, and I don't intend to be a part of it anymore

It seems we have been so focussed on us and our world that we have become disconnected with 2. The true reason for $crypto & #blockchain in the first place.

Satoshi didnt create $BTC to piss off another dev team, or to compete with someone INSIDE the $crypto space

He did it so he would liberate the people from the monopoly of fiat and banks

#decentralization per
May 16, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
1. Alot of individuals pm me about the recent FUD of some of my picks

While i usually dont want give negativity attention i want to address it more generally

First stop treating ct traders like gods, we have no supernatural powers and we fail like everyone else.

Many have 2. Clever tactics to appear more successful then they are and the gras is always greener on the other side

We all have our personal struggles and moments of weakness, and we do get lucky alot since we usually invest alot

But it also doesn't mean u should make them the target
May 13, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
1.Will we ever see a 2017 style #bullrun?


It will be far far bigger than anything we have ever seen before

Bare with me

2017 we had some retail and hardcore hodlers

Now we have retail waking up
We have institutions & funds
We have billionaires starting to dip their toes 2. Into $crypto there are always the innovative frontrunners, the regular and conservative ones will follow

We have a mass awareness to the worthlessness of fiat and the endless printing machines

We have a mass exodus into the digital world, data& users becoming the new oil
Mar 2, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Do you get how HUGE $coti actually is longterm?

a thread

⚒ ETH became huge by beeing a token event platform, aside from SC there is not much longterm benefit

💎$COTI will be the platform for ANYONE who wants a working fiat/visa mc payment solution

medium.com/cotinetwork/co… 2.
aside from this ANYONE onboarding $coti receives

💎 integrated Merchant tools to better manage revenue

💎 PayPal-like “payment requests

💎 entire process on Trustchain, merchant will have access for instant settlement, Defi products and capital loans

💎 instant settlements