Vera Mironova Profile picture
Author of “From Freedom Fighters to Jihadists. Human Resources of Non State Armed Groups”(OUP). Affiliations @Harvard @MiddleEastInst and @ForeignPolicy.
Jun 12, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Over the last 1,5 years I was extensively working on #ISIS folks (mostly from Central Asia) coming through southern border. Many come on fake Russian passports that they buy in #Turkey (with Tajik passports it is very hard to get to #Mexico). I have a copy of at least 7 such fake documents. 2) those documents are relatively cheap (7-10K) and if u are rich (or someone is funding u) you buy several sets of documents and change them during a transfer in another country so it is harder to trace you. For example I interviewed an JMwA who was arrested in #Colombia (his son made it to US but was deported)
Jan 5, 2024 6 tweets 4 min read
Since 2022 more then 40K #Russian citizens crossed into #US asking for asylum. There is a huge industry helping them do so.

As a Russian who allegedly needs to go to US illegally I got in contact with dozens of smugglers who offered me their services.

Tread 👇 Image 2) On telegram app there are dozens of #Russian language channels helping illegal border crossers. They offer: 1) buying u tickets to Mexico 2) renting flats (like this house in Tijuana next to the ocean) 3) smuggling you across the border and even 4) taking ur pet to US.
Jan 8, 2023 10 tweets 8 min read
AbdulHakim Shishani (#Chechen) - from fighting with Islamists in #Syria (on the picture he is with an Iranian fighter with very radical Jund Al Aqsa in Aleppo) to giving speeches in Ukraine. What is going on? (Spoiler: none actually knows). Thread 👇 1) AbdulHakim never fought with #ISIS, but he fought in operations with for example Jund Al Aqsa (very radical) &Al Nusra (terrorist group). And what he was doing for #ISIS is helping males escape to Idlib (I know several such folks &his own group members are not even hiding it).
Nov 17, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
Last several months I spent with SBU counter intelligence unit, including on the frontline catching and arresting collaborators and #Russian solders hiding in forests (after their unit left them). If work of Ukraine military is visible, work of those guys is not. Image Job they are doing is not only crucial but very physically& mentally hard. Everyone is burned out. They are working non stop 24/7 since the beginning of the war (a work meeting at 1 am is normal). They have to both work with info in office and go on operations with military. ImageImage
Jul 29, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
1. I spent last 5 days in #Donbass very frontline on forward operation. 4 days operation was successful &new position was taken (on our side several killed &several wounded). But it was absolutely terrifying not only from combat but from analytical point of view. 1/7 2.#Russia has so many weapon systems & #Ukraine 10% of that at best.For hours we were laying in fox holes not being able to stick heads up being shelled with absolutely Everything including white phosphorous!I was not sure we were going make it back alive &several guys did not 😭
Oct 6, 2020 5 tweets 4 min read
This story in #Alhol got really bad even by #Alhol #ISIS standards ! Orphans are not found and against-ISIS women went to a Kazakh friend of this pro ISIS Chechen women (apparently there still are Kazakhs left) and took her 3 y.o kid hostage till she tells them where orphans are! (2) Pro #ISIS women (among them many Europeans in hiding) went to against-ISIS women, beat them with metal bars (one briefly lost consciousness) and took their kid hostage. Later that day both hostage kids were freed but 4 orphans are still not found.
Jun 19, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
(1)Sexscandals and actual related to it serious problems are widespread in #Alhol. In addition to sexual relations foreign females have with local males working in the camp, interviewed #ISIS females often talk about increasing number of lesbian couples (often Europeans) (2) According to interviewed foreign #ISIS females in #alhol sexual relations between 14-16 year olds take place and some adults were found doing some kind of virginity reconstruction procidure in the camp. Also recently a boy was caught forcing younger boy to have sex with him.
Apr 10, 2020 34 tweets 11 min read
Major riot in a Russia prison (1200 people) in Irkutsk. Prison burned down, inmates are shot with machine guns (300 special forces inside) and those who are inside cut their veins.… Video of the burning prison camp