How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App will soon be the last remaining source of #COVID data, now that governments & health care public institutions are disgracefully abandoning their duties. & has a lower proportion of antibodies targeting the more protective variable regions of the spike... suggesting an antibody profile in individuals with fatal outcomes consistent with an original antigenic sin type-response.""...we found that ORF7a reduced cell surface MHC-I levels by approximately 5-FOLD. Nevertheless, in cells infected with #SARSCoV2, surface MHC-I levels were reduced even in the absence of ORF7a, suggesting additional mechanisms of MHC-I downregulation.""We hypothesise that the recently reported cases of severe acute hepatitis in children could be a consequence of adenovirus infection with intestinal trophism in children PREVIOUSLY INFECTED by #SARSCoV2 & carrying VIRAL RESERVOIRS... is @VirusesImmunity study, not some @fitterhappierAJ speculation., how many times have I written this to "experts" overselling T cells as a team of superheroes: price of used cars has already exploded in the previous year and a half. New cars are having supply chain problems since I started reporting it at the beginning of 2021?! This is old, ancient news."Worst case scenarios include high case numbers & circulation of a diversity of serotypes with limited protection across strains, possibly fuelled by reverse anthroponosis & recombination between human & animal coronaviruses..., win the war, then everything else. Not good enough to pretend you have won the war. That way, you have just spent your reserves, while the enemy grew stronger. Fantasy is not a long-term solution. to 100 infected in the last year's wave when the population was 100% unvaccinated with 2% CFR. got him worried. But, I don't know who could have predicted this. It was totally unexpected. #1: