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Last weekend, I found a copy of the book “Viral” in the library. Screenshots and references to this book are often included in some nasty replies to some of my threads on #COVIDOrigins.

So, what does this book say? 🧵1/23 Image
The version I read was updated in 2022 (probably early 2022; Omicron is mentioned along with preprints from February 2022, but published papers from Summer 2022 are not included). I’m not aware on exactly which parts were updated from earlier versions. 2/23
A premise of the book regards how well-adapted SARS2 was to humans from Dec 2019, and how this is suspicious of lab origins. Their argument is based on how many more mutations were seen in SARS1 (certainly zoonotic) than SARS2 early samples. 3/23
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1/3 Starke Zunahme der #Streptokokken-Infektionen bei Kindern auch in der #Schweiz. «In einigen Fällen kam es zu schweren Verläufen mit Bedarf an Intensivbehandlung, 4 Kinder sind bis jetzt leider verstorben.» Auch infolge #Antibiotika-Mangel … 🤷🏻‍♂️…
2/3 Empfehlungen von #Pädiatrie #Schweiz: Beobachten, keine #Antibiotika … 😬 Ausnahmen: «Bei Kindern mit anhaltend hohem Fieber, einer deutlichen Verschlechterung des Allgemeinzustands und/oder zusätzlichen Symptomen […] (vor allem, wenn gleichzeitig #Windpocken vorliegen).»
3/3 Gemeldete Fälle 2019 (ganzes Jahr, vor der Pandemie): 41

Oktober 2022 bis 2023 Februar (5 Monate, in der Pandemie): 162

Das ist beinahe Faktor 10! 🤯

#ProtectTheKids #COVID19 #SARS2
Read 3 tweets
Reinfection, immune evasion, and protection of residents in LTC

This thread looks at multiple studies that help reveal why #SARS2 can #reinfect hosts and evade #immune response, #vaccine waning, and what protects residents in Ontario #longtermcare and #retirement homes. 🧵1/ Infographic showing hundred...
An unrolled one-page web view for this long thread that may be easier to read or share can be found here ( ). 2/
The 1st study looks at the protection of residents in Nursing (LTC) and Retirement homes in Ontario (… ). Their results add to accumulating knowledge that recent vaccination is important to maintain protective immunity in older adults. H/T: @MsMacrophage 3/
Read 28 tweets
Pharmakologische Unterbrechung der Aktivität des mSWI/SNF-Komplexes beschränkt die #SARSCoV2-Infektion

Diese neue Studie zeigt die potenzielle prophylaktische und therapeutische Wirkung von mSWI/SNF-Inhibitoren für aktuelle und neu auftretende #Coronaviren.

#COVID19 #Covid_19
Der mSWI/SNF-Komplex ist eine Gruppe von Proteinen, die in unseren Zellen vorkommen und für die Regulation der Genexpression wichtig sind. Der Name "mSWI/SNF" steht für "mammalian Switch/Sucrose Non-Fermentable", was auf die ursprünglichen Entdeckungen des Komplexes in Hefe und
Drosophila (Fruchtfliege) zurückgeht.
Der mSWI/SNF-Komplex ist Teil eines größeren Netzwerks von Proteinen, das dafür sorgt, dass bestimmte Gene aktiviert oder deaktiviert werden können. Das ist wichtig, da jede Zelle im Körper dieselben Gene besitzt, aber nur bestimmte Gene in
Read 16 tweets
Why pretending #COVID19 is over is dangerous and that COVID is not exceptional is a lie.

COVID-19 is currently the 3rd leading cause of death in adults.
Guess what the 1st leading cause of death is?

Heart disease.

Guess what causes heart damage?

Read 10 tweets
Important news about XXB1.5 pointing out that infection is more via the ACE2 receptor than previous Omicron variants.
But … the mouth is not mentioned as an important site of infection….…
A thread … 1/
2/ Minor salivary glands over the surface of the tongue, inner surface of the lips, the fauces and soft palate are highly susceptible to infection and replication. Epithelial cells in these areas express the ACE2 receptor.…
3/ The mouth can be considered a viral factory with viral entry into saliva in high quantity - 100 million per ml (equivalent to half a billion viruses in a single 5 ml teaspoon).…
Read 22 tweets
WEEK 49 Corona
#oversterfte #LongCovid

CBS: 538† (+53% pw)
AB:   907† (+30% pw)
Pandemie: >95.500†  RIP

• Exponentiële groei, veel herinfecties.
• Dynamiek immuunontwijkende varianten
• Géén reactie Rutte/Kuipers
• Risico: hoog/zeer hoog

Fig @falsel_net

• NL heeft geen werkzame indamstrategie en geen adequate monitoring
• Niet bestand tegen opkomende risico's, o.a. grote uitbraken en gevaarlijke varianten
• Vaccinatiegraad sterk onder druk.

• Maatschappij-ontwrichtend effect van (Long)Covid
• Immuunschade gezondheid en zorg
• Mis-/disinformatie op zeer grote schaal.
Read 44 tweets
🧵Today marks 1 year since the WHO designated #Omicron a Variant of Concern. This most infectious and immune-resistant variant was seized upon to scrap all remaining mitigation measures and normalize the pandemic globally. #CovidIsntOver #BringBackMasks 1/…
Over the past year, billions of people have been infected globally. Officially, 1.4 million people have been killed by #Omicron, but excess death estimates place the real global death toll over the past year at 5.2 million, or 1/4 of all #COVID deaths. 2/…
Excess deaths are now elevated everywhere, a reflection of the horrific toll of #LongCovid and the reverberations of the mass infection policies implemented by nearly every capitalist government in response to Omicron. 3/
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#Shi & her 2022 #China Patent: BALB/c mouse adapted strain of #SARS related coronavirus WIV1-RsSHC014S and application thereof..
Inventors: Shi Zhengli, Lin Haofeng, Liu Meiqin, Jiang Rendi
Zhou Peng. #WIV1 #RsSHC014S Image
The invention relates to the technical field of coronavirus, in particular to a BALB/c mouse adapted strain of SARS-related coronavirus WIV1-RsSHC 014S. Image
The SARS-associated coronavirus #RsSHC014 can effectively replicate and propagate in a corresponding cell line and a transgenic mouse by using #hACE2 as a receptor, Image
Read 62 tweets
Since tragic stories of massive waves of illness among children is falling on deaf ears, perhaps inspiring successful stories of minimizing #sars2 infections may gain traction.

I’ll start. Since August 22’, there have been no #sars2 outbreaks at my children’s school 🧵
To the best of our knowledge, none of us have gotten infected with #sars2. All 3 children attend a school that has radically overhauled its ventilation system - more outside air, filtration and UV lights where needed. The result is a school with children and teachers thriving. 2/
We moved half-way across the world from the Netherlands to the United States to escape the @rivm @MinVWS and @MinPres deliberate mass infection with #sars2 utilizing schools as the primary vehicle of spread. We refused to be part of the on-going Dutch tomfoolery. 3/
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First phase III #Covid19 #intranasal #vaccine data released.


@BharatBiotech s intranasal #iNCOVACC has a 45% higher antibody titer than their intramuscular #Covaxin.

And it shows a satisfactory immune response against Omicron BA.5.

Source: @BharatBiotech just published the pack insert for the intranasal vaccine:… (p. 7)

This is from their updated their website for #iNCOVACC:…

H/T to @Pdr_US for alerting me to that change and the new documents!

That @BharatBiotech published a vaccine pack insert and a summary of product characteristics (SMPC) shows to me that they are very far along in the release process.

The primary course vaccine has been authorized in India, we are still waiting on authorization of booster use.
Read 12 tweets
A thread to explain the reasons why it is important to care for the mouth if you have #COVID.

If you don't have time to read is all, here is the mouth care guidance (patient information sheet) we are providing our patients @SalisburyNHS ...…Image
... and this is a presentation giving more detail.

Highlights in thread below.

Here goes ...

The lung disease of COVID-19 is not a conventional respiratory 'pneumonia'. It is a 'pulmonary vasculopathy' - a disease of the lung blood vessels.

Read 17 tweets
Unpopular opinion: scented dryer sheets should be banned.
I don't know who needs to hear this, but #SARS2 makes many of us even more sensitive to chemical fragrances and other toxic substances like these.
Read 19 tweets
📍VARIANTS OUTLOOK—I’m old enough to recall a few smug virologists who were adamant that “#SARS2 don’t mutate much”/ “re-infections impossible”—then tried to silence & shame anyone warning about reinfections. ➡️Well, here is our #COVID19 winter roadmap—many are immunity evading👀
2) Here is what you need to focus on —it’s scary how now there is **CONVERGENT EVOLUTION** of very specific combinations of mutations that are showing up together across many different Omicron family trees. They all are converging to IMMUNITY EVASION.
3) I’m also old enough to have seen the #COVID denialism and minimizers become wrong TIME AND TIME again… each time dismissing restrictions and then each time claiming “nobody could have foreseen this” sudden hospitalization surge! UK 🇬🇧 hospitals for example… HT @TRyanGregory
Read 11 tweets
Insurance companies, esp. life insurance, seem to be the only institutions left that still give a damn about #COVID. Why? Because they can NOT afford not to. Everyone else can just pretend the pandemic is over & #SARS2 is a mild cold, but insurers can NOT! They know it's real.
Insurers will soon be the last remaining source of #COVID data, now that governments & health care public institutions are disgracefully abandoning their duties.
For the pandemic's ongoing toll, look at the latest Group Life #COVID19 Mortality Report.…
Here's the direct link for the August 2022 edition.…
And the impressive list of companies contributing data for this report. I don't think anyone can accuse these companies for faking #COVID deaths & the pandemic's excess deaths in general.
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As a result of the emergence and circulation of antigenically distinct #SARS2 variants, a number of variant-modified #COVID19 vaccines have been developed. 1/
The researchers performed a meta-analysis of the available data on neutralisation titres from clinical studies comparing booster vaccination with either the current ancestral-based vaccines or variant-modified vaccines. 2/ Image
They then use this to predict the relative efficacies of these booster vaccines under different scenarios.

Here are the key findings of this modelling study:

1-A large proportion of the benefit comes from receiving any booster at all (including an ancestral-based booster) 3/
Read 6 tweets
#SARS2 can readily alter its Spike protein via a single Amino acid substitution so that it is not recognized by CD8 T cells targeting the most prevalent epitope in Spike restricted by the most common HLA-I across the population. 1/
The Spike #P272L mutation that has arisen in at least 112 different #SARS2 lineages to date, including in lineages classified as “VOC”, was not recognized by the large CD8 T cell 2/
The CD8 T cells response seen across cohorts of HLA A∗02+ convalescent patients & individuals vaccinated against SARS2, despite these responses comprising of over 175 different individual T cell receptors. 3/
Read 8 tweets
Are we really unable as a community to process these concepts? 🧵

- covid infection should be avoided by everyone, whenever possible
- herd immunity only works with effective vaccination, never by infection
- vaccines can rarely cause damage & affected people must receive help
- saying vaccines can rarely cause damage & we must look after those people does not mean we are antivaxx or that the vaccines are not the BEST tool we have to prevent severe acute covid
- #covid is airborne so clean air is essential
- masks are easy, useful & suitable for all
- the sick, disabled & elderly do not deserve to die ONE DAY earlier than they want to just so that the rest of us can avoid minor inconveniences to protect them
- the gap between healthcare outcomes for rich whites & everyone else will grow the more we ignore covid transmission
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Herr Prof. @Karl_Lauterbach , Sie sind doch auch erschrocken über die Häufigkeit der #Reinfektionen mit der Variante #Omikron des #coronavirus #SARS2 , oder?! Besonders mit dem Wissen um Organ- & Gefäßschäden. Wenn schon 1 Infektion Gehirnschäden verursacht, was machen dann 2, 3
oder 4+ Infektionen mit den Gehirnen? Werden bleibende Schäden entstehen? Höchstwahrscheinlich!

Was passiert mit Gehirnen die noch in der Entwicklungs- & Reifephase sind (Kinder & Jugendliche)?

Ich möchte das weder für meine Kinder noch für andere Kinder & Jugendliche!
Bitte Herr Prof. @Karl_Lauterbach

Wenden Sie Schaden vom Volk ab.

Die Generation der Kinder & Jugendlichen wird sonst die der chronisch Kranken sein, der nicht belastbaren, die Generation mit soviel Defiziten, weil die Auffassungsgabe (Konzentration, Lernen, usw) gestört ist!
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Little is known about the protection following prior infection with different #SARS2 variants, #COVID19 vaccination, and a combination of the two (hybrid immunity) in #adolescents. 1/
A new study from #England estimated protection following previous infection and vaccination against symptomatic PCR-confirmed delta & omicron (BA.1 or BA.2) variants in 11-17-year-olds using a test-negative case-control design. 2/
In unvaccinated adolescents, prior infection with WT, Alpha or Delta provided greater protection against subsequent Delta infection than subsequent Omicron; prior omicron infection provided the highest protection against omicron reinfection 3/ Image
Read 7 tweets
July 2021 #mdpi
#covid19 Key Emphasis on #Melatonin Safety and Therapeutic Efficacy

"it likely that multi-tasking melatonin will provide multi-protection, maintaining its efficacy against the virus variants that are already emerging and will emerge"…
"Melatonin is a systemic dealer that".."brings into play its cooperative triad, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immune-stimulant backbone, to stop the infective cycle of SARS-CoV-2 or any other endogenous or exogenous threat.
"In COVID-19, the corporal propagation of
SARS-CoV-2 involves an exacerbated oxidative activity and therefore the overproduction of great amounts of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS)."
Read 23 tweets
It is totally absurd to run *after* the future, predicted or expected mutation to base your vaccines.

You can't make new vaccine just based on general knowledge that next VOC will likely contain an escape mutation to some unknown amino acid at the few possible sites. 1/
Experts like @jbloom_lab can predict (& they have predicted correctly in the past) what sites are likely to play key roles in future antigenic evolution, but to make a vaccine, you need to predict an exact future sequence. 2/
And we may *never* be able to predict the complete genetic makeup of a future variant. It's not just technical limitations that hamper evolutionary prediction. We don't really know how predictable #SARS2 evolution is even in principle. 3/
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“Whose breath are you breathing?”

H/T @KiwiFarah


“How much of the air you're breathing is air someone else exhaled? And in the midst of a pandemic caused by an airborne virus, where are the riskiest places to be? In the first in a series of five stories Farah Hancock reports on hot spots of hazardous air.”
“Shuffling my way onto the bus I had no idea it might be the most dangerous thing I would do all day…
From a level of 516 parts per million at the bus stop, it took only 20 minutes for CO2 inside the bus to peak at a whopping 5737ppm.”
Read 27 tweets

#Wave7 of BA5 is here

#Wave8 of BA2.75 on its heels

Re/infection prevention of #SARS2 is your job on a population level

Please act #FASSST
Here’s what #SARS2 can do to our children now

H/T @itosettiMD_MBA

Re/infection prevention of #SARS2 is your job on a population level

Please act #FASSST
I don’t want #LongCovid for myself or my child,

which can happen no matter how mildly initially infected,

for which there is no treatment or cure

Re/infection prevention of #SARS2 is your job on a pop level

#LongCovid PHO=51-80%…

Please act #FASSST
Read 22 tweets

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