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Jun 19th 2021
#Spike protein’ is the major target of #NAbs in infected/vaccinated people. The prefusion conformation of the Spike represents the most relevant target because Abs can successfully interfere w/ infection only if they prevent binding to target cells or prevent fusion itself 1/
Various approaches are adopted to express ‘#Spike’ protein in vivo, such as nucleic acid structures & virus vectors. Alternatively, other vaccine platforms like recombinant protein particles & inactivated vaccines can directly deliver this protein 2/
Most structural studies of the wild-type spike protein exhibited one #RBD in the 'open' conformation. By contrast, 2 or 3 RBDs were observed in the open conformation in the more infective #D614G mutant--the RBD #conformation plays a vital role in the infectivity of SARSCoV2 3/
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